Student Demo London 24/11

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10 Images from the student demo's on 24/11.

Comments, crit, observations & advice welcome, bearing in mind that there are 10 images and taking the following into account:

This is my first roll through a newly acquired EOS-3, so I'm sure that there are loads of errors and this was primarily meant to be a test shoot! Apart from anything else I am working from 500k 1500x1000px scans as my own scanner is off the road at the moment.

They were shot with a 24-105mm as my short zoom, on Kodak Ultramax 400 (Poundland special :) ) in Av mode then developed at the local lab (£2.50 dev only +£2.50 scan- 2hr turn round).

Lessons learned so far:
Composition becomes even more important as there is less scope for cropping (at least on this res scan).
Having a fixed ISO makes you re-evaluate subjects due to shutter speed restrictions compared to digital.
Film management is a rather good idea.
Eye Control AF is fantastic, although I haven't got it 100% sussed as yet.
Having a limited number of frames makes you aware of the need to pick your subjects more carefully (I know, I know! :) ).

First Set - Characters:

1. I've got a big 'un!

2. At least the air's clear up here.

3. Not usually seen before night fall.

4. Smudged mascara?

5. What do I do with this now?
Second Set- Incidents

6. Get through this then!

7. Scrum down, Blue Ball.

8. Innocent?

9. Anyone know the number of a good valet service?

10. Well it is cold!
First thing to say Mark is: Well Done!

I would love to have been with you. I did a rally recently and it was altogether peaceful but tipping it down.

So, film management is critical, composition is hard (movement and action everywhere) but great if you catch it right. Limited number of frames? 36 right ;) Yep, for me it is a great and different experience moving from digi' to filum. Next thing to do (for experience) is try that type of action with a prime i.e. 35mm or even 28mm.

Finally, don't forget the heads up (pm) when you are planning to go to the next :)

Keep it up.
Mark, I wish my test rolls came out this well. Excellent set, really captured the mood.

Superb set. Really conveys the story well. (y)

Does make you wonder how many people there, were actually students and not trouble makers... :shrug:
Great set of shots.
I think there's another demo planned for Tues the 30th, which I plan to go to all being well.
Not exactly caught. I walked in after the cordon had been established.

Exit was via the screening area or by Press card only however, so I had to queue for a bit!
Thanks Marc. I decided to whimp out of today's sport as chasing students around in the snow didn't look like that much fun! :D
Great to see the EOS-3 being used for what it was originally designed for (y)

Aside from being fixed on your ISO, and having to swap films every 36 frames, it's really pretty much as useable as a much more modern camera isn't it! Especially as it uses modern glass to it's best effect ;)

As said above, I wish my test rolls had come out this good (y)
Thanks Mark.

I was actually quite surprised to see how many people were there using film, if you exclude the great unwashed studenty type things! :D

I even saw someone reloading with 120!!