The G1.. finally getting appreciated?

There is a menu option to set a maximum ISO limit for AUTO ISO...

Hi again guys,

I wonder if we can get to the bottom of the question of Auto ISO on the G1, if anyone has any advice it would be much appreciated.

The bottom line is, the G1 seems very reluctant to go above ISO 400, even when I would consider the conditions require it. Sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't.

For example, this shot of Newcastle Civic Centre. There's no ISO limit set, program mode, no other relevant settings that I can think of.

Program mode decided on an exposure of f5.6, 0.6s, ISO400. Why on earth it didn't bump up the ISO, I've no idea. I'd rather have noise than camera shake. In this instance I braced against a lamp post but there's still some camera movement.


I don't want to compare systems too much, because in many ways the G1 offers so much more than traditional DSLRs, but I have to say the Nikon Auto ISO system is much more customisable and therefore more useful, and has no qualms about moving to high ISOs if that's what it's been set to do. I see no way of telling the G1 to do a similar thing.

Conversely, the Program mode seems very keen on very high shutter speeds before moving away from the base aperture of the lens:


where we have an aperture of f5.6 but a shutter speed of 1/320, where one could conceive a shutter of 1/150 or 1/200 would have been sufficient, and the aperture could then be increased accordingly. I've no actual data, but from instinct I think P on a Nikon would have come up with a more balanced exposure decision.

I'm fully aware that the camera can be made to perform as I wish by hard-setting the respective parameters as I see fit. What I am commenting on here is the decisions made by the camera's semi-automatic systems. Is it possible that Panasonic haven't quite refined the decision-making in their cameras as intuitively as Nikon? (I can't comment on Canon.)

Does anyone with G1 experience have any comments on this?
Yup it's a known issue - people were hoping a firmware update would fix it and allow you to set a minimum shutter speed for auto ISO but no joy so far.

It seems to think the maximum shutter speed you would ever want is 1/30. I don't find it a big problem but it is a little annoying.
A few from Poole Quay tonight...

1.The TS Royalist (the boat that a Sea Cadet tragically fell from recently)

2. Rigging

3. The Marina

4. My weekend toy (as if !)
Only just seen this thread. Ive had my G1 for nearly a year now, chosen primarly for its size and without knowing anything about mft. Never regreted it and shocked how cheap they seem to be going for now.

Love the Lumix brand and i'm looking at one of their compact to take on th bike.
Could you please tell me if this Nikon lens will work with an adapter on the G1? I've got a D200 at the moment and it's just too big for my needs and it pretty much stops me taking it out and about with me. I love the Nikon 35mm lens though and would be happy if the could use it on the G1.
Pretty sure you can get an adapter (look on ebay) but it won't AF or Auto Aperture etc - does the lens have manual aperture controls?
It's doesn't no, only a focus ring. Hmm it's a cracking lens but I suppose I could go down the 20mm 1.7 route if a fast prime is what I wanted.
Another couple for today... using the pop up flash :eek:



I really must get a proper flashgun and some decent lighting.
^^^ Gorgeous pictures daniel.

Love the colours

Thank you... apart from a little sharpening and a resize in Elements the image is untouched.
The colours really are superb for a £5 bunch from Sainsbury's (don't tell the wife :nono: )

Took the dog for a walk down by the River Stour near Bournemouth today... took my G1 and CPL to try it out with the reflections and clouds etc...



Spotted something in the bushes, so got in for a closer look...




I don't understand why it's abdomen is blown. It was bright sunlight, but it seemed iridescent... I just couldn't set the exposure to capture any detail :thinking:

All hand held - will definitely be going back with the tripod and take my time :D
Nice pics....keep em coming

Thanks David (assuming you're talking about some of mine :LOL: )

Why's this thread gone quiet when most of the GF1 guys now have G1s ?
I'd post more, but I'm too busy taking photos! Actually, I'm out and about this week, and I saw a perfect example of the G1's advantages.

A great landscape shot of a lily pond, and I dangled my arm over the edge of the low bridge and took the shot from just above water level using the articulated LCD. The guy behind me with a 5D2 and a 17-40L had to make do with the standard 'crouch as low as you can' approach - and he couldn't apply realtime exposure compensation like I could and see the results on the viewfinder.

G1 - 1. 5D2 - Nil.....

Once I get home I'll PP the shot and post it here. If the 5D2 fellow is a TP'er aswell, then I'd be keen to see the comparison shot! It'll be full of crisp DSLR detail, and it'll have a whole heap more dynamic range, and the Noise level will be lower [although I daresay we both shot at ISO 100]. However, it'll be from an eye level - and for me, eye level shots rarely hit the spot for me.
However.... I must add that I'm not 100% enamoured with the G1, or MFT in general, before I get accused of being a fanboy. Just like my DSLR before it, somewhere along the shooting process there's a compromise.

The 45-200 lens is great, but not stellar. It's smaller than many a DSLR standard zoom, so I have it with me when I might have left someting else at home - so top marks there. However, it does blunt a little over 150mm [300mm equiv.]

Also, the focusing is fast enough for many things, but not birds in flight. I couldn't catch the heron today - not the swiftest of flyers, either. Likewise, the 20mm prime can't catch my daughter is full flow - the fastest focus lens is the 14-45 kit [and I think the slower aperture helps by producing a more forgiving DoF.]

Still, if I were to buy another DSLR I'd be torn between a D5000 with a 60mm AF-S micro [macro and short portrait all-in-one, with the D5000's tilting LCD liveview - the killer feature for cool angles], and a 550D with a 50mm f/1.4. To that I'd add a long prime, probably the f/4 300mm. 2 primes, all I need really. But, every time I go into a camera shop and handle one, they feel so big and unwieldy that I know they'd be manbag material rather than slotted above my packed picnic like the G1 was today.

Compromises - overall image quality counts for nothing if the camera's at home....
However.... I must add that I'm not 100% enamoured with the G1, or MFT in general, before I get accused of being a fanboy. Just like my DSLR before it, somewhere along the shooting process there's a compromise.

The 45-200 lens is great, but not stellar. It's smaller than many a DSLR standard zoom, so I have it with me when I might have left someting else at home - so top marks there. However, it does blunt a little over 150mm [300mm equiv.]

Also, the focusing is fast enough for many things, but not birds in flight. I couldn't catch the heron today - not the swiftest of flyers, either. Likewise, the 20mm prime can't catch my daughter is full flow - the fastest focus lens is the 14-45 kit [and I think the slower aperture helps by producing a more forgiving DoF.]

Still, if I were to buy another DSLR I'd be torn between a D5000 with a 60mm AF-S micro [macro and short portrait all-in-one, with the D5000's tilting LCD liveview - the killer feature for cool angles], and a 550D with a 50mm f/1.4. To that I'd add a long prime, probably the f/4 300mm. 2 primes, all I need really. But, every time I go into a camera shop and handle one, they feel so big and unwieldy that I know they'd be manbag material rather than slotted above my packed picnic like the G1 was today.

Compromises - overall image quality counts for nothing if the camera's at home....

Life is full of compromise . . . however, my man-bag and D5000/18-70mm is the bees knees, and my 'Hazel and me' will both enjoy the G1/14-45mm . . . all this and heaven to . . . :love:

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Just out of interest if I were to get a G1 are there any old primes that will work without the use of an adapter and if so what type should i be looking for?
All require adapters - M42, Canon FD and Olympus OM seem to be fairly common ones. The adapters are all quite cheap on ebay. The best lenses I've used are Konica Hexanons though.

Just picked up a Canon FD 50mm 3.5 Macro which seems great.

WOW - love that !

I really need to spend a day just taking shots with my G1 rather than hurrying snaps when out with the wahwah.