The Fabulous Fuji X owners thread

Those two points are exactly why I'm considering the f2. I love my f1.4 but would very much like the smaller+WR option for when I'm travelling. I have a trip to Japan coming up. Tempted to grab the f2 and see if I find myself missing the 1.4 over the course of that trip.

It's not really smaller though is it? The 1.4 is tiny compared to the others in the line up so I can't see any real size advantage if you go with the f2.

WR is good obviously and it's a faster lens when it comes to response and focusing but I honestly think if I had the 1.4 I'd just keep it. If I had neither, then there would be a decision to make.

The new XF 35mm f/2 WR is a little bit lighter, and a little bit smaller, but neither specification is reason to choose one lens over the other.

I had neither and went for the f2 because of the focus speed more than anything else.

Probably not worth swapping though if you already have the 1.4 though!
Though as the 1.4 is a bit more expensive it would not cost anything, might even get a few quid back on the deal and settle the gas:)?
Though as the 1.4 is a bit more expensive it would not cost anything, might even get a few quid back on the deal and settle the gas:)?

Same thought process as I went through a few months back. Buy the f2 before parting with the 1.4 though. That way you can compare properly, as I did.

F2 is smaller but not enough to make a difference.
F2 has faster focus. very little difference though.
F2 is weather sealed, but I'm a fair weather fella
so it just came down to the picture quality, no contest and the f2 was sold on again.
Size isn't a big difference, obviously, but when travelling it's nice to have as smaller kit as possible, which is a chunk of why I went Fuji. The WR is the major thing for me. Having a combo I can chuck over my shoulder and take anywhere without worrying about it is brilliant.

And getting new toys is good, obviously ;)
The WR is the major thing for me. Having a combo I can chuck over my shoulder and take anywhere without worrying about it is brilliant.

And getting new toys is good, obviously ;)

Agreed, the WR aspect I would say is the reason to choose the f2 for those that will benefit from it. Ideally I would own both.
I'm looking forward to the 23mm version. In fact I talked myself out of buying a X100T from Amazon warehouse this morning for £579 because I think the 23mm f2 on my X-P2 will get a lot more use.
Agreed, the WR aspect I would say is the reason to choose the f2 for those that will benefit from it. Ideally I would own both.
I'm looking forward to the 23mm version. In fact I talked myself out of buying a X100T from Amazon warehouse this morning for £579 because I think the 23mm f2 on my X-P2 will get a lot more use.

Honestly I can see myself keeping both for different purposes, but we'll see. I'm certainly keen to only buy WR lenses from now on, and I'm very keen to see how the new 23 shapes up when it arrives.
It's down as "2016" in the latest roadmap. That could mean December though.

IIRC the 100-400 was originally on the roadmap for a 2013 release but only surfaced at the beginning of this year (in the UK) so don't rely on Fudgy's expected release dates on their roadmap!
Can't say it makes any difference to me on the occasions I use OVF. Even with the hood on it hardly encroaches on the framing guide.
seconded, this is the most retold falsehood about these lenses. Only in macro situations does the hooded f/1.4 lens encroach on the framing guide, and at that point you're so deeply into parallax error that you can't possibly be framing the picture accurately anyway.
Wonder what price the t1 will settle at? As it's currently more expensive now than it was, well even yesterday let alone a year ago

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I've just been notified that Cameraworld are hosting "hands-on" days for the X-T2 on Friday 15 July at Chelmsford and Saturday 16 July in their London store. They did the same early this year for the X-Pro2, and it was as a result I bought mine.
Memo to self: I must not attend.
Right, tried out the XT1 properly and just back home for a couple of days for the missus to get over a cold she contracted.
Then it's off to Llangranog for more photofoolery.

Here's one I took last night at Woolacombe, North Devon. (Yes I'm knackered with all the driving in a 50 mph Peugeot Boxer - 580 miles since Saturday).

18-135mm kit lens. I really like it but still prefer primes. Might have to sell it to get a nice 16mm. Dunno yet.

[url=]Incoming Tide by Terence Rees, on Flickr[/URL]
Right, tried out the XT1 properly and just back home for a couple of days for the missus to get over a cold she contracted.
Then it's off to Llangranog for more photofoolery.

Here's one I took last night at Woolacombe, North Devon. (Yes I'm knackered with all the driving in a 50 mph Peugeot Boxer - 580 miles since Saturday).

18-135mm kit lens. I really like it but still prefer primes. Might have to sell it to get a nice 16mm. Dunno yet.

Incoming Tide by Terence Rees, on Flickr

That's very nice Terry, lovely soft light & colours, and nicely composed. I'm not normally one for milky water effects but on this shot I think it works very well indeed.(y)

I had both the F1.4 and more recently the F2, I decided I couldn't keep both so I let the F1.4 go, I think the F1.4 edges it slightly in IQ it does have a special something going on which the F2 doesn't quite have. The reasons for letting the F1.4 was the F2 is weather sealed, and after using it, the rattly focus and hunting in low light was getting on my nerves. I hope I've made the right call.
I had both the F1.4 and more recently the F2, I decided I couldn't keep both so I let the F1.4 go, I think the F1.4 edges it slightly in IQ it does have a special something going on which the F2 doesn't quite have. The reasons for letting the F1.4 was the F2 is weather sealed, and after using it, the rattly focus and hunting in low light was getting on my nerves. I hope I've made the right call.
I did the same...I'm inclined to agree with you about the image quality. The 1.4 definitely edges it for me but the f2 is a better all round performer.
I've just been notified that Cameraworld are hosting "hands-on" days for the X-T2 on Friday 15 July at Chelmsford and Saturday 16 July in their London store. They did the same early this year for the X-Pro2, and it was as a result I bought mine.
Memo to self: I must not attend.

A little earlier in the year at a motor race meeting I had the chance to use a heavily disguised pre-production X-T2 for a short time that a buddy of mine was putting through it's paces via Fuji. To say I was impressed is an understatement. This unit had the battery pack attached together with the 100-400mm on board, the auto focus and tracking was far better than the X-T1 (not that I normally use auto anything) and the black out time between shots when in boost mode was virtually non existent. The extra MPs give a very useful boost to IQ with more detail and of course a bit more room to breath with regards to cropping etc.

As a company we've been using the X-T1 units as a back up to our Nikon gear this year for our actual race motor sport work, and just the X-T1 units for most of our pit lane/paddock work. But after this brief encounter I can see the X-T2 units being a very strong contender for us to replace the Nikon gear with them. IMHO they really are that good.:D:D

I've just been notified that Cameraworld are hosting "hands-on" days for the X-T2 on Friday 15 July at Chelmsford and Saturday 16 July in their London store. They did the same early this year for the X-Pro2, and it was as a result I bought mine.
Memo to self: I must not attend.

Just adding to this post from Stephen, I've also just had an email from "Clifton Cameras" saying that they have one of these "Hands-On" days for the X-T2 on Saturday 23rd July.(y)

Spotted that eBay are offering me £2 final value fee for any tech auction (max of 4 items) until end of July.

This may well signal the end of my tenure with the Canon EOS 6D and EF lenses (which I haven't properly used for a year or so now).

I think I'm going Fuji only :eek: - which will be the first time in 7 years that I haven't had a Canon at my disposal!
What are folks using as a remote for long exposures? I picked up one for my D7100 pretty easily, but not sure what's best for the fuji.

Answers on a part card, or you know, a reply here will do :)
What are folks using as a remote for long exposures? I picked up one for my D7100 pretty easily, but not sure what's best for the fuji.

Answers on a part card, or you know, a reply here will do :)

I got an RR90 fitting Intervalometer. I've also got a cheapy button only one that uses the mic port. You have to be careful with those, not all of them work on the Fuji. I wanted the intervalometer one though as I could set the exposure time to what ever I want and wander off during the exposure.

ETA: This one:
I got an RR90 fitting Intervalometer. I've also got a cheapy button only one that uses the mic port. You have to be careful with those, not all of them work on the Fuji. I wanted the intervalometer one though as I could set the exposure time to what ever I want and wander off during the exposure.
Sounds like the thing to have tbh. Did you go for a reputable make or just a flea bay special?
Sounds like the thing to have tbh. Did you go for a reputable make or just a flea bay special?

Ian - I added the link whilst you were replying. It's been with me nearly 2 years and not let me down, to be fair though I'm not shooting exclusively long exposures though so it hasn't had hard life. The mic port one is an ebay special, Shoot brand, which seems to be quite common.
Ian - I added the link whilst you were replying. It's been with me nearly 2 years and not let me down, to be fair though I'm not shooting exclusively long exposures though so it hasn't had hard life. The mic port one is an ebay special, Shoot brand, which seems to be quite common.
Similar to myself likely. Just something to play about with now and again.

Was looking at that very one and the Shoot one actually. Will likely get one ordered as my 10 stopper ain't much use without one.