The all new Staff Photo of the Week : Week 46 (Announced 17 Nov)

Oh wow, thank you so much! I hadn't expected anything like the response i got for that shot. I was in two minds whether to put this up in my office somewhere or whether to go with another one, if this one is critically acclaimed then it might have to be this shot!
Well spotted and well deserved :)
Oh wow, thank you so much! I hadn't expected anything like the response i got for that shot. I was in two minds whether to put this up in my office somewhere or whether to go with another one, if this one is critically acclaimed then it might have to be this shot!

This is far, far too good not to print :)
Very clever composition. Well spotted and perfectly executed. Lovely work
Great shot, one of a few instances where completely blown highlights work very well.
Thanks for the kind words :)
Very nicely done. I'm trying to understand the composition here. The stairs lead my eye to the center highlight. It's a very smooth flowing line. Forgive my ignorance but what would be the subject here? Is it a case of the whole pic being the subject. Once again, very nice shot.
Looks like a lightbulb and the stairs give the feel of a light-house. Nice image. What time of day?