
Nice image Simon. I remember Staithes very well since a kid. My parents used to rent one of the cottages further up the hill on the left side and we'd go fossil hunting along the rocks. Great place, This view hasn't changed in 50 years to my knowledge, still as beautiful now as it was in the 60s.
just lovely :clap:
Nice image Simon, never been there or nearby Whitby, but they are on my list to do.

Looks like there is a halo around the cliff edges which need toning down.
loverly - take out the cars and that image could be 100 years ago

ps------- try it + sepia - could be fun...:)
A lovely image. Myself and three fellow enthusiasts are spending a long weekend here at the end of October, really looking forward to it.
Close to home for me and this is one of the best I've seen for both colour and clarity. Smashing image.
Nice image Simon. I remember Staithes very well since a kid. My parents used to rent one of the cottages further up the hill on the left side and we'd go fossil hunting along the rocks. Great place, This view hasn't changed in 50 years to my knowledge, still as beautiful now as it was in the 60s.

just lovely :clap:

That isa great spot for a picture. You must have been there early!

A lovely image. Myself and three fellow enthusiasts are spending a long weekend here at the end of October, really looking forward to it.

Close to home for me and this is one of the best I've seen for both colour and clarity. Smashing image.

Such a nice capture ✌

Thanks guys - glad you like it :)

Nice image Simon, never been there or nearby Whitby, but they are on my list to do.

Looks like there is a halo around the cliff edges which need toning down.

Thanks :). The halo is courtesy of Flickr I think, as it isn't visible to any great extent on the full sized image.


Very nice, great time of day to be taking photos. I hope to visit here one day.
Time stands still type of image yep like it Simon foreground takes care of its self then intern less the eye out to distance horizon.
Love that. Very envious. Whats not to like, all that warm tungsten glow paired with the cool blue tones of the sky. A feast for the eyes !

Nice photo Simon, I've walked up there a few times to take a few shots and it makes the old knees ache I can tell you, that's one steep hill.
"Cracking" shot Simon, really nothing more to be said.(y)

I like this a lot, the mix of ambient and street/house lighting just at the right point while there is still colour/light in the sky. Agree with the above comment regarding the car on the left hand side.

Its a really great viewpoint and well worth the climb/walk up to get there isn't it!