Stacking 2 1.4x teleconverters

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I've been asked to shoot a football game at the end of the month. The longest lens I have is the 70-200 2.8 ii, I was looking into teleconverters and was interested in a 2x converter, I read about people stacking multiple 2x converters but no one ever stacking 1.4x converters, if my maths is correct stacking 2 1.4x would be 2.8x magnification and only 2 stops of light loss, compared to a single 2x which would give 2x mag and also 2 stops loss

Image quality might suffer more but it seems you'd be getting more magnification with the same light loss
I've been asked to shoot a football game at the end of the month. The longest lens I have is the 70-200 2.8 ii, I was looking into teleconverters and was interested in a 2x converter, I read about people stacking multiple 2x converters but no one ever stacking 1.4x converters, if my maths is correct stacking 2 1.4x would be 2.8x magnification and only 2 stops of light loss, compared to a single 2x which would give 2x mag and also 2 stops loss

Image quality might suffer more but it seems you'd be getting more magnification with the same light loss
Why do you think you would need anything longer than a 70-200mm with just one TC, all the pros use just a 70-200mm with no TC as their second body set up and catch all the goal mouth action with it.
Nope, 1.4 x 1.4 = 2x. It's muliplied, not added.

I've stacked a Canon 1.4 with a Sigma 1.4 with acceptable results on a 300 f2.8. Not quite as good as a Canon 2x on its own, but not too far off.
Agree with Gary pick your spot set up and wait on the action to come to you. I have covered football and rugby with a 70- 200 and no convertor.
Thank you. I think I'll be ok with just a bare lens and maybe a 1.4x, I was just nervous that the players might be tiny pin pricks in the frame

Hollis thanks for clarifying the maths
I only shoot 70-200mm f/2.8 and I've had no complaints... See my Flickr pics to give you an idea if it helps.
Amazing work- I hope I can deliver something even half as good

Is that on full frame or crop though, I'm using a 5d3 but will try and borrow a 7d

Regarding lens rentals, I often read that most people don't own big glass, they just rent it when they need it, but unless you're getting paid a fortune (and in sports do people get paid well?) the rental fee seems very high, like more than I'm being paid to do the shoot, and I don't really see people being paid enough to cover rental costs and a decent wage

I only shoot 70-200mm f/2.8 and I've had no complaints... See my Flickr pics to give you an idea if it helps.
I'm on crop, 600d and now 7d MKii... There will be others along I'm sure about full frame and what they use I'm sure.