Star Trails - North/South Divide

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Here's another of my images taken last night looking south towards Orion, Jupiter & Sirius.

This is my first attempt at Star Trails and image contains a set of stacked 65 x 30 seconds exposures, giving a total exposure time of 32.5 minutes.

I would have like to use more shots for longer trails but my battery ran out, doh ! :arghh:

All C&C appreciated...

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The star trails themselves look good. To really move to the next level I think you need to think about the foreground and find something interesting, such as a tree or monument for example.
Agree with above - looks like you have the basics right but I would be tempted to get further away from light pollution and also to up the iso a bit to capture the fainter stars.
Exposure time will not help to get the fainter ones as they are moving - the only way to get them is to open up the aperture or use a higher iso to get as much light hitting the sensor as possible from the stars (but in light areas you will burn out the image).
Matt (MWHCVT) on here has some good tutorials for more advice.
Good start - keep going:)

EDIT - hers the link to Matts tutorial -
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Appreciate the comments & advice, thanks...

For me this shot was just a back garden experiment and all about proof of concept hence the crappy foreground lol... Shooting more interesting foreground's is definitely on my to do list.

Considering my proxity to Birmingham, I was impressed with how many of the fainter stars that I actually managed to pick out.