Sunsets on 21st

No 1 is a real beauty ! A very good shot indeed ! Good enough for the wall !
Sea scenes taken with 10 stoppers are so common nowadays, that I think you need something a bit extra to lift it from just another long exposure sea scape.
Sea scenes taken with 10 stoppers are so common nowadays, that I think you need something a bit extra to lift it from just another long exposure sea scape.

I am glad I am not the only one
Prefer #1 out of the two. Really think the reflection of the sun works well.
Number 1 is really beautiful, I also like number 2 - it has a "ghostly" look to it.
Love number 1 - grey angry looking skies with the sunset breaking through. One I would be happy to have on the wall
Nice pics, I certainly enjoyed them.

Sea scenes taken with 10 stoppers are so common nowadays, that I think you need something a bit extra to lift it from just another long exposure sea scape.

True, I mean what's the point of taking a picture yourself of a scene when someone somewhere in the world has already done it. Pack your camera back in your bag, leave it under the stairs, don't leave the house and just browse flickr instead. That's way more satisfying.
Both great shots, i'm gonna stick a vote in for the second shot, i prefer the calm atmosphere and the rocks are better placed in the frame.

Good show (y)
Thanks for the comments everyone. These were taken at Karmoy Island in Norway near to where I am working at the moment. I agree about plenty of 10 stop seascape images but this is an area of photography that I quite enjoy taking images. These were taken around 11pm and the place was just so peaceful I could have stayed there all night.
I am relatively new to photography so still have an awful lot to learn.
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i like the deep colour of #1 but the glow on the horizon of #2
As soon as number one appeared i exclaimed "Fck me thats good"..and i'm no fan of long exposed seascapes..
Nice pics, I certainly enjoyed them.

True, I mean what's the point of taking a picture yourself of a scene when someone somewhere in the world has already done it. Pack your camera back in your bag, leave it under the stairs, don't leave the house and just browse flickr instead. That's way more satisfying.

Now that's one of the silliest comments I've seen for a long time.

Thanks for the comments everyone. These were taken at Karmoy Island in Norway near to where I am working at the moment. I agree about plenty of 10 stop seascape images but this is an area of photography that I quite enjoy taking images. These were taken around 11pm and the place was just so peaceful I could have stayed there all night.
I am relatively new to photography so still have an awful lot to learn.

And long may you continue taking them, it's an area of photography that interests me also, but because the bar has been set quite high on this forum with long exposure sea-scapes, you really do need to think out of the box and be a little creative. The images here are good, but so are the hundreds of other very similar scenes posted on the forum.

I do like where you are going with these, but go on, challenge yourself to do something a little different, don't follow the herd.
Thanks again for all the comments. The 1st one is definitely going on the wall. The builders are coming tomorrow to renovate my whole house and I have just the place to hang it.
What is the largest I would be able to print this if I was to send the image away to be printed My knowledge of printing is cr@p.
I would like it 36" along the top edge if possible.
Thanks again.
Thanks again for all the comments. The 1st one is definitely going on the wall. The builders are coming tomorrow to renovate my whole house and I have just the place to hang it.
What is the largest I would be able to print this if I was to send the image away to be printed My knowledge of printing is cr@p.
I would like it 36" along the top edge if possible.
Thanks again.

Before you send it for printing, I suggest you straighten your horizon, it needs a slight CCW rotation, If you don't, the print will never 'hang' right on the wall, you will be forever adjusting it because it won't look straight.
Before you send it for printing, I suggest you straighten your horizon, it needs a slight CCW rotation, If you don't, the print will never 'hang' right on the wall, you will be forever adjusting it because it won't look straight.

Cheers Les
I had already tried to straighten it in photoshop. Guess my eyes aren't as good as they used to be. :crying:
Number 1 is absolutely beautiful; however I think it would go from beautiful to perfect if the horizon didn't disect the image at almost exactly the halfway point.