Sunset at watchtree nature reserve

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Not sure if any of you are familier with the watchtree NR, its based just outside carlisle and was one of the largest buriel grounds during the foot and mouth outbreak.

Since then it has been turned around to a happier place, becoming an established reserve.

I am trying to get to grips with low light shooting, this was taken as the sun had gone down..all advice gratefully received


Lovely colours. Personally I would crop a bit from the right hand side as I don't think it's needed. The turbine looks to be leaning very slightly to the left, but maybe it is?
Did you use a tripod for the shot? It doesn't look as sharp as I would like but I seem to be saying that about a lot of shots recently so maybe I need to visit the optician.
Lovely location and just the right time of day for the shot.
In terms of getting to grips its not a bad shot...

My comments:

  • the compositon could be improved by cropping the photo to the top right, I will show you what I mean if you give me your permission to do so;
  • there seems to be a lot of noise in the image, do you have a tri-pod? best to use in low light situations so that you can continue to shoot at iso 100 or 200 to avoid any noise;
  • when taking images with a tri-pod always turn any anti stabilisation off on your lens as sometime such a system can actually introduce blur which does not exist;
  • what aperture were you using, to me it seems as though nothing in the picture is quite in focus?
thanks for the advice to you both , a tripod was used and i left the image stabilisation on . It was shot at 800 iso , it was actualy alot darker than it looks on the picture, no filters were used.

Please feel free to crop it as you would david , i may go back tonight and have another crack slightly earlier