Testing my nice new 17-85 IS :-)


Nutcrack Rapids
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Millions of these guys about

Then a surprise visitor

who hops about a bit

and poses nicely :)

I took the lens with me yesterday on a road trip round by Spynie Palace and Lossiemouth and Findhorn, it was a nice day but gray and the light was flat.
I wasn't at all happy with the results I got from this lens throughout the day but I reckon it was down to crap subject matter and user error.
Todays efforts are much better I think.
Nice shots Steep! Is this the EF-S? I wouldn't have parted with mine if it had fitted the 1D. ;)
It is yes, got it from Kerso earlier this week.

The bee shot is tripod mounted with IS off, the rest are handheld with IS on.
The bee shot is tripod mounted with IS off, the rest are handheld with IS on.

With macro shots on a tripod (and most of my wildlife shots in fact) I leave the IS on as I'm usually holding and moving the camera around so the IS still works fine as it's detecting the movement of my hands however slight.

Different matter with the head locked though and using a cable release or delayed timer, which is when IS doesn't work and can actually cause damage.
Nice shots. The only time mine comes off my camera now is to plonk the 100 - 400 L on there. I find it makes a great walk around lens. Did you get the lens hood with it? I didn't with mine at first but soon found that much bigger piece of glass up front (compared to the kit lens) needed a hood to hold back the flair.
nice shots steep, this lens never leaves my camera (because i only have one other, mind you) but it a great allround lens, and being 17mm you can get some pretty wide shots.
enjoy mate..