The Fabulous Fuji X owners thread

If you mean who I think you mean.....I'm out on a shoot with him at the weekend. A Fuji shoot but he's taking a N..........

Is that a banning offence? The N........ I mean!

Personally I think he deserves shot for that.
Obviously convert to B&W before you post it though.
just picked up an X-T10 with 18-55 today.Should be fun to take on holiday and a lot lighter to lug around than the D300 with its 18-50 f/2.8
Going on an trip XT-1 -16-55mm and battery grip,see how I feel after carrying this lot,plus some backup gear in another bag :D

Going to try the XT-1 on an blackrapid strap
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Had a little play with the 16-50 lens which I recently purchased on here. Really nice little zoom. I know it's not the same build as the 18-55 but it still surprised me in terms of how solid it still felt for what's essentially all plastic. The output quality is pretty decent too :)
I'm aware it's slower too, however as a walkabout lens it's pretty useful to have something of that range :)

On Tuesday I was shooting with the X-T10 + 35mm, with the 18mm and 16-50 in a Hadley Small and it felt next to nothing in weight. My 5D and 50mm felt heavier! Almost tempted to sell it and get the 56mm :whistle:
I've sold a 5D before however when I had my XP1 and regretted it.
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Hey, thanks for all the good vibes on the shots earlier.

Yes, Peter Moira Station near Lisburn, my hometown.

I have a lot to learn Colin! :confused: Had a NEX-5 previously and fairly much had it mastered. Went Nikon, and the Sony got a rest but then when I went back to it had forgotten all the little quirks and hiding places in the menus.

Mono might help the third one Steve but I think there's a bit of chromatic aberration which I doubt if it will disguise sufficiently. Haven't got the lens profile in LR yet. Is this a known problem with the 18-55? (anybody)
I've sold a 5D before however when I had my XP1 and regretted it.
I've done the same sold 5D2 as thought its to heavy even though more than capable carrying it,
Then i missed it so sold my CSC and X series to fund getting Canon 5D3 with lenses :) lol

I'm going to stick with both now Canon gear and just getting Fuji gear, so far just have X-T10 18mm, 27mm and 35mm which feel like my bag is empty in comparison to the weight of just my 5D3 and 50mm art f1.4.
Lovely shot Allan....^

Just testing the water here, where's a good place to purchase a new X-T1..? Would a grey import be much cheaper/better value..?

Personally I'd go for a grey import or a Fuji refurbished (stock comes and goes) You just missed a couple of nearly new used ones in the classifieds here, due to two people jumping ship (they'll be back)
Can someone explain why the 23mm XF f/1.4 R costs £650 and the 35mm XF f/1.4 R costs £380?
More glass in the 23?

Both those macro images are simply STUNNING, love the clarity and contrast/colour! They'd look awesome printed large and displayed/hung on a wall. Respect Sir....!

Central Scotland

Thanks for that Peter, appreciate your comments.(y)

("My offer to you a while back to visit us and have a studio shoot still stands if ever you get towards our neck of the woods").

("My offer to you a while back to visit us and have a studio shoot still stands if ever you get towards our neck of the woods"). George.

I'd so love to, greatly appreciated George, distance is the only problem. Some day ok....!

Thanks again;
#2 is brilliant George but i do rather like the perspective of #1. Nice work!

Thanks for that David, appreciate your comments.(y)

@G.K.Jnr. Those macros look great! Good work,

@macvisual Come back to the X Club Peter. You know it makes sense :)

I've done the same sold 5D2 as thought its to heavy even though more than capable carrying it,
Then i missed it so sold my CSC and X series to fund getting Canon 5D3 with lenses :) lol

I'm going to stick with both now Canon gear and just getting Fuji gear, so far just have X-T10 18mm, 27mm and 35mm which feel like my bag is empty in comparison to the weight of just my 5D3 and 50mm art f1.4.

I just have the 5D Mk1 which I appreciate isn't top tech but I've gotten some really nice stuff with it and the colour palette (like the Fuji) has always been nice. Full frame goodness too :)
Keep considering the 85mm 1.8 as a portrait option over the Fujis 56mm. It's certainly a cheaper option haha
"@macvisual Come back to the X Club Peter. You know it makes sense" :)

Don't worry Dan, I am returning to Fuji X asap, it's the X-T1 I'm wanting, hopefully within the next few months or so I'll get sorted out with either a minty used one or new etc, I'm currently selling my Sigma Merrill's to help fund my 'Fuji future'. Love it.


Top stuff. Yeah I've seen a few X-T1s crop up on here recently so it's always worth keeping a look out
OK so I have some accessories on the way - a GGS glass screen protector (love these things) and I have purchased some slim Jacobs black ND4 filters (there's still loads on ebay for £3.00 or so). Tried two NDs stacked earlier and reduced the shutter speed by about 4 stops as expected. IQ looks fine but will try this out properly tomorrow :)

I need more accessories now!
You sound like a collector
I've just upgraded from a x-pro1 to a x-t1 and was wondering if it's worth changing my 50-230 for a 55-200. Would there be a noticeable increase in IQ?
Iain (Icee),

Changing from the X-Pro1 to the X-T1, have you noticed many advantages can you tell me please...? For the better...? Just curious.

Sorry for butting in, but I've recently bought an XT1 and have been using the X-pro1 for over a year now. Personally speaking I think the xt1 is a much nicer camera to use, the evf is something special. It's more dslr in feel, the control knobs mean I don't have to go in and out of the menus, I primarily shoot aperture priority and it's great to have the ISO selector. Don't get me wrong, I love my xp1, I was thinking of selling it, but to be honest I prefer the images it produces over the newer sensor,its hard to put into words. Also, as I prefer shooting with zoom lenses the ovf on the XP1 isn't ideal. Bottom line I love both the cameras, they're different but for me and with preference for zooms the XT1 edges it for ease of use. The X-pro1 is a nice camera, but it's takes a bit more time and deliberation to get the best from it.
I trawled through my aperture library recently and most of my favourite shots were taken with the X-pro 1, I have the same dilemma with my Canon gear, I prefer the look of my pictures taken with my 5DC over my 5D3 lol
Lovely shot Allan....^

Just testing the water here, where's a good place to purchase a new X-T1..? Would a grey import be much cheaper/better value..?
Bought mine from refurb store. It's immaculate, didn't have the black in stock, so I paid the premium and bought the graphite edition.