The Chuck Away Your Camera Challenge - Picture Sharing Thread

Here's my tupence:
Dead tree in shade by Byker28i. Minimal and well composed.

Cheers, I really enjoyed working to the fixed focal length but was really disappointed by the final result of most.

I.e., the colours on these two and the composition worked really well in the view finder, yet the final results were dull in every way.


Still, a good fun challenge and I may try something similar with just my 50m lens on my camera.
The sights- The Eye

London 14.

London 15.

London 16.

OK, those are probably my favs on the thread so far, albeit with bias that I like the Eye and its architectural angles and the views from it. Shame about the wonk on the 2nd one [but hell, I cant hold a camera straight] but something about those 3 that really grab me (y)
Cheers, I really enjoyed working to the fixed focal length but was really disappointed by the final result of most.

I.e., the colours on these two and the composition worked really well in the view finder, yet the final results were dull in every way.


Still, a good fun challenge and I may try something similar with just my 50m lens on my camera.

That's the thing though, I dont think any of us expected the 'look' [colours, tone] to be anything amazing, most of these things are loaded with the cheapest available film and fronted by something that started life as the bottom of a glass coke bottle. There are quite a few in here, as I said previously, that have far more detail in the extremes than you would often see from digital, but I wouldn't worry about the colours too much ;)
The idea was to see if you can get a visually pleasing image without all the fancy buttons, zoom lenses and photoshop. Which you seem to have managed with those two. (y)

go for it, take your 50mm and push yourself! ;)
OK, those are probably my favs on the thread so far, albeit with bias that I like the Eye and its architectural angles and the views from it. Shame about the wonk on the 2nd one [but hell, I cant hold a camera straight] but something about those 3 that really grab me (y)

I really do appreciate that Yv, I will post one day and tell you about all the time and planning that went into my photo,s about 16 hours in all, a lot to talk about.:D
The sights- Whitehall.

London 17.

London 18.

London 19.
Yes, I'd like to see a few more too. Quite a lot "signed up" for this!
The Sights- Trafalgar Square and Piccadilly.

London 20.

London 21.

London 22.
Bit embarrassed about posting these, quite frankly :confused: but here are the best of a bad bunch . . .




Some people have produced some quite decent results. Well done!

There are a few things I have learned -

1) You need plenty of light to use these things
2) Don't bother with any adverse conditions
3) They are going to be fairly grainy anyway
4) Pay attention to the composition if you can't crop afterwards
5) The minimum focal length is a lot longer than I am used to!

In defense of my abysmal effort - the weather was lousy most of the week, so I really should not have bothered shooting and waited for better weather.

Thank you for organising this, Yv. It will make me think more carefully before shooting with my digital in future (y) I tend to rely too much on PP to straighten horizons and get the composition right.

Right, finally had chance to sit down and write some critique for everyone that has entered so far [I know there are some still to come in]

1 ecniv - a lovely set, but as I mentioned earlier, the Cube is the best for me based on the texture and composition.I like woktastic too but can't help but feel there is a better composition in there somewhere.

2 norters - the birds really do grab the attention, but in terms of being pleasing on the eye, the first one really does it. It is simple and very effective.

3 cuchulainn - a very interesting set, but it is still 'all in the framing' that works for me. The film has an almost painted look about it which I particularly like with that image.

4 nod - already said that, that gulley image is one of the best I have seen on this thread.

5 happygolucky - dead heat between the gutter and the bench pictures, both work brilliantly and are definitely my kind of picture. I think the only one I dont like is the church one, just feels like there isn't much to it, but the rest all have something

6 spikeK6 - LOVE the first 2 and especially number 1. Yes, I do like shots into the light and you have really made it work. I know you say you hate harsh sunlight but I would reconsider if I were you, they all look really good.

7 steveo_mcg - the landscape is lovely, nice muted colours too, but I really like your shots from the bike. Totally different perspective that makes a nice change.

8 ChrisR - what can I say, great choice of subjects well shot, there isn't one I don't like, even with the softness, oof edges, etc etc....

9 Byker28i - I know you really weren't too thrilled by this, but the 1st & last in first post are pretty damn good imo and the rest are not exactly poor in terms of composition. oh and LOVE the deer shot, makes me smile every time I see it.

10 wail - as you know, I like your london theme, but I think its number 6 that stands out just for its activity and composition, as a 'londoner' it sums up londons buzzy busy-ness...

11 virtualadept - definitely number 2, love how it shows the limit on focal range on these things.

12 Toggerman - loving the pics of the kids, it is like looking at photos from my own childhood nearly 40 yrs ago, they have a real dated quality to them which i really like.

13 Ambermile - 1 and 4, regardless of the film used being less than stunning, the compositions work really well and I actually quite like the grainy muted look.

14 srichards - I actually really like that first one, the contrast and architectural bits and pieces work well.

15 Strappy - a very eclectic mix, like them all but I think the street art ones are just about my fav. I like the train, but its a shame about that lump [bump stop thing?] that spoils the lines.

16 Morinaka - lovely set, but I think the mill stands out from a set of well spotted images.

17 joxby - several I like, in particular the water reflections and the tunnel. The only one I am not sure about is the dog through the window....hmmm... great mix from an experienced film user though.

18 ChrisR - another good set from your second film, but the canal basin really stands out imo, so much happening but it just works.

19 Medwaygreen - many many great images. I don't really like the station pics in all honesty, though they do tell part of the story, but the rest are nearly all keepers with several really great photos. As I already said, the london eye ones are my fav of all, though also liking the ones from around trafalgar square too.

20 Ste_lord - some of those landscapes really work, but my fav has to be farmer at work, the colours, motion blur, everything.

21 blondie - the bridge...and the house [how straight is that!], both are just stonkers!

22 Slimbert - very much like the tractor and the sunset/rise over the beach, both great spots.

23 posiview - some really unusual views on yours, liking the lift doors idea a lot, but the fav is the pic of the girl [your daughter?], its a great portrait generally but given the medium, even better!

24 jennyb - no need to be embarrassed, number 2 is an absolute belter, probably my 2nd fav on the thread so far, and 1 and 3 are not shoddy either, and definitely nothing to be embarrassed about.

The 'chosen few' have already started browsing the thread and after the weekend will post their comments and thoughts.... and watch out for those user titles :naughty:

I have actually just left another camera with snappy snaps, my rollei crossbird finally arrived, so will add a few if any are worth it after the weekend.

I really like #1 and 2 they have a lovely atmosphere that just shouts morning sun #2 is my favourite, using the tree top as your sunshade and the rising mist is great.
Yvonne, Thank you very much for the critique; I think many TP members can learn a lot of the way you've positively given feedback (y)

I really like #1 and 2 they have a lovely atmosphere that just shouts morning sun #2 is my favourite, using the tree top as your sunshade and the rising mist is great.

Thanks for your comments, Richard and for yours too, Yv. They are much appreciated.

Right, finally had chance to sit down and write some critique for everyone that has entered so far [I know there are some still to come in]

7 steveo_mcg - the landscape is lovely, nice muted colours too, but I really like your shots from the bike. Totally different perspective that makes a nice change.

Cheers Yvonne, it was a good project and I think I'm going to try and get some more of the on the bike ones... Though I might try with an Ixus instead of a disposable :D
The last three :)

London 23.

London 24.

London 25.

Yv, just to say great challenge, well done for your organisation and enthusiasm with the details and a big thank you.
Firstly, thanks for giving up your time and submitting some great and interesting images to this challenge, YV asked if i'd offer some thoughts on the images posted and I rather foolishly agreed....only kidding..... It's taken a good couple of hours to run through the images. my comments have tried to take into consideration the limitations of the equipment and the aim of the challenge.

1. ecniv. The cube is the best of the bunch with the edgy composition and textures in terms of the form of the building and the grain in the image.
I kind of like woktastic, but feel you could have made a stronger image if you'd focused solely on the animation.

2. noters. starlings is the more dramatic image, my mind is immediately drawn to Hitchcock's classic. With the movement blur and the moody sky there's a real sense of foreboding. Over there gives me a feeling of isolation, sort of 28days later due to it's harsh grass land foreground and the family silhouetted in the distance with no visible possessions.

3. Cuchulainn. I like input translation out of your set. I'm guessing it's a skylight in a high ceiling with a structure behind it catching the light and throwing some lovely shaped shadows. A more central composition would have helped to increase the image's strength……but i'm not sure of the possibilities with such basic equipment on hand. After that, the archway the clouds give a surreal look of smoke rising from the cathedral(?) with the cobbles making a nice lead in to the frame.

4.Nod. the images aren't named but I find the sea wall image to be the strongest of your set. Nice lead in lines to the centre of the frame with a central lamppost giving a point of focus. Drama in the sky too. I think the railings shot could have been stronger if you'd have moved closer and filled the frame with them. the image would have tank on a Prisoner's pov looking out at what they've been deprived of.

5. Happygolucky. I like the geometrics of image 4(the church) symmetry and replication work well. Image 9 keep my attention for a while trying to work out the products on the self (i must be a bit sad), looks like a branch of Boots?

6.SpikeK6. I love the quizzical nature of the cow image, I can't quite decide if the cow is thinking eh up……he's using FILM, or should I be sticking my horn up his jacksie for being too close ? Nice light on the grinding wheel shot too.

7 stereo_mcg. The landscape shot is the strongest. I'm surprised at the clarity of the hill on the horizon witch gives you something lock onto in the image, nice cloud detail too. I like the colour magenta colour shift on disp018 and the low down perspective with the road makings leading into the image.

8. ChrisR Kenilworth castle for me, I like the odd focus which gives a sort of mild pinhole camera effect. The water leads the eye into the image and gives a nice little refection of the ruin. Followed up by the abby lake image. clouds, reflection and a building…what's not to like ?

9. Byker28i I prefer the 1st image with it's undulating line through the centre of the image yet all the tree tops are a broadly similar height. The sky is more or less equal in volume to the foreground bringing balance and colour contrast.
The dead tree might have been better as a silhouette taken with the sun behind it making it look spooky and dead ???

10. Wail image 6, love the opposing buses and the curve of the road into the frame shame that the arrow on the road naturally throws the eye out of the frame to see where it's pointing to. The phone boxes fit your theme imo and are instantly recognisable as part of British heritage.

11. VirtualAdept image 3 for me, i like the 1/2 and 1/2 balance of light and dark ….blue and green. There could have been a stronger composition on the mangle with the detailing on the ends and the rollers.

12. Toggerman I want to know what the patch of smoke / steam is in the centre of the frame…. is it an apparition ? :D Image one reminds me of growing up except it has newer versions of the toys which gives a slightly intriguing juxtaposition to the image

13. Ambermile. vanishing point for me, I'm a sucker for leading lines and that mage is full of them. It's a pity that the puddle wasn't a bit bigger to give a full reflection of the car, composition is a little too central as is imho.

14 .srichards like the "top gear" dark sky at the top of the frame of image one but for me the better image is 2, regardless of it being noisy and a trifle under exposed I like the lines and the reflection of the sky in the window.

15. Yv A wonky horizon in image 1 :runaway: what were you thinking …it's not quirky ! ;) 5 is the strongest for me. Although it's not a boat Capt. Jack will be looking to commandeer any time soon it looks interesting with the rope work going up to the top of the mast.

16. Strappster your last image is the best due to the levels of detail in the art work,the camera has captured well, the jukebox looks great. After that The rat/dog on the building is cool…..don't they have paper to draw on in Bristol though ???

17. Morinaka, love the colours and texture of the leaves in image 3, bags of character in image 4 too.

18. Joxby 1 is great, love the random shapes of the leaves and branches against the sharp hard angles of the building, the colours contrast against each other well too. Image 2 kept my eye for a few mins too with it's detailed reflection in the water and the broken down look of the building, between the two sides of the image theres some strong angles at work. Only narrowly pipped by image one due to the colours. A good strong set ……well done.

19. ChrisR…. Not sure of the rules with regards to a 2nd set, but in for a penny eh !
image 4 is the strongest it looks so picturesque. Pipped the archway by a smudge, the parked car spoiled the image a tad.

20.medwaygreen, sounds like you were unfortunate with the camera, this image doesn't do much for me on the whole, but those balls on the pavement could have provided some interesting DoF shots if more frames had of been available to you.

21. Andysnap I like image 3, the straight lines of the handrails lead the eye up and over the curved roof on a roller coaster ride through the image.
Love the moody sky too. The whole set has a good amount of detail.

22.medwaygreen, glad to see you got another camera. London 3 is the strongest with the yellow line leading to the train and the people waiting patiently to board.

23. Ste_Lord the expanse of Loch Lomond with the distant horizon looks great against the cloudy sky coming over. I like the contrast between the sun on the water on the left of the frame and the dark on the right due to black cloud cover. The tractor shot looks like it's going at 50mph due to the foreground blur…..i'm guessing that you were driving past and took it on the move

24. medwaygreen. we meet again :D Of this little group I like the silhouetted battersea power station image with the sun flare across the towers and the fluffy clouds to the left. Instantly recognisable structure.

25. Blondie606 image 1 just has the edge over image 2 for me, good levels of detail and overall exposure and a strong line into the centre of the frame. Image 2 has a lovely refection and good levels of detail but the expanse of blown sky lets it down a little.

26.medwaygreen. Wow, you enjoyed this challenge didn't you :D London 9 for it's sharp edges and reflections

27. slimbert Checkouts by Cataracts a rare example of his early work if I'm not mistaken :D I really like the toning of the tractor shot, I always ponder the story behind how machinery came be discarded and left in such odd states of repair…. where's it's o/s track and what's the seat doing there….I demand to know :bonk:

28.medwaygreen. London 12 great sky and a couple of world famous land marks, i'd have maybe lost some of the sky and got more people in to highlight the hustle and bustle of the city.

29. posiview image 2 for it's oddness, were you stuck in the lift, i feel like a child peeking through the gap to try and glimpse what lies beyond.

30. medwaygreen, you really are the gift that keeps giving :D London 16 for it's good levels of clarity across the Londinium skyline.

31. Medwaygreen…..lets doooo the time warp again ;) None of these do it for me, the statue of Monty could have been soooo cool with it's textures

32. Medwaygreen. London 22 has got a real world war in colour feel to it, i like it a lot. the central hotspot from the sun and it's flare actually add to the watery light on the image.

33. Jennyb. Nothing to be embarrassed about there sugar image 2 is smashing :) I love what I suspect is the early morning mist rising off the field and the sun through the trees. It's a lovely country image. Image 1 just gets the nod over 3 due to the path leading to the centre where it's intersected by what looks like another path. Plenty to keep the eye busy.

34. medwaygreen again……..I feel like I've known you my whole life :D London 25, I don't like going to London tbh, but you've managed to show me pretty much all the sights through this thread. (y) It looks a bit on the wonk though.
Sorry they're late. Here goes..





Not exactly the right tool for wildlife, couldn't resist the Cormorant at my local pond.
Thanks for the comments, Brian. As I've said before, anything other than the concept of the sand/wall shot was 100% luck! As Yv may have seen, I just bent over and stuck the camera as close as I dared to the bottom of the gully, got it as vertical as I could by gueswork and pressed the button. The lamppost and dramatic sky just happened to be there and neither was planned for!

I'll agree about the railing shot. My inspiration was that I am a little bit trapped at the moment, being 1/2 way through a medically enforced withdrawl of driving priveleges but on that day (and a few preceeding), I was feeling far less trapped due to the kindness of a couple of fellow TPers - Yv and her Geza, who had decided to celebrate the end of Yv's wedding season with a long midweek visit to the Westcountry. Since we've known each other for several years both online (in other forums) and in real life, they kindly offered to take me out while they were down and chauferred me around various places and to assorted eateries!

(Unfortunately, on the day both my pictures were taken, we parked up for lunch and I went to buy a ticket. I'm certain that last year, parking between 1st October and 31st March was free, so when I saw the prices on the machine said 1st April to 30th September, I assumed the off season was still free. WRONG!!! I can't repeat what Jon (and I) said - suffice it to say that it was most unparliamentary! Despite repeated offers by me to pay the ticket, they refused the £25 - maybe they though it was a bargain compared to their local tickets? I hope they paid within the cheap period (30 days IIRC), or it goes up to £50.

Thanks again to them both - publicly this time!

Thank you for taking the time to give feedback (y)

On the subject of the my photo no. 6, I was hoping to get the shot while the approaching bus was closer, but was critical to not want to get anyone crossing the road to distract attention from the busses.

It was a great exercise, one which I am sure I'll be doing over and over whenever I'm back in UK.

Again, thank you for the critique.
To Yvonne and Brian,

Many thanks for taking the time and trouble to give the critique on all our efforts, it is most appreciated and yes I enjoyed this challenge immensely.
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Thank you Yvonne and Brian. Wouldn't mind doing something like this again.
7 steveo_mcg. The landscape shot is the strongest. I'm surprised at the clarity of the hill on the horizon witch gives you something lock onto in the image, nice cloud detail too. I like the colour magenta colour shift on disp018 and the low down perspective with the road makings leading into the image.

Cheers Brian appreciate the feedback.

I can only echo the above a very enjoyable and interesting challenge.
Thanks for the feedback too - always good to hear what other people think of your shots!
So glad you have all enjoyed it and we are currently looking at some nice new challenges for you all to undertake next year, something that everyone and anyone can join in with. I and the rest of staffroom have been hugely cheered by the great response this challenge got from the members so big thanks to everyone that has taken the time to get involved. :clap:

However, this one is not quite done yet, there is more critique from non-participating mods to come in [apologies, my timing in asking happened to fall when they were having particularly busy periods] and of course, a user title or two. (y)
So from all of this, have we got a rough idea of which disposable cameras were better?
I thought the max spiellman one I had was ok apart from the distortion. Not too awful with colour casts. Slightly green when it was underexposed. Seemed ok with flash (did 2 shots)

Cost of processing is included for the 5.99 cost (10.99 for 2 I think) and it is another quid per film for one hour processing or scanning onto cd.
Thanks for the comments. It was a brilliant exercise and it had really made me appreciate my DSLRs a lot more, I now tuck them into bed every night, read them a story, tell them how great they are, give thema quick peck on the prism housing and leave them listening to whale songs. Seriously, I look forward to doing this again (y).

12. Toggerman I want to know what the patch of smoke / steam is in the centre of the frame…. is it an apparition ? :D

It's the dew/frost evaporating in the sunlight. I've wanted to capture it for a while as it looks quite odd and eerie and I wanted to see what it would look like in a picture. I never usually have a camera on me or the time to stop when I see it but I kept the disposable in the door pocket so I jumped out and grabbed a snap. Unfortunately it didn't come out quite like I'd hoped.
So glad you have all enjoyed it and we are currently looking at some nice new challenges for you all to undertake next year, something that everyone and anyone can join in with. I and the rest of staffroom have been hugely cheered by the great response this challenge got from the members so big thanks to everyone that has taken the time to get involved. :clap:

However, this one is not quite done yet, there is more critique from non-participating mods to come in [apologies, my timing in asking happened to fall when they were having particularly busy periods] and of course, a user title or two. (y)

I'm game to doing this on an annual basis (y). It is something I will be doing a lot more of. The pleasures and satisfactions were immense.

How about making it an annual thing, and you could champion it :clap:
So glad you have all enjoyed it and we are currently looking at some nice new challenges for you all to undertake next year, something that everyone and anyone can join in with. I and the rest of staffroom have been hugely cheered by the great response this challenge got from the members so big thanks to everyone that has taken the time to get involved. :clap:

However, this one is not quite done yet, there is more critique from non-participating mods to come in [apologies, my timing in asking happened to fall when they were having particularly busy periods] and of course, a user title or two. (y)

We would all, I think love to do more, but it is crucial that every challenge is concluded.(y)
To all who are interested in playing again...

Like the rest of you, I enjoyed the liberation of literally pointing and pressing, without the decisions more complicated machinery gives you - the only choice I had was flash or no flash (and what to shoot of course!).

In a similar vein but with a little more freedom with regard to PP (although that must be done in phone rather than 'puter!), people are more than welcome to enter the Phonetography competition to show what they can see and do with more basic equipment than they usually use.
I was supposed to be away on a mid week break in York but the accommodation is currently an island in a flooded street so i have some spare time...and there is a post in the staffroom from Yv suggesting we get our collective fingers out and give some comments..........

So ones that caught my eye..

post #2 ecniv
Like the cube. think the lack of sharpness helps! 2 of the others I'd comment on the 'zoom' used if i could lol

#3 norters.
Modern nostalgia. We have albums full of pictures that have that look but ours are 30 -40 years old. The sea shore one is an album cover and love the movement and look of the birds

#4 Cuchulainn
Some of these look too clear! Like the model shot but shame about the plastic top left.

#8 Nod
Great perspective in 2 and I like 4 the railings and beach shot. bet I wouldn't like it if it was perfect from a DSLR though.

#9 happygolucky
5 and 6 for me. Both look a bit contrived with the low angle but i'm a sucker for strong leading lines and diagonals

#11 SpikeK6
2 is he really taking a picture with that? :) and the first one if only for the way it has exposed so well

#16 steveo_mcg
You sure that first one is from a disposable? nice. the dirt on the second one does add a certain something :) shot position looks like you were in a car though...

#17 ChrisR
1 - like the composition, nice lead through the picture. thatch and landscape are nice too. #57 like the lock and cottage canal shot

#18 Byker28i
Again really strong on that old photos in the cupboard look..
first and last for me on composition.

#22 Wail
4 and 5 are my picks but I like 6 too - that distortion making the building loom in is something else :)

#23 VirtualAdept
My nan used to have a mangle like that!
Bet you'd never get an exposure like 3 with a digital camera without a lot of effort! Shame the bird flew away (?)

#24 Toggerman
2 is not great but there is something about the light that makes it interesting. 4 and 6 are so sharp and clear by comparison. maybe its the direction the light comes from..

#25 Ambermile
The bin shot catches my eye. Not sure why though. guess it helps the grey desolate and abandoned beach look err... grey :)

#35 srichards
I quite like the building against the long as i hide the bit of streetlight top left with my hand.

#36 Yv
Again that look of old pictures :)
first one for me. like that you can see where they are heading and the lovely weather. Think I've got that same boats picture somewhere :)

#43 Strappy
looks like 99p invested well to me :)
Like the first and third. Last one is really clear but I'd like a little more context

#46 Morinaka
Some great colours, perspectives and arty close ups there but your 'tweaks because of the scanner' make them look a bit too clear and sharp to be from a disposable even if they are.

#48 joxby
where's the image numbers when you need them..
Love the first one with the contrast of leaf and concrete. bridge and tunnel are not bad too.

#59 medwaygreen
The softness in a lot of the other shots on here adds some charm but I don't think it helps this one. #64 good perspective in 2. shame the shadow areas are a bit dark as thats where most of the interest lies. #66 first one is nice but must be a cheat with that crop. 7 is a bit dark apart from the day-glo mans vest but I still like it. #71 i keep adding bits for you! Can't decide if the traffic light adds to 9 or not. I like it anyway. #75 back again :) Got to be 13 from those. #80 like the way 14 looks like it belongs on a bike. #86 and #89 nothing grabs me there sorry. #96 the last ones? Like the tradition houses of parliamnet shot. Well done on keeping the thread going by the way ;)

#60 Andysnap
I generally dislike mono when I see conversions on the forum. Somehow just knowing its film and was never colour to start with makes it more acceptable. strange aren't I :)
Anyway i like the first as it seems to suit the media and the last one for reasons i can't quite put my finger on.

#65 Ste_Lord
Like the way the tractor stands out in the sharp middle of all that lens blur. nice colours in the first one and its relatively sharp but somehow the composition isn't right

#67 blondie606
Again I'm a sucker for a nice leading line so I like that first one. 2nd is great too but can't help thinking the mirror line should be half way up the frame for symmetry. 5 is another one straight out of a 1970's photo album :)

#72 Slimbert
That first one could have been interesting but....
The other 2 aren't bad. Nice to have it confirmed I'm not the only one that can't hold a camera straight

#76 posiview
photo22 is unreasonably sharp and clear but its a nice portrait so can't ignore it. I want to like the first one but that black area makes me feel like I'm missing something on the right!

#90 jennyb
Nothing wrong with those. Again these show what film can do that digital doesn't without a lot more effort.

#98 trevorbray
Got to be 3. That's everybody's favourite dog that they had many years ago. I've got some of me as a baby with that exact same dog in them....well maybe not the same dog...

well that took a while. time for a jaffa cake.

Maybe I'll get another finger out and have a go next time :)
Thanks Robert.

One of the joys of the exercise was that the camera was completely disposable - if I'd dropped it into the sand/water in #2, I may have sworn but it wouldn't have taken me long to get over it! Had I dropped my D700 and 12-24 Sigma (which I would probably have used for the shot had it been done with an SLR), I would probably still be swearing (and caressing a shiny new D600...). Had I been using a CSLR (or indeed any digital with instant review), I would probably have reshot with a bit of flash to lift the railings. Next time we head down to the beach in that sort of weather I'll try it to see how it works (as well as filling the frame with the railings a bit more). Might even take the waterproof compact down to see if I can recreate the Petit Canyon shot too.
Oops. Sorry for massive delay in getting mine posted

I have combined this with my Step Out of my Comfort Zone Challenge. My comfort zone is rugby photography. The limitations of the 400 ISO as the sun dropped during the match can be seen and I forgot I couldn't zoom!

Anyway, here we go and check out the scary lens flare :LOL:









Nice set Kel. Not really designed for action are they? I particularly like #3 - IMO, the flare adds something to it rather than detracting. I like #4 too - I like the way the ight has done its stuff on the side away from the sun.