Tamron 70-300mm tele-macro lens?



I have the lens listed above although with macro shots I am strugglign to get the photo in focus. Does anyone else have the same problem with the lens, or is it just me??

If you have a problem such as the one you have described, then, please, always:
- include a sample photo in your post (imageshack.us can be used for uploading jpegs, don't forget to set them to private mode)
- include original exif data in the photo (don't use Photoshop's save for web)
- describe your technique - have you tried it on a tripod?
- have you tried in manually focused?
until recently, i had this lens and found it very poor indeed. images were very soft especially at above 200mm and it had chronic chromatic aberration. af was slow to geriatric.

for a lens that jessops charge £250 for, i was expecting better. i tried very hard to keep shutter speeds up and aperature at around f8 and not use the 300mm end but to no avail. i honestly believe that it's poor.:thumbsdown:
until recently, i had this lens and found it very poor indeed. images were very soft especially at above 200mm and it had chronic chromatic aberration. af was slow to geriatric.

for a lens that jessops charge £250 for, i was expecting better. i tried very hard to keep shutter speeds up and aperature at around f8 and not use the 300mm end but to no avail. i honestly believe that it's poor.:thumbsdown:

I think Jessops charge 250 for it so then they can claim its a bargain at half price if you get it with a body, truth is that its a 125 quid lens. If its the same one I'm thinking of.
did you find it hard to focus on macro settings then too?

i find it a poor lens, but i bought mine in Spain about 2 years ago now.
I dont tend to use AF, but I still get part of a flower not focused. Here are some of my examples: (mostly unedited as well :confused:)




I find that they are really poor at sharp and clear images, although i try to focus on all the main subject of the flower and insect.
I find mine tack sharp at f 5.6 at 300mm, yes the AF is bloody awful but in macro mode i dont bother using it, its a little slow but spot on in normal modes, i have the nikon version so it might be a bit different?
Are the samples crops or resized images?
In the first one, you've used an exposure of 1/200s at 300mm. It's likely that what you have there is motion blur, unless you've shot that photo while the camera was on a tripod.
I'm unsure about the second one, but the third one seems to be in focus, it just needs some sharpening.
Do you shoot raw or jpeg?
they are all unedited... simply the way i photographed them.

and JPEG usually.