Critique Stag photos

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Any thoughts on this? What have I done right? What have I done wrong? I have posted the edited one first followed by the original.

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What have you shot it with and what settings? It doesn't look sharp at all to me and you've gone overboard trying to save it in post processing.
Sorry to say but the shot is completely out of focus. The body position looks odd too, obviously nothing you could do about that, but it just adds to the overall poor quality of the shot.

Did you take any others, maybe you had a better effort. I personally dont dislike the processing although it is overdone it does make the stag pop a little but unfortunately it just makes the OOF look worse
I've got others than I can post, most of the others he's stood with horses and they're in the shot :(

I thing this shot was taken as ISO 400, Shutter speed 1/350 and the aperture i'm not too sure.

I'll upload a different one if they're any better but I doubt it!
what camera and lens. looks like its a case of to slow a shutter speed for the focal length resulting in that OOF look caused by the tiniest of movement when shutter speed is lower than focal length
Sometimes I just open a picture in my photoshop elements and select Enhance | Adjust Lighting | Highlights/Shadows to find a big improvement in my eyes. Doing that to yours, then boosting the red and yellow helps a bit, with a little sharpening brush around the face.

what camera and lens.

Nikon D3200 with a Nikkor AF-S VR 70-300mm lens

That photo looks much better new2me, you've made it look a lot better than my efforts. I really need to start using elements instead of photoscape, although I can't always blame the programs I think the original photo itself wasn't the best
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i had very similar results yesterday shooting with my canon 100-300 where nothing seemed to be in focus and i actually gave up with it. hard to say what the real issue is and can only suggest doing some test shots on a static subject to see where things may be going slightly wrong ( both handheld and tripod mounted ). try it at different f stops and speeds until you find the setup that gives the sharpest image.
thats essentially what i'll be doing with my 100-300 to see if i can coax some better shots out of it before it gets relegated to the back of the cupboard in disgust lol
I think part of my problem was the fact i was stretching to try and get the photo over the top of a hedge, I stayed for a while but he didn't want to move but I wanted something to work with. Maybe thats made it lose focus i'm not sure
doesnt take much of a wobble at 300mm for an image to be buggered.. slightest movement even a mm and thats multiplied 100's of times in the end shot..doesnt help matters since my surgeries last year i suffer from a dodgy dead leg which makes standing still a nightmare so always have to find something solid to prop up on when tripod isnt possible, frustrating to say the least!
Yeah I can see that being frustrating! I'm still a beginner but think I'm getting better with the tips people give, still a long way off some of the brilliant photos people post on this site though
I really need to practice photoshop lol
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I think the biggest problem here is the deer has no spark in it. A wild deer is usually fully alert with ears and eyes going all the time but this fella has none of that or perhaps it's just that the photo shows none?
I think the biggest problem here is the deer has no spark in it. A wild deer is usually fully alert with ears and eyes going all the time but this fella has none of that or perhaps it's just that the photo shows none?

He lives in a field with horses and often comes out of the trees and wonders about with them, I think he is used to people too as theres always plenty of people around. Although saying that I have seen someone else photos of him on this site and his were awesome. I'll be back there Friday to take on board what people said and try to take better shots of him
if you have a tripod might i suggest take that along ( dont forget to turn off VR when using tripod ). find yourself a good spot and with luck you should nail a good one.