Still No Windows 10 Update Notification .... Anyone Else?

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Afternoon all..... I've got 3 laptops in the house along with my main photo editing pc and I sent the PC Windows 10 update request first and the laptops later all the laptops have had the notification to update but I'm still waiting on the PC.

Internet Explorer is getting worse on the PC and I want my Windows 10

Is anyone else still waiting?

Wife's laptop hasn't popped up yet, but found out last night when I looked in windows update and then went into choose options to install, windows 10 is there, ticked ready for the install...

Could be worth a look in windows update ...
Ive had the notification but I've heard so many reports about Windows 10 being a disaster - is it safe to download yet? (Windows 7 at the moment).
Ive had the notification but I've heard so many reports about Windows 10 being a disaster - is it safe to download yet? (Windows 7 at the moment).
no problems here, starting to roll it at work. what reports about it being a disaster? first ive heard.

if you can get hardware drivers then chances are it'll be fine.
thats more of a dummy spit/reluctance to change thread to be fair.
I'm come across a few negative comments around the forum, while making my mind up.
And there are enough of those for me not to bother.

I'm still sulking at the demise of XP Pro :(
And that too :D
Still No Windows 10 Update Notification ....
You need to make sure all available windows updates are installed before the notification will pop up.
I did upgrade it a month ago in my old windows desktop(6 year old) with Core 2 duo processor from windows 7.It has made the machine much slower but ok.
As my machine is mainly used for photo processing and web browsing (via Firefox) what advantages are there to doing an upgrade?
I'm come across a few negative comments around the forum, while making my mind up.
And there are enough of those for me not to bother.

And that too :D

like it or not XP will become quite a target for malware/security threats as MS stop making security patches for it. it would be unwise to stick with it for too much longer.

negative comments ive read on here are 95% stuck in their ways. the remaining are generally hardware issues (lack of drivers or wrong ones). if your hardware supports it then you should have no issues.

As my machine is mainly used for photo processing and web browsing (via Firefox) what advantages are there to doing an upgrade?

depends what OS you are coming from.but its a faster OS generally. all of the best bits of 7 and 8.1 stuck together.
depends what OS you are coming from.but its a faster OS generally. all of the best bits of 7 and 8.1 stuck together.
Coming from 7. I'm not tearing my hair out over performance so maybe it's best to leave alone ftb.
like it or not XP will become quite a target for malware/security threats as MS stop making security patches for it. it would be unwise to stick with it for too much longer.
I'm on W7, have been for a few years (y)

But it doesn't alter the fact the I miss XP ;)
I came from 7 to 10 and loved the upgrade. Almost makes me want to ditch my macbook as windows 10 is becoming a lot more usable