Sunset bride.

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Had the pleasure of shooting an amazing wedding over the weekend down in Woolacombe at the Woolacombe Bay Hotel, originally was only booked to shoot till the wedding breakfast but was asked to stay on till the evening do. So used that time between the wedding breakfast and first dance to take the bride and groom down to the beach for some shots at sunset.


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Lovely shot Matt. Nice to see your wedding shots evolving well! (y)
Cheers for the comments all, much appreciated. Yeah I do have more but won't post them till after the bride and groom have seen them, think it's unfair for the masses to see them before they do.
If it wasn't for the fact they hadn't had the first dance yet I reckon the bride was going to go head first into the sea as the day had been so hot. Now that would have been some seriously cool shots. An improptu trash the dress shoot.
I do like this, the posture of the model does it for me (y)
Hope I've got this right, but judging by the sunset & light it was the bankholiday Saturday?

....can't imagine there were more than two wedding parties on the beach!? :eek:)

I was on the beach taking snaps too, 2nd outing with a sony a200.

Sunset was superb, I just thought I'd google "wedding woolacombe may 2009", to see if I could find who they were and if I could get some of my pics to them.

This forum & thread popped up :eek:)

The camera's new, I didn't even realise until I got home and re-read the manual that it has a sunset setting! - D'op!

(we were the group of 15+ eating pizza's, which was stone cold by the time I finally put the camera down)





Would be great If they could be passed on\got in touch with them.


Welcome to the forum James and that is one great post to start with.

The 3rd picture of yours, the dress looks the same as Matts shot?

I am sure if it is the same couple they would appreciate them:)
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It was great, was taking a few shots of the beach, then looked up and kinda did a double take... there's a bride......& bridesmaids....

Just wish I'd read the manual a bit more 1st . the whole of the mornings pics where complete tosh :eek:( - baptism of fire, hopefully won't make those mistakes again!

Overall - I'm dead chuffed, I think I got my eye in some interesting shots :woot:, just technically useless :bang:
Very nice shot Matt with good composition and exposure control, absolutely top notch. :clap:

skidude88, welcome to the forum and a very good set of shots for your first outing.
Cheers Hacker, a response from you like that is indeed a very good compliment, much appreciated. Always admire your work and it's a honour to recieve a compliment from you Cheers.

Skidude - You are spot on it was the same couple. The evening was just so perfect for it, it seemed a shame to miss the photo op. I will pm you my email addy, is there any chance you mail me the originals and I will pass on your images and details to the bride and groom.
Excellent shot Matt ... can't wait to see more

It is so refreshing when the B+G are actually in to their pictures and will try new things
Excellent shot Matt ... can't wait to see more

It is so refreshing when the B+G are actually in to their pictures and will try new things

I agree, I keep coming back to this as it is one of the best bridal shots/portraits I've seen in a long time, just perfect imo.
"Ha, small world! "

Yeah, but I wouldn't wanna paint it! :)

Matt... full size pics are uploading to email as I type! (26MB)