The Fabulous Fuji X owners thread

@souldeep Sorry I've forgotten your name. Is it Andrew ?
Anyway, X10 long gone. Currently X-T1 with 10-24 zoom X100 (classic) other gear... you know how it is.
A quick question for 18-135mm lens owners i am looking at getting a Lee filters 67mm adaptor ring to attach the lens to my Lee Foundation kit to add grads etc
Do i need the standard 67mm ring or the Wide angle version at double the price ?
I don't know for sure but I'd be surprised if a 27mm eq lens needs the wide angle adapter.
Aaaaaa, me too but I was also to afraid to say
. I love the joystick and extra res but the rest is a bit meh and has lost something that the XT1 had :(

I have to say while I appreciate the quality of the XT2 it doesn't feel as special as the X-Pro 2 does... maybe I've got a preference for the rangefinder style now but I prefer using it if I'm honest, might have to swap the XT2!

This whole double cash back Fuji thing is a PITA for sellers. I've been offered money for a lens, but buyer is using the end price after double cash back as the price new. When is it over?? :D

Friday I think, got a few bits I'd like to move on but won't bother trying until the weekend!
This whole double cash back Fuji thing is a PITA for sellers. I've been offered money for a lens, but buyer is using the end price after double cash back as the price new. When is it over?? :D

To be fair it is the price new if bought today or the next couple of days for that matter.
A quick question for 18-135mm lens owners i am looking at getting a Lee filters 67mm adaptor ring to attach the lens to my Lee Foundation kit to add grads etc
Do i need the standard 67mm ring or the Wide angle version at double the price ?

I use the standard 67mm ring with my Lee 100mm filter holder. I only have 2 filter slots fitted.
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To be fair it is the price new if bought today or the next couple of days for that matter.

Yes, that is stating the obvious, but they'd have to pay the extra to begin with, then claim the cash back. I'm no shop, I ain't doing no double cash back. My price was already below the 'new new' price after cash back. I can wait.
So.... I've moved on my X100T and picked up an XT1 to have a play with. (I never got on with the ergonomics of the X100T so am really liking how the XT1 feels, especially as I shoot a lot one handed, and it's a darn sight lighter than my D750).

It's been a challenge to get to grips with though... certainly it's totally different to the D750 files, and getting the colours right..

Anyway, a couple of shots as I've tried to get to grips with it and the menu system. All with the 35mm f1.4





Yes, that is stating the obvious, but they'd have to pay the extra to begin with, then claim the cash back. I'm no shop, I ain't doing no double cash back. My price was already below the 'new new' price after cash back. I can wait.

Don't blame you pal as cashback is only a short period then your lens be cheaper [emoji106]
This whole double cash back Fuji thing is a PITA for sellers. I've been offered money for a lens, but buyer is using the end price after double cash back as the price new. When is it over?? :D
1st dec ends double cash back
I have to say while I appreciate the quality of the XT2 it doesn't feel as special as the X-Pro 2 does... maybe I've got a preference for the rangefinder style now but I prefer using it if I'm honest, might have to swap the XT2!

I may do the same, I'm a sucker for a rangefinder...
Amazon claim to have the Xpro2 w/ 18-55 for just over £600, and you can claim double cash back ... erm ... that's a mistake anyway

It's not Amazon - it's a marketplace seller, or should I say scammer. The clues are in the Bef..ore orde.ring con..tact us; info-B00WT2ZYE4`@`

If you look at most, if not all the Fuji gear - lenses etc, they come up in various forms as the cheapest seller. It looks like they are exploiting different tricks to avoid Amazon picking up on their name/details in an automatic way.
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It's not Amazon - it's a marketplace seller, or should I say scammer. The clues are in the Bef..ore orde.ring con..tact us; info-B00WT2ZYE4`@`

If you look at most, if not all the Fuji gear - lenses etc, they come up in various forms as the cheapest seller. It looks like they are exploiting different tricks to avoid Amazon picking up on their name/details in an automatic way.

I saw a couple similar when the XT-2 first came out, going for silly money. I posted questions on 2 different shop's pages asking was it legit, they both disappeared the next day. I hope no suckers are actually sending them money! :/
It's not Amazon - it's a marketplace seller, or should I say scammer. The clues are in the Bef..ore orde.ring con..tact us; info-B00WT2ZYE4`@`

If you look at most, if not all the Fuji gear - lenses etc, they come up in various forms as the cheapest seller. It looks like they are exploiting different tricks to avoid Amazon picking up on their name/details in an automatic way.
Also, they have just launched on Amazon.
Yeah same as last ones, I've left a message on the seller's page, see how quick they vanish. I think once they're found out they wipe the page out and re-create another
So.... I've moved on my X100T and picked up an XT1 to have a play with. (I never got on with the ergonomics of the X100T so am really liking how the XT1 feels, especially as I shoot a lot one handed, and it's a darn sight lighter than my D750).

It's been a challenge to get to grips with though... certainly it's totally different to the D750 files, and getting the colours right..

Anyway, a couple of shots as I've tried to get to grips with it and the menu system. All with the 35mm f1.4





Nice and sharp :)
A lot of my discontent is due to weird things like this:


On the left we have camera JPG Highlights -2 being the only deviation from 0 on anything. On the right, is the raw - underexposed by some margin in comparison.

The love for the XT2 didn't last long :( I bet reading this has made @rookies happy he's stuck with his A7 ;)
I have to say while I appreciate the quality of the XT2 it doesn't feel as special as the X-Pro 2 does... maybe I've got a preference for the rangefinder style now but I prefer using it if I'm honest, might have to swap the XT2!

Friday I think, got a few bits I'd like to move on but won't bother trying until the weekend!

Chris Juts seen your listings - what are you looking to keep?
A lot of my discontent is due to weird things like this:

View attachment 90951

On the left we have camera JPG Highlights -2 being the only deviation from 0 on anything. On the right, is the raw - underexposed by some margin in comparison.
Do you not get this with the XT1 too though? When I've played about with the highlight, shadows, and/or DR jpeg settings the RAW can look quite different depending on the scene. We kind of discussed this some pages back when we talked about how the histogram only shows the jpeg histogram and so if you choose 'extreme' jpeg settings the RAW file might not be as you would expect.

Obviously without having an XT2 I don't know if it's more extreme than the XT1 or not, all I know is that on the XT1 the extent of the variation between RAW and jpeg when using such jpeg settings depended on the scene.
I'm a leftie and don't have an issue using rangefinders (y)
I guess I'm not going to nudge the screen any less on a rangefinder than an SLR.

It just looks so awkward though where the righties among us have no problems at all [emoji19]
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A while back I reported a scam I'd seen to Amazon and they wouldn't do anything, I then called the shop and alerted them to the fact that they had their account hacked and followed up over several days and to say the shop owner way p***ed would be an understatement as it took Amazon a week to clean it up even with the shop breathing down their neck. At the time it potentially cost the shop a fair bit as they were a garden furniture seller at the start of spring when sales are usually high
I guess I'm not being to nudge the screen any less on a rangefinder than an SLR.

It just looks so awkward though where the righties among us have no problems at all [emoji19]
Possibly, I've never given it a thought tbh as I've just always naturally shot with the left eye ever since I was a kid. I did find out about 10 years ago that I'm left eye dominant which would explain why I've always naturally shot looking through the VF with my left eye. Weird thing is I'm massively right side dominant for everything else o_O
Possibly, I've never given it a thought tbh as I've just always naturally shot with the left eye ever since I was a kid. I did find out about 10 years ago that I'm left eye dominant which would explain why I've always naturally shot looking through the VF with my left eye. Weird thing is I'm massively right side dominant for everything else o_O
Haha. See, I'm pretty much 70/30 towards my left.

Must resist trying an X-Pro 2 now [emoji1]
Do you not get this with the XT1 too though? When I've played about with the highlight, shadows, and/or DR jpeg settings the RAW can look quite different depending on the scene. We kind of discussed this some pages back when we talked about how the histogram only shows the jpeg histogram and so if you choose 'extreme' jpeg settings the RAW file might not be as you would expect.

Obviously without having an XT2 I don't know if it's more extreme than the XT1 or not, all I know is that on the XT1 the extent of the variation between RAW and jpeg when using such jpeg settings depended on the scene.

The above result is what I would expect from the X-T1 with shadows set at -2, although it still wouldn't be as underexposed, setting black to 100 in LR would bring it back to Jpeg level. Highlights -2 on X-T1 would result in the raw appearing to have blown highlights, exactly as you'd expect. You might be right with DR, I usually have it set to auto so it could well have been at 200% for that shot (ISO was 640). I've cleared that memory card now so I can't check in camera now sadly.