Starting to get the hang of it.

simon ess

Just call me Roxanne.
Edit My Images
This year I set myself the goal of improving my macro shots and I think I'm starting to get some decent results. I'd appreciate your views. Thanks :)



Some nice images Simon, good work. I really like the detail particularly in the eye, of the second picture. I'd agree that you're starting to get the hang of it! :)

Thanks Jeff - much appreciated. It's taken a lot of thinking, experimenting and practice, but I'm chuffed to bits that it seems to have been worth it. Off out now for more practice.
Really good shots with lots of detail
i'd say you have cracked it (y)

Definitely getting there. Great detail in them.

To improve could try this next time out.

1) Eye focus is slightly off in first shot.
2) In the second - without knowing what you used to shoot, could do with more space around the fly, you're chopping just the end of the hairs off. Otherwise a harsher crop may be better to make it look less like just missing the frame.
3) More diffusion in the last to reduce the hotspot in the eye.
Wow! Thanks very much folks - very encouraging. Particular thanks to ChrisA for the very welcome constructive criticism. All points taken on board, but I could do with some advice on how to get more diffusion.

Here's my current set up.


Nikon D90 with Sigma 150 f2.8 macro on a full set of Kenko tubes. I put the tripod mount on upside down and taped a polystyrene block to it with the SB600 flash lashed to that and fired remotely. The diffuser is a Lumiquest softbox.

Thanks again one and all:clap:
Wow! Thanks very much folks - very encouraging. Particular thanks to ChrisA for the very welcome constructive criticism. All points taken on board, but I could do with some advice on how to get more diffusion.

Here's my current set up.


Nikon D90 with Sigma 150 f2.8 macro on a full set of Kenko tubes. I put the tripod mount on upside down and taped a polystyrene block to it with the SB600 flash lashed to that and fired remotely. The diffuser is a Lumiquest softbox.

Thanks again one and all:clap:

Blooming Nora - no wonder I cant get the quality present us with LOL.

It may be time to give up!

Superb shots - Although you must attract attention walking around with that around you neck (y)
Blooming Nora - no wonder I cant get the quality present us with LOL.

It may be time to give up!

Superb shots - Although you must attract attention walking around with that around you neck (y)

I thought it was positively minimalist compared to the stuff on the show us your macro rig thread ;)

Actually, it's not too bad tucked down by my side. And who cares anyway?
I thought it was positively minimalist compared to the stuff on the show us your macro rig thread ;)

Actually, it's not too bad tucked down by my side. And who cares anyway?

HAHA yeah you could be right. I mean if I was producing shots like these, I would carry your set up naked.

Well maybe not :bonk:

HAHA yeah you could be right. I mean if I was producing shots like these, I would carry your set up naked.

Well maybe not :bonk:

Thank Goodness I dont live near you :eek::eek:

Nice shots and an equally nice Macro rig

Les (y)
Second shot is a stunner.

I had a go at macro with a Tokina 100mm f2.8, but I ended up selling it on as I couldn't get my head around macro.

Just makes me a little jealous of you results.