Sunset of Paris

You could try opening in photoshop along with the original file and then using layers you could paint in the original sky.
An absolutely wonderful shot! I assume it must be from the Eiffel Tower - looking over the Champ de Mars and the Tour Montparnasse? I lived in Paris from 1996-98 - fond memories!
agree with the post above, id get this displayed.

Would look great on a postcard too

lovely shot and see what you mean about the noise in the sky though

Thank you, yeah it's quite annoying, may play around with it to reduce it.

love this image, well seen and captured :)


An absolutely wonderful shot! I assume it must be from the Eiffel Tower - looking over the Champ de Mars and the Tour Montparnasse? I lived in Paris from 1996-98 - fond memories!

Yes, correct, thank you!