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3 is best for me Alf
no 1 is a bit fuzzy due to the star movement which is unavoidable but the latter 2 are more exotic and catches the eye and imagination
the bright 'searchlight' if possible needs to be toned down a bit though, or even cloned out as it doesnt add to the mystery of the skies

3 has more depth, and for me is the better picture. Somehow the stars 'pop' more in the 3rd pic too. Lovely colours!
3 is best for me Alf
no 1 is a bit fuzzy due to the star movement which is unavoidable but the latter 2 are more exotic and catches the eye and imagination
the bright 'searchlight' if possible needs to be toned down a bit though, or even cloned out as it doesnt add to the mystery of the skies


Thanks Geoff I know what you mean about the light it is bugging me too. I will have a look at srting it somehow

3 has more depth, and for me is the better picture. Somehow the stars 'pop' more in the 3rd pic too. Lovely colours!
Thanks Jonny
The only difference is the crop but I know what you mean
Love number 3, the inclusion of the rocks works.
Glad you like it Nick
Much the same for me....liking number 3, with the rocks bringing in the foreground nicely (y)
As the searchlight is coming from the same direction as the sun setting it almost looks like the sun is piercing through the mountain and makes you look twice
Much the same for me....liking number 3, with the rocks bringing in the foreground nicely (y)

Thanks Martyn glad you like it

As the searchlight is coming from the same direction as the sun setting it almost looks like the sun is piercing through the mountain and makes you look twice

Thats not a sunset the shot (No 2 & 3) is facing North and taken at 12:20am (shortly after midnight) the orange glow is light polution from the next town up the coast workington.

The sun set off the left of the shot about 4 hours earlier.
agreed, somehow Martian in their look :)
Thanks Geoff I know what you mean about the light it is bugging me too. I will have a look at srting it somehow

Thanks Jonny
The only difference is the crop but I know what you mean

alf by mrcrow_uk, on Flickr

C and C

crop and clone...in this case a simple clone
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I suspect that is better
I'm going to swim against the tide here, and vote for number 2. I think the foreground rock adds interest, but it also gives a sense of scale - which detracts a bit from the magicalness of the scene.

Number 2 raised the hairs on the back of my neck, and I can't offer much higher praise than that.
Glad you like it