Testing a Yashica FX-2

Andy Grant
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A couple from yesterday in and around Macclesfield Forest. Taken on a Yashica FX-2 with a Yashica DSB 50mm f1.9 on Fuji Superia 200 film. Not sure the film has done the set up justice but as it was a test run I didn't want to put anything expensive through it.
Its a lovely camera to use and everything works perfectly except the metering seems to air toward overexposure, although to be fair shooting in the snow was a bit of a tester.

A working Cocker Spaniel we met on the walk.

Working-Cocker2 by andysnapper1, on Flickr

Snowfields by andysnapper1, on Flickr

Tracks-in-the-snow by andysnapper1, on Flickr

And a couple I've faffed about with in PS using Topaz B&W effects.
An attempt at producing a hand-tinted look

Forest-Chapel-hand-tint by andysnapper1, on Flickr

And a b&w conversion

Tracks-in-the-snow-B&W by andysnapper1, on Flickr

Cheers and any comments or critique welcome.

Very nice Andy, with the trees and the path I think the colour version workd better. The green from the moss/lichen helps draw the eye and add depth.
Thanks guys.

A couple from yesterday in and around Macclesfield Forest. Taken on a Yashica FX-2 with a Yashica DSB 50mm f1.9 on Fuji Superia 200 film. Not sure the film has done the set up justice but as it was a test run I didn't want to put anything expensive through it.
Its a lovely camera to use and everything works perfectly except the metering seems to air toward overexposure, although to be fair shooting in the snow was a bit of a tester.

And a couple I've faffed about with in PS using Topaz B&W effects.
An attempt at producing a hand-tinted look

Forest-Chapel-hand-tint by andysnapper1, on Flickr

Cheers and any comments or critique welcome.


This is a great shot, and fits the bill. But I do find the tonality you can play around with in digital between colour and black and white gets lost when you try it with film... so the tree shot looks "flatter" when converted to mono.

Perhaps a green "hand tint" would have helped ?
Thanks Graeme, I see what you mean. I shall have a little play around later.

Great pictures Andy, you have convinced me to take out my yashicas today.
Well done Mathew, glad to have been of service.
