Sterling Archer's Photo 52 - Part 1 (1-26)

I really love this pic. So simple but it works.

This is a really fun thing to do with kids. I did light painting with my 15 year olds recently and they loved it, and not much impresses a teenager!
Hi Mark,

Just came across your your photo for Chaos! Mrs Archer did a good job drawing the butterflies! Great capture.

Will :D.
Hi Mark

Brilliant shot for Chaos theory , the colors give great impact in a simple shot ( not simply to shoot , I mean simple as in no other distractions ) ,great capture (y)
I simply can't get enough of these sunsets...really nice colours!

Perhaps walked a bit further right and closer to the posts as there looks to be some nice reflections.

Hiya Mark,

Yep, I agree with Andy .... one can never get enough of beautiful sunsets. Also agree with what he said about a bit more to the right to get the reflection of the poles there.

Otherwise a great shot for finish.


Dawn :)
Hi Mark,

As above, a great shot and fits with the theme really well. Really like the reflection off the top of the wave just above the middle of the picture (y)

Good work :)

Will :D.
Hiya Mark,

Well done, that is a great action trio.

I'm not too clued up on sport photography, so apologies that I can't offer any more critique. But to me it look great.


Dawn :)
Week 11 - Knowledge

This is Mossley Hollins High School's new building, taken from the other side of Mossley. It's also one of my first attempts at Tilt Shift photography, which is an area of photography I'm trying to build some knowledge on.

As I mentioned, it's one of my first attempts, so I'll probably reshoot this later in the 52 (when a reshoot card is drawn) once my tilt shift skills have improved.

Mossley Hollins High School - Tilt Shift by MVS Photography, on Flickr

Now... which of my previous weeks am I going to reshoot? :thinking:
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Strong light on your subject emphasising the building structure. I know ' much about tilt shift so this comment may be laughable...the image makes the building look like a model :eek:

You have no idea how reassuring that comment is. That's the effect I was looking for with tilt shift, but when you see the original and then apply the tilt shift effects it's not as easy to see compared with just seeing the end product. I spent half of last night saying 'I'm not sure, does that work?' every few minutes to Mrs Archer. :LOL:
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Hiya Mark,

That is very clever indeed, makes it look like a miniature. Not a process or technique I am familiar with, or one I would take much interest in at this point, but perhaps in the future would be prepared to explore. May have to call on your expertise at that point ;)

Well done.

Dawn :)
Hi Mark

Have to agree the image looks like a model to me too!

Love your trio shot too.

Great work!

Great action shot for trio and really interesting 'tilt and shift' shot something I know nothing about - showing my lack of 'knowledge' :LOL:
I have finally found the time to get my reshoot and this week's theme done...

Delicate reshoot

At £40 for a bunch of feathers I was feeling delicate after Mrs Archer bought it, but she treats it like it's made from the most delicate substance known to man.

Photo 52 - Week 11 Reshoot of Delicate by MVS Photography, on Flickr


My kids love baking, and the other week we made a shoecake each (in an homage to Vic and Bob). Needless to say, this weekend we will be eating cake in moderation...

Photo 52 - Week 12 - Moderation by MVS Photography, on Flickr
Hi Mark

The color in those feathers is stunning (y) seems to quite popular for this theme :LOL: Love the colors & positioning ,just 2 little bugs...the pair of spot light type reflections draw me eye & possibly the icing sugar on the cake is a touch bright ? But what do I know :LOL:

Absolutely love your Moderation tilt shift shot :clap:
The color in those feathers is stunning (y)

Thanks. Very minimal alterations made to the contrast and curves as well. It's a really bright fascinator - What a name! :LOL: seems to quite popular for this theme :LOL: Love the colors & positioning ,just 2 little bugs...the pair of spot light type reflections draw me eye & possibly the icing sugar on the cake is a touch bright ? But what do I know :LOL:

Ah, that's a wicker screen thing with little lights on that my mrs has. I used it the other night while fiddling around trying to get some bokeh and thought it would make a good background for this one. I see what you mean about the lights though. Up that close the lights add no effect. Cheers for the pointer.

Agree about the icing sugar too, but moderation with cakes could never be more than just the photography theme, and this lot are long gone. :LOL:
Hi, Mark, that looks like a tasty bun there.

Just one to add, I feel the crop, top and bottom are a bit tight and the handle is a bit oof.

Minor points but worth mentioning.

Hiya Mark,

Wow £40 for feathers, I can well imagine how that would make you feel delicate :LOL: However I have to agree with Lynne, the colour is stunning and I think you have captured them well.

Agree with the comments already made about the Moderation shot, especially about the crop and the two light spots.

Otherwise I like the composition of both.


Dawn :)
Well it's been a nightmare month with (in no particular order) house move, Starsky and Hutch style car chase (us chasing him while on the phone to the Police), bad back, broadband not being moved to the new place yet, kids' ballet, a wedding (not ours), and being really busy in my day job, and I've fallen behind somewhat in my Photo 52.

However, not one to give up, I'll be catching up over the next week or so in time for the broadband finally getting moved.

So, in my first catch up session, I give you 'Week 13 - Empty' and 'Week 14 - Object...ion'

Week 13 - Empty

This is the Horse and Jockey pub near me on the A62 in Saddleworth. Although we didn't live in the area when it was open, we've always imagined this to be a thriving pub in the summer months. With the weather like it has been the past couple of weekends it would surely have been rammed with bikers, families, ramblers, and locals, but here it stands... empty.

Photo 52 - Week 13 - Empty by MVS Photography, on Flickr

Week 14 - Object(ion)

This is a Toastmaster's hammer (Anyone know the correct name? :shrug: ), taken at a wedding last weekend. I was wondering if it would be used to overrule any objections at the 'speak now or forever hold your peace' part.

Photo 52 - Week 14 - Object(ion) by MVS Photography, on Flickr
Hiya Mark,

Glad to see you have not given up and are doing your best to catch up under the current circumstances, so well done to you.

Both images are great and bang on theme (y)

The toastmaster's hammer is called a 'gavel'.


Dawn :)
Ahhh, what a relief it is to finally have Broadband again. So, to catch up with previous weeks...

Week 15 - Wrong

I don't think the thought process behind this needs much explanation.

Photo 52 - Week 15 - Wrong by MVS Photography, on Flickr

Week 16 - Reshoot of Empty

Same location, but I decided to go for a more atmospheric picture.

Photo 52 - Week 16 - Reshoot of Empty by MVS Photography, on Flickr

Week 16 - Paradox (The Sleeping Beauty Paradox)

The paradox imagines that Sleeping Beauty volunteers to undergo the following experiment. On Sunday she is given a drug that sends her to sleep. A fair coin is then tossed just once in the course of the experiment to determine which experimental procedure is undertaken. If the coin comes up heads, Sleeping Beauty is awakened and interviewed on Monday, and then the experiment ends. If the coin comes up tails, she is awakened and interviewed on Monday, given a second dose of the sleeping drug, and awakened and interviewed again on Tuesday. The experiment then ends on Tuesday, without flipping the coin again. The sleeping drug induces a mild amnesia, so that she cannot remember any previous awakenings during the course of the experiment (if any). During the experiment, she has no access to anything that would give a clue as to the day of the week. However, she knows all the details of the experiment.

Each interview consists of one question, "What is your credence now for the proposition that our coin landed heads?"

This problem has produced ongoing debate as the answer is either 1/3 or 1/2, depending on which way you work it out.

Taken while Mrs Archer had a little siesta, though I would like to state for the record that she had not been drugged!!! :LOL:

Photo 52 - Week 16 - Paradox (The Sleeping Beauty Paradox) by MVS Photography, on Flickr
Hi, Mark. sssooooo wrong...

Your sleeping beauty paradox gets a bit (y) I really like the composition and depth.

I thought having it a bit wider would improve to get more of your hand in but, well, I changed my mind...

Hiya Mark,

Well done with the last three pics .... although have to agree with Lynne on the Marmite .... you either love it or hate it ... and I love it (especially with cheese on toast, yum yum :p)

Like your reshoot .... definitely gives a different perspective.

With Paradox, have to agree with Tina .... you actually do 'heads or tails' with a £2 coin? .... I must be doing something wrong ..... best I can come up with is 1 pence, and even that is stretching it :LOL:

Great set :clap:


Dawn :)
Thanks all.

Really struggling with this week's theme. I couldn't get Lilt out of my head, but decided to try some splash photography instead, but need a bigger recepticle so I think I'll have to have another rethink.