Step out of your comfort zone - a 12 for 2012 Challenge

I've now updated the first post with the links to each person's thread

I'm due to go out on a wander on Tuesday with a friend so will endeavour to get my pictures then
Well, it doesn't have to be a speciality, I'd say you were quite comfortable at shooting architecture looking at your flickr

Rrains2011 has already been given their theme for the month so you will just need to pm them on the 1st February with February's theme

You should get a pm soon with your January theme though
What is Rrains' theme?
Are we doing the round robin? Or are we sticking with the same partners for Feb? (time to be giving themes out...)
Yes, stick with the same partners. And yes, themes need to be sent out in the next coyple of days. But as we started so late in January, there is a few days grace with January's theme. Which is good as I'm off for another attempt at my street photography on Saturday. :LOL:
yep[ , another one taking it down to the wire here - i'll be using my fewdays grace and trying to find some dereliction in very rural east devon :LOL: (mind you i've got a two part theme which covers february as well - next month is new builds)
can't have enough work to do then :p - I've barely touched my camera this month
can't have enough work to do then :p - I've barely touched my camera this month

:LOL: Have to admit, it was going to be a struggle and I did want to try and get it done actually in January, but the weekends were all tied up, so it was either plan a weekday [glad I didn't have to, Aston Hill was quiet enough on a Saturday] or run into early Feb when I had a weekend day to play with. Luckily a saturday appointment was moved into the week, so as soon as I got that call, Aston was slotted in and weyhey, 4 hours on freezing cold hillside with the cycling equivalent of masochism! :D

I don't know how everyone else is doing it, but my plan is to try and treat each subject pretty closely to how I would deal with a genuine client enquiry. So find out any information I need to know about the subject, check out via google other pictures of the subject for inspiration and maybe even how not to do it, then slot a day [or days, I guess that might be the case with some subjects] into the diary to actually carry out the shoot. Edit and blog them afterwards [usually in the evenings for this] and post here. :)

So, now wondering what Victoria is going to present me with this month and trying to make a final decision on hers ;)
Hey sorry I am late but I have just seen this and would love to join in if still possible.

The areas that I love doing are sunsets and sunrises, also landscapes and some candid / street photography.

Can I join pwetty pwease lol

My partner seems to have vanished?? I can't send him messages anymore?

Need someone to set me a Feb topic... (would be happy to link up with LadySaslic83 if Rrains2011 isn't here anymore)
he appears to be suspended - i'd guess its to do with the saga of the disapearing monopod (if you check his recent posts you'll see what i mean)
Incidentally so folk dont think i've disapeared from 12/12 I was so busty in january that i didnt have time so i'll be shooting the two part theme i was given for jan/feb in just february
My partner has not responded to a request for a theme for February. I have given her theme to her.

It would be nice to get my theme ASAP.
ahh crap - I hate wireless keyboards , that was supposed to say "So busy" :bonk:
Really sorry that I've neglected this thread in the last week, I have been snowed under with month end reporting, projects starting and all day workshops = one very knackered Kelly by the evening so I haven't been logging on

I will work out new pairings with the loss of Rrains and get back to you asap
Really sorry that I've neglected this thread in the last week, I have been snowed under with month end reporting, projects starting and all day workshops = one very knackered Kelly by the evening so I haven't been logging on

I will work out new pairings with the loss of Rrains and get back to you asap

It looks like my partner is busy aswell. She's not logged on for 3 weeks or so, and no response to PMs. Any chance of a re-pairing?
Here are the current pairings:

Kelack and ^Joe
Yv and Soups
Andybod and BigSoftMoose
Commjo and Wallyboy
dhracer and LadySaslic83

If you haven't received your February theme, please let me know

Also, I notice that some of you haven't created a thread yet in Photos and Sharing, can you :D thanks :D
Here are the current pairings:

Kelack and ^Joe
Yv and Soups
Andybod and BigSoftMoose
Commjo and Wallyboy
dhracer and LadySaslic83

If you haven't received your February theme, please let me know

Also, I notice that some of you haven't created a thread yet in Photos and Sharing, can you :D thanks :D

that'll be me then

toddles off to do it
:LOL: I've created one but not put anything in :LOL:
am i too late to loin in.don't have any special subjects just like taking pics and want to get to grips with my new canon550
Not too late, I can send you a theme for now, and f someone else wants to jump in, they can partner you
Hi Kelly - can i suggest you pair michael with andybod as i think i'm going to have to pull out

it was a great idea but i don't have time to do it justice - I hardly touched my camera in january and its more than halfway through february and I havent shot jans theme yet, and if I'm getting so little time for the hobby that i'd rather be free to shoot the things i like shooting than to use it on challenges.
Ok, I'm happy with that, sorry you've had to drop out Pete

I only shot January's yesterday
Cool. I've done January's and February's now. Just need to upload them

I will say something about some of the themes that I've noticed coming up. They're not quite in keeping with the challenge. The themes need to be the ones in the first post rather than things like embrace and new.
what was that yv we didnt quite hear you :LOL:

Right, nearly March.

I'm soooooo bad at posting mine!

I will do it, promise

Don't forget, March (and all subsequent months) needs to be a subject from the list in the first post, not a theme
I'm going to have to drop out :(

Planning a wedding, training for ironman & work are killing my free time atm :shrug:
Sorry to hear you have to drop out but you have lots of exciting things planned so I'll let you off ;)

I'll send a theme to LadySaslic if you haven't already
How is everyone getting on with this?
kelack said:

I only managed my January challenge. I've got happy, nude and motorsports to do - to catch up - I'm thinking of a single shot where I could combine them :)

But seriously, this is a great idea, and we just need to spur each other on to keep the momentum going.
Well me and ^Joe are still going with this, albeit both of us are behind on our July ones :confused:

How has everyone else done?
So, on the home straight now with the finish line in sight

I feel a bit lonely though :LOL:

I am leaving everything to the last month now to post it all and hopefully will make it quite interesting......

Here's what I have done so far (thanks to ^Joe for my monthly themes)

  • January - Landscapes - Coldrum Stones a bit of hdr
  • February - Nude & Glamour - Pole Dance shoot
  • March - Working Environment - Farrier at work showing horses
  • April - Transport - microlight flight
  • May - Children's portrait - Christening
  • June - Macro - didn't do anything but revisited portraits although did try some macro with my compact (if it can be called macro)
  • July/August - Creative - Timelapse of rugby club field & clouds
  • September - Long Exposure - star trails over rugby club, bit pap, want to reshoot :D. Also did got some wedding pictures (as a guest) which I hate :LOL:
  • October - Disposable Camera Challenge
  • November - Abstract (and also revisited Nude & Glamour)
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[*]February - Nude & Glamour - Pole Dance shoot

I'm going to tell that joe i want my envelope of cash back, i clearly specified that category was suposed to be a self protra....

ahh :cautious:

erm :whistle:
