Wild The Gate Keeper


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Hi all

A Leveret just before 6am this morning ran in from behind the gate as I was making my way up, I paused to carefully get the camera out of my bag, the Leveret watched as I was doing this then decided to come in closer.

I would have liked to drop to the floor for a better PoV but I think he'd have bolted.

Where the hell is the Sun?? These are taken under dark grey clouds - 1/1000 - f4 - ISO 6400 - 500mm FF

This is the 4th Leveret I've had the pleasure to see this year, I sat with one last night for 5 minutes just a foot away :love: .. where's the wide angle a macro lens when you need it :LOL:

Thank you for looking :)

The Gate Keeper
by Gavin Wickham, on Flickr

The Gate Keeper 1
by Gavin Wickham, on Flickr

The Gate Keeper 2
by Gavin Wickham, on Flickr

The Gate Keeper 3
by Gavin Wickham, on Flickr
Very nice set of wildlife style captures Gav, looks like its posing for you.
Lol, he's curious. Lovely images in a very different setting to the norm.
A delightful and wonderful moment........ communing with nature :)

S/he is also very cute.

TFS :)
Mate the 3rd frame......why well in any other circumstance I'd go with the 4th but in this set the first 3 are preddy unique but the first the gate and head start to bother me..second don't fit the title which is ace by the way
3rd gate is starting to loose focus hare is the focus

Clever stuff bro, if I have sommit man made in my image I kinda want to tare me hair out, but here this works for me

Son't expect me to ever say that again :p :banana:

but then mucker you might surprise me:runaway:
Mate the 3rd frame......why well in any other circumstance I'd go with the 4th but in this set the first 3 are preddy unique but the first the gate and head start to bother me..second don't fit the title which is ace by the way
3rd gate is starting to loose focus hare is the focus

Clever stuff bro, if I have sommit man made in my image I kinda want to tare me hair out, but here this works for me

Son't expect me to ever say that again :p :banana:

but then mucker you might surprise me:runaway:
Cheers Stu, I agree the gate is an eye sore but I posted the set as it shows the ickle fluffy thing running in and I'm in full view :D

Thank you for your feedback, I want to try getting the plough with one next :LOL:
Hmmmm if the plough is kinda old I might be cool with that...we will see :LOL:

Yeah bud gate ain't preddy but you haven't grasped what I was trying to get out..basically how many times am I going to look at a leveret on guard at a gate? There IS sommit lovely in that Gav(y)
I think it is lovely , a moment in time. (y) :cool:
Hmmmm if the plough is kinda old I might be cool with that...we will see :LOL:

Yeah bud gate ain't preddy but you haven't grasped what I was trying to get out..basically how many times am I going to look at a leveret on guard at a gate? There IS sommit lovely in that Gav(y)

Sorry Mate, I've not worded my reply very well... again :headbang: I appreciate it ..I shouldn't be allowed to type online :LOL:

Made me smile!

Thank you, Steven :)

I think it is lovely , a moment in time. (y) :cool:

Thank you, it was (y)
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Great pictures Gav :D

That first one made me smile. I can imagine him as a guard and saying "Jog on togger. Nothing to see here." :D