Summer plans

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Anybody going on holiday. Not this year for me- going back to college in August.

I've just been working, out with friends and horse shows.
nope too skint for a passport atm, I blame the for sale forum

just working really trying to get photography work in but else its just shops and other stuff thats less fun
nope too skint for a passport atm, I blame the for sale forum

just working really trying to get photography work in but else its just shops and other stuff thats less fun
Not going anyway this year, but will be working in Canada for 5 weeks from mid August :D My time at home will be spent shooting as much as possible, and owrking more on my location shooting.
dont think we'll be going away anywhere this summer, going to a music festival at the end of july but thats it, what with going back to uni and moving theres not going to be any spare cash lying around anywhere