Stockton Riverside Fireworks Display

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Some shots from this year's Stockton Riverside Fireworks Display. This was my first attempt at shooting fireworks and I really enjoyed it :D

I met some fellow togs and am fairly happy with how some of my shots turned out. They look a lot better against Flickr's black background, so please do click through and take a look at these and the rest of the set. Any comments, feedback, critique or otherwise would be gratefully received ;)


Triple Burst
by Tony_Richardson, on Flickr


by Tony_Richardson, on Flickr


The Big Finish
by Tony_Richardson, on Flickr

Thanks for looking.
#1. Really nice colours and nice level of action but its really spoilt by not having the whole explosion in frame

#2. Is very busy but again the colours are lovely, it's a little tight in frame and you've lost little bits of the explosion out of frame but nowhere near as detrimental to the image as in the first

#3. Sorry this one is not working, as a B&W is doesn't work fireworks are beautiful and "colourful" so to then go B&W defeats the object a little, also in processing you've taken back the highlights from the look of it but the image was perhaps a little too over exposed as you've got grey highlights a sign of failed highlight recovery
Thanks for the feedback, Matt, appreciate the honesty in your comments.

I appreciate that each of these shots have their own shortcomings and guessed that the last one might not be well received, but I just wanted to try something different - plenty other colourful ones to look at in the set (y) Saying that my mono conversion skills (like all of my pp skills!) are severely lacking :eek:ops:

I know they are so-so, but I am just delighted that I gave it a go and I learned a lot from the experience, mainly that I need a wider lens and a better tripod! ;)
Thanks for the feedback, Matt, appreciate the honesty in your comments.

I appreciate that each of these shots have their own shortcomings and guessed that the last one might not be well received, but I just wanted to try something different - plenty other colourful ones to look at in the set (y) Saying that my mono conversion skills (like all of my pp skills!) are severely lacking :eek:ops:

I know they are so-so, but I am just delighted that I gave it a go and I learned a lot from the experience, mainly that I need a wider lens and a better tripod! ;)

Your right to have been glad to have given it a go (y) if it helps you, this are better than my first attempt :) we all have to start somewhere so don't beat yourself up :) it's all a learning experience and truthfully that's part of the fun of it for me at least...
Well, I did have the benefit of some helpful guides and tutorials before heading out there - yours being one of them!! :D

This is part of the reason I wrote my guide as honestly some of the photography guides I've read in the past have been awful :( so most of my learning came from trial and error, if I can take a little bit of that trial and error away for people then that's wonderful :)
That's a cracking location Tony, am jealous :p
I like the first one, but how annoying is it when you miss the top of the starbursts, I did it with loads :bang: :LOL:

Best for me is the one on ya flickr, titled stardust (y)
Cheers Phil - on further reflection that is my favourite one too...

by Tony_Richardson, on Flickr

Missing the top of the explosions was really frustrating and spoiled several of the shots I took, but it's a lesson learned for next time I suppose. Last night also cemented my desire to buy a better tripod with a ball head - adjusting the 3 latches on my cheapo model meant I wasted a lot of shooting time.

Thanks again for your comment, much appreciated :)
Some great shots there especially for your first attempt. It can be so infuriating trying to set up and 'guesstimate' where the explosions are going to be but you've done a great job. 'Kaboom' on your Flickr stream is my favourite I think.
Thanks Leslie, appreciate the feedback and glad you like them :) Yeah, not the easiest shots to plan, but great fun all the same!


by Tony_Richardson, on Flickr lucky with the timing for that one - reminds me of a planet exploding in Star Wars or somthing :eek: