The cheapest of lights

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Hi All,

First up - I've never been into artificial lighting much - more of an outdoors togger to be honest.

But I have recently got a light tent and a few coloured perspex backgrounds with which to take indoor still lifes / shots with when the weather gods aren't playing.

What i do need is some really cheap lights to light the tent and directly light the subjects in front of backgrounds.

Anybody got any ideas?

I've seen the little ones that come with the Maplins light tent - are they any good?

Many thanks
I has those lights ages ago,i threw them in the bin.:)
If shutter speed isn't critical.. regular desklamps.. just make sure they're all fitted with the same bulb to make it easy to adjust the white balance.
If shutter speed isn't critical.. regular desklamps.. just make sure they're all fitted with the same bulb to make it easy to adjust the white balance.

aye... go buy a few anglepoise lights. Experiment a lot with them, it'll teach you a lot more about light and how light works than a bunch of cheap speedlights...
cheers guys - i've been doing the angle poise light thing already - guess I'll stick with that then for the time being
Oh and Jockwav thanks you've just saved me some £'s