Sweet Dreams

Edit My Images
I took this yesterday morning. Started out to take a photo of the rain and wind outside the window but went off track and tried this. Am sure it can be done much better but it is the best I could muster.


Please crit comment at your pleasure. I was hoping to capture some sort of emotion/mood.


Lighter as time passed on.
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I like that first image. Thats pretty creepy :) I sort of like the 2nd one too, giving me the impression "i know theres something out there" and then the sleepy person turns over. Not sure whether that could be improved with the creepy person behind the curtains, being blurred also, as if he'll be gone by the time you turn around. I like 'em though, nice.
I like that first image. Thats pretty creepy :) I sort of like the 2nd one too, giving me the impression "i know theres something out there" and then the sleepy person turns over. Not sure whether that could be improved with the creepy person behind the curtains, being blurred also, as if he'll be gone by the time you turn around. I like 'em though, nice.
Hi Carl__Thanks for stopping by. Wasnt sure which idea was the better and would love to have been able to do it better but hey ho I tried.

Hi Gary. sorry the images do nothing for me and have gone completely over my head I guess. that being said well done for trying something different
No worries Phill thanks for stopping by. Like I say I didnt really hit the target and in retro respect I shouldnt really upload images unless I am pretty pleased with the results myself :-(

No worries Phill thanks for stopping by. Like I say I didnt really hit the target and in retro respect I shouldnt really upload images unless I am pretty pleased with the results myself :-(


there is no shame with putting images on here, if your unsure about the image people will make suggestions and that allows you to revisit a shot. I have a few images myself I dislike.. and dont know why. Im sure if i show a few people they will be able to assist and i can rectify the issue by revisiting the location and trying again.
Love that feeling in bed when it's horrible outside. I cant even begin to imagine how i'd go about capturing it. I will add it to my list. Your images may have missed the mark, but they have inspired someone. :)
Love that feeling in bed when it's horrible outside. I cant even begin to imagine how i'd go about capturing it. I will add it to my list. Your images may have missed the mark, but they have inspired someone. :)

Many thanks for that. It was pretty drab that day. I took this first as I was trying to capture the drizzle and cold outside. Then the idea above took over.

