Stormy Porth Cawl..(Second Set)

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My previous photos were taken behind the lighthouse,I then went round to the side and the sun got a break in the stormy skies giving a wonderful light.






Great shots all of them, but I think the landscape format suits them better than the one portrait shot.
Cheers,Ray…Yes, I was well wrapped up and had headgear with ear flaps and most importantly a chin strap...(its called ' I did lose my camera/lens rain cover though whilst changing a lens crouching down behind the wall--sunnyside It blew away a bit and then was whisked up at high speed and corkscrewing quite high and then a straight wind off the sea caught it and off it went over Porth

Also, I had to change a lens when I was over the other side,behind the lighthouse (first set of photos here) .The car was just 15 metres away on the road and I opened the boot-it's a 5-door Prius..It was at that moment that I wished I'd parked facing west..where the wind was coming from. I had to hang on really tightly to stop it blowing up and over the roof,obviously wrenching it off the hinges. Thinking now, as I write, I should have gone onto the rear seat,dropped one side and accessed the camera bag from there. The winds must have been 50/60mph. gusting to 70-mph.
Thanks,Mark and Peter. You must have posted as I was replying to Ray.

The landscape does suit best,I agree. The chap next to me said he was trying a portrait so I thought I would. It doesn't really lend itself to portrait does it.
It would be interesting to know,if possible, what kind of energy value these waves had.
For me I'd have to say the composition of the second shots makes it stand out from the rest.

That said, a good set all round.
Great shots again! (y)
Lovely light on a very nice set
Many thanks. The light really was lovely -it gave a feeling of warmth to it all and quite a contrast to the violence of the storm itself.

Adam..My favourites are 2 & 3 too because of the wider angle and the contrast caused by the long exposure look-a-like of the wave nearest the sea wall compared to the one coming in behind it.
So annoyed I didnt go down (I am in Cardiff). One of my Dog walking friends was there and took some good shots too. She said there was quite a few expensive cameras at risk that day!

I used to love my trips to Porth Cawl when I lived down that way.

As an image, number 3 is my favourite however in number 4 you get a fantastic sense of the 'exposive' power.
Hi John,

Great shots John and nice to meet you. Will be investing in one of the bags filled with rice you showed me - I think that will help with the steadiness and save my lens a few scratches!. My shots from the other side weren't that good, I guess we had the best of the light on the other side.
Hi David.. Thanks... Yes, good to meet up..I left when the light was fading and I noticed too that the nearer to high tide..9.6 metres. it got, the less the drama. As you found, I think the best of the drama behind the lighthouse was earlier..I arrived at about 2.15pm. The reason I went..I went back in 2009..was that when I checked it out I saw that the lighthouse had been renovated which,of course,involved getting rid of the awful rust that spoiled my shots back was done only in September..just in

I checked out the double pocket bean bag and it's still the same price. It really has been very useful. I've used it on the roof of my car too. Here it is.

The rain cover that blew away came in a pack of two so I need to locate the second one..they were only £6 for both anyway. ..Even less now,I see But P&P to add..with Amazon's new ' Over £10' spend policy re. free delivery..

The M48 bridge crossing was closed and the MW signs directed traffic to the M4 bridge. I went through some very heavy rain and strong gusts of wind on the M5 but no delays.
Great photographs, was a frequent visitor to porthcawl as a youngster(y)
Thanks again to all.

Eddie-Phil-Chris. Apologies for not acknowledging your comments-many thanks. I was taken up with replying to David now realising who I'd been talking to re. the bean bag.Then my wife called me down to our meal..

You'll get another chance,Chris and living so near, in Cardiff, it's a must. I mentioned further up the thread 3 & 4 are my favourites too. I need to get a couple printed up to poster size maybe. The camera (Canon 1D1V) is 16 mp. so that shouldn't be a problem. Also the 10fps. certainly played a part in getting the best shots as the waves progressed.