The Fabulous Fuji X owners thread

Thanks. I wanted to try and get one of these with a lightish sky.
Could only get an hours worth of stars before it clouded over. That was enough; I was getting spooked sat there on my own. No one anywhere near but I was hearing all sorts of noises in the dark. The mind plays tricks.
Fuji's OIS is divine

I reckon it's worth about 4 1/2 - 5 stops over the theoretical 1/EFL (35mm) shutter speed in my hands on the 100-400.
On the 50-140 it is ridiculous. I can't wait to see what they can do on a prime, the 120mm will be very interesting.
Thanks guys. Didn't think it would be that popular. You may have read the comments on the Flickr image, but some guy who should know better thought this was shot at dusk when the sky was blue. He seems to have forgotten that you can't see stars against a blue sky.

In fact the sky was black as tar when I was doing this. Just shows how good the camera is to let me finish up with a shot like this.
Nice that. It's a bit different from the usual shots I've seen of that bridge.

You are going to have to organise a day trip for us up country bumpkins. We can get to the smoke in 2 hours from Liverpool and less from Manchester. We never get anything like this up here; I'm quite jealous.
You are going to have to organise a day trip for us up country bumpkins. We can get to the smoke in 2 hours from Liverpool and less from Manchester. We never get anything like this up here; I'm quite jealous.

More than happy to organise a tour in central London one day. Tower Bridge/shard, St. Paul's/millennium bridge, London eye/Westminster make an nice afternoon, and we could easily add in More London for some modern architecture. Or from tower bridge head east to Canary Wharf, millennium dome/O2 and the flood barrier. My time is more free after Easter so I could so it midweek or weekend. Keep it Fuji and we could share kit easily.
It wasn't a totally flippant suggestion. I've been thinking about a trip down for some time. If I pick the right trains I can get return to/from Liverpool including free all day bus and tube travel for £40. Got to pick the right trains but we could leave here 7AM and be with you before 9.30. A full day out and catch the 7.30 train back. It's doable.

We'd need fairly definite numbers and then find the trains. Would have to be Saturday for the free tube travel. Oyster cards frighten me!
It wasn't a totally flippant suggestion. I've been thinking about a trip down for some time. If I pick the right trains I can get return to/from Liverpool including free all day bus and tube travel for £40. Got to pick the right trains but we could leave here 7AM and be with you before 9.30. A full day out and catch the 7.30 train back. It's doable.

We'd need fairly definite numbers and then find the trains. Would have to be Saturday for the free tube travel. Oyster cards frighten me!

Tube travel within zone 1 is capped to a maximum each day so your Oyster Card doesn't take a big hit!!

Anyway I'm in Keswick at the moment and I see you have your own holiday business with a shop front and everything!!
Yes I know about that business. Our names come from the same source. It's a long story!!!

Where are you staying in Keswick?

I don't have an oyster card to hit!
I'm certainly up for this. If you are coming into Euston or Kings Cross I can collect you from there (they are close if different people are coming to different stations) then a quick tube journey south to the City and we start from there. No need for Oyster cards any more, contactless credit or debit cards are just as good, but if you can get free tube travel then fair enough. On a Saturday the South Bank is pretty lively so lots of opportunity for some street photography I'd have thought (though it is not my kind of thing).

If we want to shoot on Canary Wharf itself we need to get a permit (I think) so that would need some notice and organisation, but there are plenty of great views of Docklands from the Thames Path. But I'd be inclined to go west rather than east as there is more to shoot without the need for catching trains.
Our trains go into Euston.
Tonight is going to be pretty heavy with the rugby so I'll have a look in more detail tomorrow.
Then the fun of getting everyone to agree on a date begins. Think I might just agree a date with Ian and those who want to come will make the effort!
Yes I know about that business. Our names come from the same source. It's a long story!!!

Where are you staying in Keswick?

I don't have an oyster card to hit!

A guest house in St Johns Road, amazingly it's been quite sunny this afternoon and the forecast isn't bad for tomorrow. It's not a photo trip per se but there will be opportunities!!

PS I have a spare Oyster card that you are welcome to top up!!

I'm interested in a London day out, for me going from Crewe is best
St John's Road. Know it well. Murky as muck here. Been to the boat museum. Cold.

Possible that we can get the same train from Liverpool calling at Crewe.

Speak when I've a better idea how the land lies.
P.S. There's a good pizza restaurant near you. On the left as you walk into town. Can't remember the name.
Just had a very quick look at tickets for London. Not every train and not every Saturday, but most trains on most Saturdays have what is called a Saturday Travel Railcard option which gives free travel round the city. From Liverpool it is £41.20 return in reserved seats. Leave 06.44 and arrive at 09.42. (Calls at Crewe at 07.37) Return suggested at 19.38.
Other departure points will have slightly different details. But it's a goer at that, for me at least.
Anyone else interested? Should I take this further? Tomorrow of course. If we beat les frogs I'll be somewhat merry. If we lose I'll be sick as a parrot.

Ian...any dates preferred or to be avoided? Early May sound good to anyone? 7th?
Just had a very quick look at tickets for London. Not every train and not every Saturday, but most trains on most Saturdays have what is called a Saturday Travel Railcard option which gives free travel round the city. From Liverpool it is £41.20 return in reserved seats. Leave 06.44 and arrive at 09.42. (Calls at Crewe at 07.37) Return suggested at 19.38.
Other departure points will have slightly different details. But it's a goer at that, for me at least.
Anyone else interested? Should I take this further? Tomorrow of course. If we beat les frogs I'll be somewhat merry. If we lose I'll be sick as a parrot.

Ian...any dates preferred or to be avoided? Early May sound good to anyone? 7th?

No idea if the date will work but if it does, I'll join you guys, if I may? I'm 25 mins from Waterloo.
Course you can join us. Date isn't anywhere near fixed yet. Another local is always useful.

Thanks mate. Don't expect much guidance from me, though. I spent most of my life abroad and moved here to marry my wife 10 years ago. As much as I enjoy forays into London they have been few and far between. I can find my way around without problem but I don't know London well. Would be a fun day, though.
Got my xt1, handles as good as I remember, with the 35 1.4 it's as slow as I remember. Image quality is still good though. Initial thoughts, glad I got it.
Sounds like a great photo opportunity, I haven't been in the big smoke in quite a few years, keep me posted guys , if the dates suit I'd love to partake in a guided tour of London.
Not sure, I'll just be back from Lanzarote on the 2nd May so time off work could be a big problem, I'll be better placed in a week or so to make a firmer commitment.
Might join in too if that's ok, date dependent of course.

Born and bred East Londoner, lived there for forty years and worked in central london for over twenty years before relocating to Cambridgeshire.

Might be able to help out with a few locations, not so great south of the river though, nearly French that side of the water
Might join in too if that's ok, date dependent of course.

Born and bred East Londoner, lived there for forty years and worked in central london for over twenty years before relocating to Cambridgeshire.

Might be able to help out with a few locations, not so great south of the river though, nearly French that side of the water
I spent a couple of weeks in on the french side of the river back in the early 2000's , I was working for Ford and the Woolwich plant was closing, to be honest I didn't encounter too many Frenchies :whistle: