The Amazing Sony A1/A7/A9/APS-C & Anything else welcome Mega Thread!

He quoted me on the second bit, one of the apertures tried slating me for failing at a photography business ... no idea where they got this from. I thought you blocked me, fair enough :D


One of the apertures lol
F....k the whits balance,that will do for me :D

Quite often it isn't about what is accurate but what looks good.

Don't get too comfortable. Someone will be along with either an insult or an argument soon enough.
Was out shooting with a couple of guys I met last week, one happens to be a Sony artisan of light for them, he was shooting an ar7III I was so impressed with it. Hmmm.
Sony Colours?not liking this one Raymond

It was a Karaoke bar in Taipei at 4am, lit by TV, unprocessed.

I do not know that girl….literally was leaving a previous bar and saw her and invited her along for karaoke. It was an interesting night/morning.

To be fair, any other camera would have fallen off the chart at 25600 ISO colour wise. No banding here still.
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It was a Karaoke bar in Taipei at 4am, lit by TV, unprocessed.

I do not know that girl….literally was leaving a previous bar and saw her and invited her along for karaoke. It was an interesting night/morning.

To be fair, any other camera would have fallen off the chart at 25600 ISO colour wise. No banding here still.
I know,i was being usually harsh on the Sony ;)
No ones mentioned the new lenses from sigma. The new 56 1.4 looks interesting. Happy with the little 55 Zeiss but if it was around..