The Fabulous Fuji X owners thread

Has anyone here taken the plunge and went totally mirrorless? My Canon FF gear has hardly seen daylight in a year, I'm at the point now where I'm seriously thinking of selling it on and using just my Fuji X cameras. I'm going to take a big hit financially, but it seems pointless to have all that lovely (heavy) gear and not use it. Plus the funds raised could buy me some nice glass for my X cameras. Anyone else been down this road ?
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I sold my 7D lenses but had no choice as it funded my XT1 and lenses. Don't regret it, if you don't use it, sell it on, you may lose money but you're losing more by having it and not using it.
Has anyone here taken the plunge and went totally mirrorless? My Canon FF gear has hardly seen daylight in a year, I'm at the point now where I'm seriously thinking of selling it on and using just my Fuji X cameras. I'm going to take a big hit financially, but it seems pointless to have all that lovely (heavy) gear and not use it. Plus the funds raised could buy me some nice gall for my X cameras. Anyone else been down this road ?
In that same position at the moment. Only thing holding me back us I need to know if my flash set up will work for the winter creative shots. Use flash on manual so should do. Need to have a play.
Has anyone here taken the plunge and went totally mirrorless? My Canon FF gear has hardly seen daylight in a year, I'm at the point now where I'm seriously thinking of selling it on and using just my Fuji X cameras. I'm going to take a big hit financially, but it seems pointless to have all that lovely (heavy) gear and not use it. Plus the funds raised could buy me some nice gall for my X cameras. Anyone else been down this road ?

Sell it. It just devalues every month.
Has anyone here taken the plunge and went totally mirrorless? My Canon FF gear has hardly seen daylight in a year, I'm at the point now where I'm seriously thinking of selling it on and using just my Fuji X cameras. I'm going to take a big hit financially, but it seems pointless to have all that lovely (heavy) gear and not use it. Plus the funds raised could buy me some nice gall for my X cameras. Anyone else been down this road ?

Yep sold my Nikon FF kit & when totally mirrorless,took a hit on my gear :eek:,but the longer you hang on to it the more of a hit you take :)
I've gone from a 5DII/50D and waiting for a few bits to sell to get a XT1 camera. I Don't think i will have the need for bigger bodies going forward, I have stepped away from professional photography and if i went back to it may consider FF again but time will tell on that!
Has anyone here taken the plunge and went totally mirrorless? My Canon FF gear has hardly seen daylight in a year, I'm at the point now where I'm seriously thinking of selling it on and using just my Fuji X cameras. I'm going to take a big hit financially, but it seems pointless to have all that lovely (heavy) gear and not use it. Plus the funds raised could buy me some nice gall for my X cameras. Anyone else been down this road ?

Years ago, DSLR offers me nothing, the only exception being Fuji S3/S5 DSLRs which do offer exceptional colour which I like, - the XT1 however manages to match it 95% with other benefits so that's where I am now.
Yeah I reckon it's time to bite the bullet, as each week passes I'm sure it my 5D3 will devalue, the L glass should stay fairly stable though.
I've just had a play with my flash gun setup, and it won't fire with the fuji. I do use it quite a bit in the miserable months so might have to keep it.
Years ago, DSLR offers me nothing, the only exception being Fuji S3/S5 DSLRs which do offer exceptional colour which I like, - the XT1 however manages to match it 95% with other benefits so that's where I am now.
For me that won't be an issue as I rarely use flash, I did buy a Nissan i40 for my Fujis and I'm more than happy with it so far.
Has anyone here taken the plunge and went totally mirrorless? My Canon FF gear has hardly seen daylight in a year, I'm at the point now where I'm seriously thinking of selling it on and using just my Fuji X cameras. I'm going to take a big hit financially, but it seems pointless to have all that lovely (heavy) gear and not use it. Plus the funds raised could buy me some nice glass for my X cameras. Anyone else been down this road ?
I've kept an 5DII and wide angle prime for a special trip I'm planning to make, but everything else went in favour of a mirrorless. Got an XE-1 from my father bit more than a year ago, a couple of lenses including an 18mm pancake, then yesterday bought an XT-10 as well ... so now I have XT-10 with the 18mm and XE-1 with a 27mm. Used the camera more in the last few months than I did for about a year to year and a half before it.
It should work fine. Which flash gun are you using? Is your camera is ES only? ISO 100? Silent mode? All those will stop it from firing.
Canon 580EXII guns triggered by Yongnuo 622TX on the hotshoe and 622C on the guns. Don't work. Can use a 603 on the camera and on the gun and it works, but the 622 controls the guns which is what I want to do. Don't want to be walking round changing all the settings on 4 guns individually.

Shutter is MS. ISO 200.
Not using my gear very much at the moment and contemplating selling up :( Not enough time to myself, what with young family etc. Been doing a lot of running over the last 19 months and as a hobby it's much cheaper, easier to get the time to do it and much better on my health and fitness :)

I'll see how I feel in the next few weeks, but could certainly do with £900 back in my bank after a recent garage conversion!
Has anyone here taken the plunge and went totally mirrorless? My Canon FF gear has hardly seen daylight in a year, I'm at the point now where I'm seriously thinking of selling it on and using just my Fuji X cameras. I'm going to take a big hit financially, but it seems pointless to have all that lovely (heavy) gear and not use it. Plus the funds raised could buy me some nice glass for my X cameras. Anyone else been down this road ?

Still keeping my FF Nikon system along with the Fujis because there are things that the SLRs do better, especially when tracking something fast moving when panning. The blackouts that the X-T1 suffers are (IMO) a PITA and make accurate following of the subject difficult.
Has classifieds been restricted by the way, or is it just because I've not posted in a while?
Has anyone here taken the plunge and went totally mirrorless? My Canon FF gear has hardly seen daylight in a year, I'm at the point now where I'm seriously thinking of selling it on and using just my Fuji X cameras. I'm going to take a big hit financially, but it seems pointless to have all that lovely (heavy) gear and not use it. Plus the funds raised could buy me some nice glass for my X cameras. Anyone else been down this road ?

My Canon gear went years ago in favour of a X Pro 1 and a couple of lenses, very liberating.
Has classifieds been restricted by the way, or is it just because I've not posted in a while?

Baz, there has long been a forum rule that at least 50% of your posts must be in the forums outside the classifieds areas but it's recently been automated so is now more strictly enforced. The good news is that you are currently only JUST over the 50%, with 51% of your postings being in the classies. Post more in the rest of the forums and your classifieds access should be automatically restored, as long as you keep the ratio on the right side of 50%!
Has classifieds been restricted by the way, or is it just because I've not posted in a while?
You haven't been around for a while have you?
Look in the Site Help and Support section. There is a humununguos thread on this.
You are 51%. Bad luck.
Old Engines. XT-1, 18-55mm f2.8-4.

Old-Engines-b&w by Andy, on Flickr

That's a great shot Andy, good composition and a very nice bit of B&W PP work. Really like the way it all blends together with the old music machine & the elderly chap.(y)

You haven't been around for a while have you?
Look in the Site Help and Support section. There is a humununguos thread on this.
You are 51%. Bad luck.
Baz, there has long been a forum rule that at least 50% of your posts must be in the forums outside the classifieds areas but it's recently been automated so is now more strictly enforced. The good news is that you are currently only JUST over the 50%, with 51% of your postings being in the classies. Post more in the rest of the forums and your classifieds access should be automatically restored, as long as you keep the ratio on the right side of 50%!

Cheers guys! I did find that info for myself just before leaving work :) This might just give me the excuse to use my camera more... I think I've just lost the bug for now :(
Mirrorless men! (And women)

Having just returned from a lovely holiday in Pembrokeshire I feel I may be at a turning point in my photography.
Lugging a Lowepro backpack fully loaded with DSLR gear (see below for contents) is starting to give me backache and ruining my walks.
The other half is loving her new (to her) Panasonic LX5 and I'm amazed at the quality of a compact.
On the last day she said "why don't you leave your gear in the camper and we'll just take mine out?" Do you know I enjoyed the walk much more, had no aching back and didn't miss the gear.

Honestly, truthfully if I sold my D700, battery grip, 16-35 F4, 35-70 F2.8, 80-200 F2.8, 50mm F1.8, 85mm F1.8D and SB900 flashgun would I notice the difference in image quality if I went for the XT-1?

I sold my D7000 for the full frame D700 and am wondering if I will notice much difference if I went to the APS-C sized Fuji.

Trawling through this thread I'm surprised to read a lot of you have indeed ditched the DSLR's and gone mirrorless.
Is there anything I will miss that the D700 does much better apart from battery life which is easily combatted by buying the battery grip for the Fuji.
I would like to retain good high ISO performance and enjoy low light photography and ultrawide lenses.

Thanks in advance for the replies and please be honest, if you regret selling the DSLR kit I need to know as I'll never be able to replace my gear should I make the wrong choice.

Terence, as I said, there are a few things that a decent SLR will do better than the X-T1 but for 90%+ of the things I now shoot, it's the Fujis that come out to play, especially if there's any significant distance to carry the kit or any weight restrictions on hand baggage. The 10-24 on the X-T1 will give a slightly wider field of view than your 16-35 will on FF and I honestly don't think you'd notice a difference in an A3+ print from the 2. Battery life isn't a problem IRL. Carry a couple of spares and swap them out when it's not inconvenient - I tend to do it when the meter shows 1/2 full and it takes but a second or 2 to do the swap. How high an ISO do you use on a regular basis? Up to 1600, there's little problem and what noise does show can be controlled in PP.
Nod's post above (#8219) and my earlier posts about use of flash for creative stuff are the reason I probably won't ditch the 5D3. But..the quality from the XT-1 is very good. As I'm not a pixel peeper and am unlikely ever to want to print larger than A3 I can't see many drawbacks to using the mirrorless. I too have given up lugging a full backpack around. My back is like yours - knackered!
Motor sport, and creative studio stuff are what I'll keep FF for, but for everything else I can't see any drawbacks. isn't a DSLR and you have to start thinking in a different manner.
Canon 580EXII guns triggered by Yongnuo 622TX on the hotshoe and 622C on the guns. Don't work. Can use a 603 on the camera and on the gun and it works, but the 622 controls the guns which is what I want to do. Don't want to be walking round changing all the settings on 4 guns individually.

Shutter is MS. ISO 200.

Never used the 622's, but are there modes on it? It's not in TTL mode is it?
If you did sell up the canon gear you could also sell the flashes. The yongnuo 560's with a 560tx would do what you require. Or the godox/neewer flashes and trigger.
If you did sell up the canon gear you could also sell the flashes. The yongnuo 560's with a 560tx would do what you require. Or the godox/neewer flashes and trigger.
Elaborate please. ..I know nowt about Yxxxnxxx stuff.
Is the 560tx Fuji specific or merely centre pin firing? That's not a real problem. Do the 560's have a corresponding receiver built in? Presumably the TX would allow me to use groups of flashes at different settings just like the 622TX.
I use the ones supposedly for Canon. But they are full manual control anyway. The v3 & 4 flashes have built in receivers, the 4's can also be used as a transmitter. The 560tx gives control for zoom and power and can be set for groups.
The ones I've got at present are Canon specific but don't work although the 604 units do. Full manual only but thats not a problem. Presumably there is no signal getting to the 622TX to forward to the receivers.

I'll have a fuller look tomorrow afternoon. It might be worth getting a TX and a v4. If they work I can keep them as part of the new set up. If they don't then I can return them.
When I had the 622's for canon it was before the 622tx had been released. Because the originals replied on the camera to set the power levels they were obviously no use. But the newer 622tx should be able to be set for manual only on other systems ( from what I've read of them)