Switch to canon for uni??

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So I've been looking at unis to study at next year for my ba hons photography degree and I'm not sure what to do now. The one uni that my heart is set on uses cannon cameras and lenses, do you think I would be at a disadvantage using my Nikon or should I sell and buy the canon equivalent (obviously after I know I've been accepted)??

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The only difference IMO is button allocations, menus and name brand. Overall, the operation is the same. I personally wouldn't throw away an opportunity to go to the uni of your choice due to the brand they provide.

As far as I am aware, most uni's will offer the gear to go with it whilst you work so its not going to force you to go out and buy lenses etc for your uni work.

You will only be at a disadvantage if you fail to grasp the photography basics. If you know them, it will not matter what brand you have. Same as driving a car, once you know how to drive, doesnt matter if it is a Ford Fiesta or a Ferrari 458.
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You might find that the UNI has a lending library of Canon lenses and accessories. Find out as being able to borrow fast primes would be a great thing to do when you are there. Then look out for a cheap 5d !
Worry about getting on the course first then worry about the minor things afterwards, Given the contents of your camera bag I expect you would have very little need of the university owned equipment.
Agree. Make sure you get on the course first before you decide to change system
If you do decide to change, please try and make it a Canon, as I think rocking up with a cannon would be frowned upon at most unis. ;)
While you don't have to switch to Canon, it'll make your life a lot easier. I know my uni uses Canon stuff and while the Nikon/Pentax lot aren't at a disadvantage, per say, you do get left behind a little as the cameras used in demos for things like the studios will be Canon. And then if you want to borrow a camera out of Stores then things will be a bit of a pain for you too, but like I said people do make do with what they have. We do have a lot of rather yummy L lenses that I wouldn't be able to use if I didn't have a Canon though ;)
Teshi said:
The only difference IMO is button allocations, menus and name brand. Overall, the operation is the same. I personally wouldn't throw away an opportunity to go to the uni of your choice due to the brand they provide.

As far as I am aware, most uni's will offer the gear to go with it whilst you work so its not going to force you to go out and buy lenses etc for your uni work.

You will only be at a disadvantage if you fail to grasp the photography basics. If you know them, it will not matter what brand you have. Same as driving a car, once you know how to drive, doesnt matter if it is a Ford Fiesta or a Ferrari 458.

Yea I'm not letting it put me off the uni at all :)

Raincloud said:
Agree. Make sure you get on the course first before you decide to change system

Yea I will do seen as my first choice uni is the only one that uses canon and the other two use nikon :)

Scarecrow said:
If you do decide to change, please try and make it a Canon, as I think rocking up with a cannon would be frowned upon at most unis. ;)

Haha I didn't even realise I had spelt it that way ;) that actually did make me LOL and get funny looks from the people around me :p

Nuffles said:
While you don't have to switch to Canon, it'll make your life a lot easier. I know my uni uses Canon stuff and while the Nikon/Pentax lot aren't at a disadvantage, per say, you do get left behind a little as the cameras used in demos for things like the studios will be Canon. And then if you want to borrow a camera out of Stores then things will be a bit of a pain for you too, but like I said people do make do with what they have. We do have a lot of rather yummy L lenses that I wouldn't be able to use if I didn't have a Canon though ;)

That's what I was thinking, what uni are you at? Its NUCA that's the uni I'm looking at for my first choice :)

Out of interest does any one know the canon equivalent to the D800 if I was to make the change?
As obviously the 50, 85 and 24-70 are all available for cannon but I don't know about body's :/
Personally I think there is no point switching. My crude research has revealed that you have a D800 and a 24-70, what do you normally shoot that would require anything else? It's just a black box with an image sensor in it, why go to the hassle of changing all your gear to canon when your nikon will more than suffice? Seems like a case of 'the grass is always greener' to me.
SamuelHearn said:
Personally I think there is no point switching. My crude research has revealed that you have a D800 and a 24-70, what do you normally shoot that would require anything else? It's just a black box with an image sensor in it, why go to the hassle of changing all your gear to canon when your nikon will more than suffice? Seems like a case of 'the grass is always greener' to me.

Yea that makes sense actualy :) I'll just wait till I'm on the course and see what happens if I start to see me being at a disadvantage then I'll switch but for now I'll just see what happens :)

Thanks every one :D
My friend handed me his Canon to shoot with today, took me about 2 minutes to get to grips with everything and shoot the way I usually would as a Nikon shooter. No point in switching just because they use Canon.
I wouldn't switch, if you were lacking in equipment and haven't invested in to a particular system then maybe. But from what your camera bag is showing, you've got most of it covered with decent gear :)

Unless it's like super wide angles, fisheyes, or tilt shift lenses that they got for loan to Canon users only that you really need yo use, then like I said, I wouldn't worry too much about it. I have a friend who did her entire photography degree with a Nikon D50, 18-55, 70-300 and a 50 1.8 and had no problems.
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