The Fabulous Fuji X owners thread

"Taking A Selfie"

Just a simple candid street style Fujigraph captured at London UK of a couple of young ladies taking a selfie.
I've deliberately gone for a higher contrast presentation to this snap because I feel it's better suited to this type of photography and I'm trying to create a more journalistic approach to my street style snaps.

Taking A Selfie (1)-03587 by G.K.Jnr., on Flickr

:ty: for looking., (y):fuji:
Wow, that’s a stunning shot. Can you tell me more about the extension tube, and how you use them?

Sure, though there's not too much to tell. They're basically just spacers that sit between the lens and camera body.
There's no glass in them so they don't change image quality, all they do is shift the range of focus closer - meaning that your closest focus distance gets smaller, but you also lose the ability to focus at infinity.

You also lose a little light, but i've not found it to be a problem at all. It's probably about 1 stop, maybe less on the 10mm.

The ones i use have electrical contacts that keep the lens connected to the camera - so autofocus, aperture, OIS etc all still work.

You can pick up a set on amazon/ebay for around £20. Much cheaper than a macro lens, but then macro lenses tend to be super sharp, fast, and retain the ability to focus to infinity. It depends how serious you wanna get with macro. Having tried the tubes for a while, i'm getting tempted.
Sure, though there's not too much to tell. They're basically just spacers that sit between the lens and camera body.
There's no glass in them so they don't change image quality, all they do is shift the range of focus closer - meaning that your closest focus distance gets smaller, but you also lose the ability to focus at infinity.

You also lose a little light, but i've not found it to be a problem at all. It's probably about 1 stop, maybe less on the 10mm.

The ones i use have electrical contacts that keep the lens connected to the camera - so autofocus, aperture, OIS etc all still work.

You can pick up a set on amazon/ebay for around £20. Much cheaper than a macro lens, but then macro lenses tend to be super sharp, fast, and retain the ability to focus to infinity. It depends how serious you wanna get with macro. Having tried the tubes for a while, i'm getting tempted.
Thanks very much. I bought a JJC set last year (11mm & 16mm) but never really knew what to do with it. But I'll dust it off and give it another go.
Three random shots from walks round London.

1. Cartier, New Bond Street - packed Saturday afternoon so I merged six shots to lose as many people as possible. Unfortunately, the queue barely moved so two remain
Cartier by Ian, on Flickr

2. Stella McCartney shop - had to mingle with anti-fur protesters screaming into megaphones to take this, while wearing a leather jacket they probably also disapproved of
Pinta by Ian, on Flickr

3. City Bank - an often-photographed number on a bank building in the City, photoshopped to add some interest
5-11-11 by Ian, on Flickr
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Five random shots from walks round London.

1. Cartier, New Bond Street - packed Saturday afternoon so I merged six shots to lose as many people as possible. Unfortunately, the queue barely moved so two remain
Cartier by Ian, on Flickr

2. Stella McCartney shop - had to mingle with anti-fur protesters screaming into megaphones to take this, while wearing a leather jacket they probably also disapproved of
Pinta by Ian, on Flickr

3. City Bank - an often-photographed number on a bank building in the City, photoshopped to add some interest
5-11-11 by Ian, on Flickr
Love these. Very well taken and processing is terrific.
Three random shots from walks round London.

1. Cartier, New Bond Street - packed Saturday afternoon so I merged six shots to lose as many people as possible. Unfortunately, the queue barely moved so two remain
Cartier by Ian, on Flickr

2. Stella McCartney shop - had to mingle with anti-fur protesters screaming into megaphones to take this, while wearing a leather jacket they probably also disapproved of
Pinta by Ian, on Flickr

3. City Bank - an often-photographed number on a bank building in the City, photoshopped to add some interest
5-11-11 by Ian, on Flickr

As good as always, love the first one.
Quick one from the commute this morning. I was already running a few minutes late, but I wouldn't have been able to forgive myself if I just kept driving. Literally slid into the gravel car park, rolled out the door like a member of the A-Team, fired off a handful of shots and was gone. Whole thing took maybe 30 seconds!

Morning Mist by jimmyjamjoejoe, on Flickr
Certainly worth the 30 second stop :)
"London Bus Ride (1)"

Just a simple candid street style Fujigraph captured at London UK of some folk passing by on a "London Bus".
I've deliberately gone for a higher contrast presentation to this snap because I feel it's better suited to this type of photography and I'm trying to create a more journalistic approach to my street style snaps.

London Bus Ride (1)-03588 by G.K.Jnr., on Flickr

:ty: for looking., (y):fuji:
Took a trip up to Ribblehead last Saturday to photograph the famous viaduct, I was only due to stay for around an hour before getting the train back into Leeds, but after getting off and realizing my train home was cancelled, it meant it was getting dark when I finally left, this allowed me to get an unplanned dusk photo of Ribblehead station.

Also, if anyone is in the area, The Station Inn is well worth a visit, especially if you're train is cancelled leaving you stranded in the rain for three hours!

Fuji X-T100.

Ribblehead Station by Adam P, on Flickr
"Street Artist"

Just a simple candid street style Fujigraph captured at the South Bank London UK of a guy doing a bit of landscape painting.
I've deliberately gone for a higher contrast presentation to this snap because I feel it's better suited to this type of photography and I'm trying to create a more journalistic approach to my street style snaps.
I'm also working on a personal project called Faceless and this will be one of the shots included.

Street Artist-03589 by G.K.Jnr., on Flickr

:ty: for looking., (y):fuji:
"Street Artist"

Just a simple candid street style Fujigraph captured at the South Bank London UK of a guy doing a bit of landscape painting.
I've deliberately gone for a higher contrast presentation to this snap because I feel it's better suited to this type of photography and I'm trying to create a more journalistic approach to my street style snaps.
I'm also working on a personal project called Faceless and this will be one of the shots included.

Street Artist-03589 by G.K.Jnr., on Flickr

:ty: for looking., (y):fuji:
Enjoying your "Faceless Project"
"Street Artist"

Just a simple candid street style Fujigraph captured at the South Bank London UK of a guy doing a bit of landscape painting.
I've deliberately gone for a higher contrast presentation to this snap because I feel it's better suited to this type of photography and I'm trying to create a more journalistic approach to my street style snaps.
I'm also working on a personal project called Faceless and this will be one of the shots included.

Street Artist-03589 by G.K.Jnr., on Flickr

:ty: for looking., (y):fuji:
Really liking your work George. Street work is my favourite, sadly my area is not the best for this kind of photography.
Really liking your work George. Street work is my favourite, sadly my area is not the best for this kind of photography.

Thank you kindly Nick, appreciate your reply.

"Some areas are not quite so fruitful as London etc and fortunately I do manage to get there quite a bit. The big advantage at London is hardly anyone even takes any notice of you as they're all well used to seeing toggers about and if one area is not working too well there's plenty of other areas well within easy reach"