The Amazing Sony A1/A7/A9/APS-C & Anything else welcome Mega Thread!

Nope, if required RAW should be updated in all the popular software that can open current RAWs anyway because the cameras are so new. Adobe CC.

Its not as if you can open A7SII and A7RII files in outdated software. Guess it will depends on how far they go back in terms of model support.
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The Sony UK spec page lists the raws as 14 bit. Can anything be deduced from that?
Well it also lists it for the A7RII, so by itself no. It's probably still coming, but who knows. The rumour sites have been hilariously inaccurate lately, so until I see something in writing from Sony, I'll not hold my breath.

If it does roll out to the v1 models too I'm sure I'll turn it on, give it a try, and turn it off again, unless the file size increase isn't too bad.
Good to hear it's official, and pretty much confirmed to be coming to at least some of the earlier cameras. "Additional Models Beginning with α7R II". The question is - when? Will they wait for the reelase of the A7SII before rolling out the upgrade?

Now what will people find to moan about next? :D
Battery life?
No lens?
Expensive lenses?
Something video related?

Complaining is what we do.
To be fair on battery life, its pants across all of the mirrorless systems!

Point taken however whilst a DSLR battery takes the hit when you pull the trigger, Mirrorless has to obviously have the sensor charged all the time so that WYSIWYG.
This is
1) The big attraction of Mirrorless and
2) The Battery hit of Mirrorless.

Seems to me you make your bed and lie in it NOT a point to keep re-iterating, just a fact of life / system
Agreed ?
And we could always say that DSLR battery life is pants next to old time cameras. My old cameras measured battery life in years not shots :D
That 16-35 f4 can be found for less than £700 grey. Meant to be a nice lens.

I got my Sony 16-35 FE for £560. Brand new, EU model. If you know where to look.. :p

View attachment 46261
Saw some sh*t early on on the sensor latterly took a blue sky shot at f22 and it is minging. Had a FF sensor last on the Canon 5D but this sh*t could have been shipped to me!
Having trouble uploading a reasonably sized image - suggestions please?

I have the same issue - just back from Honeymoon and all my photo's have junk on them. Be very careful about which fluid and cleaning solutions you use though - most places in the States wouldn't touch my A7, as it damages so very easily. Apparently you should be using eclipse v3, be sure you get that.
Point taken however whilst a DSLR battery takes the hit when you pull the trigger, Mirrorless has to obviously have the sensor charged all the time so that WYSIWYG.
This is
1) The big attraction of Mirrorless and
2) The Battery hit of Mirrorless.

Seems to me you make your bed and lie in it NOT a point to keep re-iterating, just a fact of life / system
Agreed ?

Not sure if your trying to have a go with that last comment or not but it wasn't me who brought up the battery life issue
Not sure if your trying to have a go with that last comment or not but it wasn't me who brought up the battery life issue
Not interested in having 'a go' at anyone Chris so please don't feel slighted.
Thing is battery life on mirrorless has been whinged about by so many peeps on here and elsewhere I can hardly trawl to find them all and tell them individually.
So let me take this opportunity to convey once again to those who whinge on about it ... many of whom appear to be DSLR owners
It's a fact of life - Get Over It.

The fact I could get 5-6K shots out of my Canon 1D3 battery was great BUT I didn't keep that camera - I moved to mirrorless, and have a bunch of batteries - 'simples'..
I don't think it's unreasonable at all for people to talk about it. All systems have their good and bad points but that doesn't mean they can't be improved.

After all manufacturers do listen to customers - see the uncompressed RAW support Sony are bringing out.
The whole battery thing is a total non-issue for me but what is bothering me more and more is the AF performance. I'm about 5k shots into the A7R and 1k shots into the A6000 and it is really coming home to me just how many time I'm missing critical focus. It may be that some of this is the infamous shutter shock which I didn't really believe in but have started to worry about. Does anybody have any personal experience of moving from an A7R to an A7RII? Is the AF really better?

(Ideally, twist will resist the temptation to say he told me so :exit:)
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The whole battery thing is a total non-issue for me but what is bothering me more and more is the AF performance. I'm about 5k shots into the A7R and 1k shots into the A6000 and it is really coming home to me just how many time I'm missing critical focus. It may be that some of this is the infamous shutter shock which I didn't really believe in but have started to worry about. Does anybody have any personal experience of moving from an A7R to an A7RII? Is the AF really better?

(Ideally, Twist will resist the temptation to say he told me so.)

I don't like cameras that rely on batteries to work, but then I mainly use large format cameras anyway. And since I don't carry more than half a dozen double dark slides out with me, 12 exposures is all I'm used to for a day's photography, so the clained 340 exposures on the a7r's battery is ample. I did wonder how many extra batteries would be possible before the weight exceeded the Nikon D810, and on my calculations (made more difficult by the surprising - to me- variation on quoted battery weights) assuming the 340 figure for the Sony battery, the a7r plus enough batteries to brint it up to the (batteryless) Nikon D810 weight would run to 1700 exposures. Add a battery to the Nikon and it would manage 1200.

That's all an aside. I'm interested also in how the autofocus on the a7rii compares to the original, as I soon found that I missed focus spectacularly with auto focus; and after a group photo was so out of focus on the people (all lined up in a single line in front of me) that anything bigger than a thumbnail was unusable I switched to manual focus lenses with much better results.

I should add that possibly I just don't get on with/know how to use/photograph unusual things because I've had the same issue of out of focus with a Dynax 7D and an Olympus E3. With the latter, I was always having to adjust the focus because it picked the wrong subject to focus on; and manual focusing was faster than recomposing, working out how to lock focus etc. I don't like autofocus, based on my experiences.
I'm very surprised that people are getting oof shots as I seem to be getting zero with my original A7. I just use one focus point so that could explain it. Are those of you who are getting oof shots using a detection mode of some sort or one point?
I bought the Sony A7ii (along with the Sonnar 55mm 1.8) from Jessops yesterday. It's my first step into the land of full frame, but unfortunately my excitement drained after about 20m of playing with as it seemed to die on me! It stopped working and simply showed me a black screen saying "Camera Error. Turn camera off then on." I called Jessops today and explained what happened and they're ordering a new one in for me this week, but I'm so desperate to play with it!

This seems to be a common problem according to Google results I came across when trying to troubleshoot :/
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The whole battery thing is a total non-issue for me but what is bothering me more and more is the AF performance. I'm about 5k shots into the A7R and 1k shots into the A6000 and it is really coming home to me just how many time I'm missing critical focus. It may be that some of this is the infamous shutter shock which I didn't really believe in but have started to worry about. Does anybody have any personal experience of moving from an A7R to an A7RII? Is the AF really better?

(Ideally, twist will resist the temptation to say he told me so :exit:)

Do you shoot wide open quite a lot? I have an A7 and get many more keepers, rather than shots missing critical focus, than I did on my D7k..
Do you shoot wide open quite a lot? I have an A7 and get many more keepers, rather than shots missing critical focus, than I did on my D7k..
My money is on some fancy AF mode in which the camera decides what to focus on. Personally I never trust or use these.
This seems to be a common problem according to Google results I came across when trying to troubleshoot :/

Bad luck :( and I hope the new one is a good one and if so I'm sure you'll like the camera and 55mm f1.8 as it's an excellent lens.
I bought the Sony A7ii (along with the Sonnar 55mm 1.8) from Jessops yesterday. It's my first step into the land of full frame, but unfortunately my excitement drained after about 20m of playing with as it seemed to die on me! It stopped working and simply showed me a black screen saying "Camera Error. Turn camera off then on." I called Jessops today and explained what happened and they're ordering a new one in for me this week, but I'm so desperate to play with it!

This seems to be a common problem according to Google results I came across when trying to troubleshoot :/
Hope you get sorted fast that would annoy me for sure the first days are fun
Bad luck :( and I hope the new one is a good one and if so I'm sure you'll like the camera and 55mm f1.8 as it's an excellent lens.

Hopefully all will be sorted for next weekend as I plan to shoot at a local dog show on Sunday and test it out properly :) Glad to hear the 55mm is great, can't wait to get using it!

Hope you get sorted fast that would annoy me for sure the first days are fun

It's frustrating but I suppose it's only a few days to wait (hopefully anyways!) In the meantime I'm ordering a screen protector and extra batteries and charger. I was surprised to see that there wasn't a separate battery charger supplied with the camera actually, I'm not really keen on charging them through the body.
Do you shoot wide open quite a lot? I have an A7 and get many more keepers, rather than shots missing critical focus, than I did on my D7k..

Yes, I'm often wide open but it's only 1.8 and my shots from other, faster, combos (D800 + 58/1.4, 5DII + 50/1.2) were tack sharp more often.

My money is on some fancy AF mode in which the camera decides what to focus on. Personally I never trust or use these.

99.999% of my shots are focused by single flexible spot on the nearest eye.
I'd like to get some spare batteries and a standalone charger for my A7ii, though the genuine Sony ones are hella expensive. Can anyone recommend any cheaper versions?