Sunrise over Bewl Water

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Put this in the wrong forum originally, my bad!

Spent last weekend visiting Bedgebury Forest mountain biking centre last weekend and stayed at a nearby camp site.

By some miracle I woke up early Saturday without a sniff of a hangover so decided to go for an early morning ride down to Bewl water, getting there just in time for sunrise.

Came away with a small mixed bag of photos and a half decent video. Beautiful place to be while not coming across a single other person.

Image-001 by David Walker, on Flickr

Image-003 by David Walker, on Flickr

Image-002 by David Walker, on Flickr

no 1 and 3 are very decent images. For no 2 you really need to lose the blown out right side, but doing so leaves you with rather boring view

No. 1 is 5 bracketed exposures and No. 3 is a single exposure, but No. 2 is a stitched panorama but this is where I think I have found a limit of this particular model. It seems a bracketed exposure pano is not an option.
Are these photos from a 'mountain' or drone photos? Love 1 and 3 all the same.

I spent many years as a lad, fishing the lakes around Bedgebury Forest. Fond memories
Are these photos from a 'mountain' or drone photos? Love 1 and 3 all the same.

I spent many years as a lad, fishing the lakes around Bedgebury Forest. Fond memories
Thank you.

Yes these are all drone photos.