The iPhone 4S’ Camera Is So Good It’s Almost Like Having A DSLR In Your Pocket

Current O2 customers who get or stay on the 900 min tarriff get the iphone 4s for FREE on 24 or 18 month contract
For the launch of iPhone 4S we're offering our existing customers iPhone 4S 16GB for free on a 900 minute 18 or 24 month contract, saving £49.99.
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No I'm talking independents (with some chains in there if you like them, if not you can filter them out) the recommendations are made by the users.

What's with the negativity??

I'm a natural born cynic and dislike hype, whether it be for an overpriced piece of electronics or overpriced mediocre coffee. Not going to get into the issues I have with the iPad2 again- got told off last time...
Current O2 customers who get or stay on the 900 min tarriff get the iphone 4s for FREE on 24 or 18 month contract
For the launch of iPhone 4S we're offering our existing customers iPhone 4S 16GB for free on a 900 minute 18 or 24 month contract, saving £49.99.

But you'll have to queue up at a shop on Friday like you're queuing for Wimbledon's centre court. They are not allowing anyone to reserve one or buy them by mail order !!

Also they've decided that anyone with a contract LESS than that one is no longer allowed to pay off their contract early (this option was there until Saturday but has been deleted!)

It would appear that they are going to loose quite a few valued customers because of their ridiculous antics.
Wow three pages and finally someone makes a comment on topic. What is it with fan droids that they can't leave apple threads alone. Good for you you can find cheaper handsets. Didn't think this was about that.

swanseamale47 said:
DOF is interesting for a camera with a small sensor size I thought, doesn't anybody here have one to post some actual pics for us to see?
The ones I have seen from the "old" iphone 4 were not very good IMHO, and in poor light even the cheapest compact would blow it away.
I pre ordered a 64Gb version which should arrive on Friday and will take some photos with it. I must admit the shallow dof, the f2.4 lens did appeal to me.

And to satisfy the fan droids, I also have a Desire HD, a Palm Pre 2, HTC Legend so I'll repeat the scene with each of those "phones" for comparison.
Nod said:
I'm a natural born cynic and dislike hype, whether it be for an overpriced piece of electronics or overpriced mediocre coffee. Not going to get into the issues I have with the iPad2 again- got told off last time...

What on earths it got to do with mediocre coffee????????

I've already said it concentrates on independents, it's not a Starbucks or costa app and the recommendations are user generated.
Wow three pages and finally someone makes a comment on topic. What is it with fan droids that they can't leave apple threads alone. Good for you you can find cheaper handsets. Didn't think this was about that.

I pre ordered a 64Gb version which should arrive on Friday and will take some photos with it. I must admit the shallow dof, the f2.4 lens did appeal to me.

And to satisfy the fan droids, I also have a Desire HD, a Palm Pre 2, HTC Legend so I'll repeat the scene with each of those "phones" for comparison.

That would be good. I'll be interested to see your pics
I just have a PAYG phone which surprise surprise makes phone calls, so for a mobile phone it does what it says on the tin, if I want a PC, it needs a decent size screen I can see and a proper keyboard I can type with, not some overhyped gizmo. :)

I really can't see how it's overhyped to have The Photographer's Ephemeris, Theodolite Pro, Sky Safari astronomy software, the manuals for my cameras, flashes etc. and every single OS Landranger map for the UK, all in my pocket.
pre-ordered with vodafone. Expecting it on Monday. Can't wait! Spent the last couple of years working for a mobile security vendor. Consequently I had lots of exposure to many handsets. All have pro's and con's - for me though the apple made sense.
For me the new costs work out as £27 a month but £250 for the phone. It's tempting but still pricey. I might pop down the shop to discuss options.
Wow three pages and finally someone makes a comment on topic. What is it with fan droids that they can't leave apple threads alone. Good for you you can find cheaper handsets. Didn't think this was about that.

Actually I think it is. If we discuss the features of any new device then it's got to be in comparison with other offerings. Once one has all the details then it's down to one's individual requirements/resources as to whether that device suits you or not.
Obviously the Apple PR machine will have done their best to make the pictures amazing, it's their job after all. As for the 'SLR in your pocket' comment it's probably believable for most of the population, obviously it doesn't wash on TP but I wouldn't expect it to.

I've got a 3GS and the camera on it is a let down although I do use it as I don't have my SLR with me 100% of the time but I do generally have my phone to hand. I'll be upgrading to the 4S in December because I like iOS better than the other offerings on the market and want a new phone.

Enough about phones, what are the specs of the cameras available on other phones? there's plenty of publicity about the f2.4, the backlit sensor and 5 elements on the iPhone 4S camera but what do the samsung/nokia/HTC/sony offerings have?

Just to compare, the missus has an HTC 7 windows phone thing and that is supposed to have a 5mp and generally better camera than mine but it really is terrible. So it seems physical specs are only half the equation.
Aaargh can't find my DesireHD anywhere, bet my toddler has been playing with it again....A comparison is unloading now :)
madhouse said:
I've got a 3GS and the camera on it is a let down although I do use it as I don't have my SLR with me 100% of the time but I do generally have my phone to hand. I'll be upgrading to the 4S in December because I like iOS better than the other offerings on the market and want a new phone.

I use my camera on the 3gs ocassionally and as you said it is not something desirable. I only use it for snaps once in a while to share on facebook or something.
I use my camera on the 3gs ocassionally and as you said it is not something desirable. I only use it for snaps once in a while to share on facebook or something.

Same here - for me, my iPhone is a communication device so the quality of the camera is neither nor there.

My husband has a Nokia N95 - he has had it a few years now - but the camera on that is fantastic for a phone

a quick winter snapshot by Iris_255, on Flickr

This shot was taken with the N95 a couple of winters ago
I agree the N95 (and the N8) were not bad at all at photos, undoubtedly having some glass by Zeiss infront of it compared to the cheap rubbish the likes of HTC and Samsung use may have had something to do with that as well.
O2 stopped offering a buy out payment just prior to the launch but if any one is on O2 and paying say £35 per month and wants to upgrade all you need to do is simply change tarif to the £40 one and wait 10-24 hours. Once this time has elapsed the buy out price will reappear and you can get out of your contract straight away. I had been paying £35 and mine was due in December. I increases it on Thursday and just paid £54 when I collected my new phone yesterday. The camera is really very good. I am most impressed.
O2 stopped offering a buy out payment just prior to the launch but if any one is on O2 and paying say £35 per month and wants to upgrade all you need to do is simply change tarif to the £40 one and wait 10-24 hours. Once this time has elapsed the buy out price will reappear and you can get out of your contract straight away. I had been paying £35 and mine was due in December. I increases it on Thursday and just paid £54 when I collected my new phone yesterday. The camera is really very good. I am most impressed.

Do you fancy posting some of your images for us to see?
I was going to upgrade as I'm due an upgrade anyway but you can't keep your current tariff with o2 and the new ones are rubbish compared to the one I have. :bang:
I carry a relatively cheap Canon SX120 for a 'pocket' camera - I wouldn't say that I've seen anything taken on an iphone that couldn't have been taken as good as or better with the SX120. No rental, no contract and if the batteries run out, I can bung some spare ones in - and if I don't, I can still make calls and send texts on my phone (a Nokia 6230i) - that is on a 30 day contract that is less than £10 plus VAT per month and I never go beyond my call/text allowances.

If I really want to take pictures, I'll risk not having an iphone and I'll take my DSLR instead.

If I'm going to an unfamiliar town and I really want to go to a coffee-shop, I'll look for one or ask when I get there. If there is something important enough not to take the risk - then I'll look it up before I make my journey.

If I ever reach the stage where I feel that I need to constantly have internet/pocket pc on the move, then please shoot me - I will have lost the plot and fallen prey to the marketing people who are selling me an alternative reality. ;) :D
I carry a relatively cheap Canon SX120 for a 'pocket' camera - I wouldn't say that I've seen anything taken on an iphone that couldn't have been taken as good as or better with the SX120. No rental, no contract and if the batteries run out, I can bung some spare ones in - and if I don't, I can still make calls and send texts on my phone (a Nokia 6230i) - that is on a 30 day contract that is less than £10 plus VAT per month and I never go beyond my call/text allowances.

If I really want to take pictures, I'll risk not having an iphone and I'll take my DSLR instead.

If I'm going to an unfamiliar town and I really want to go to a coffee-shop, I'll look for one or ask when I get there. If there is something important enough not to take the risk - then I'll look it up before I make my journey.

If I ever reach the stage where I feel that I need to constantly have internet/pocket pc on the move, then please shoot me - I will have lost the plot and fallen prey to the marketing people who are selling me an alternative reality. ;) :D

Thats fine for you as there are always more than one point of view. You carry two items I don't have to. You need to make sure you have batteries for your camera with you or buy them. My phone is always charged etc etc

Horses for courses.
You carry two items I don't have to.
Sometimes I 'walk on the wild side' and leave one at home and carry the other - sometimes I leave both at home and carry none - because I don't have to carry any item :p
You need to make sure you have batteries for your camera with you or buy them. My phone is always charged etc etc
To be fair, my phone is always charged too, and so are the batteries in my camera. I don't need to make sure that I have batteries any more than you need to make sure that your phone is charged (probably less so - both my phone and camera can go for days without needing a recharge). And I can buy batteries for my camera from almost any local shop.

Like you say, points of view and horses for courses etc. I'm quite happy for you to like smart-phones and I can understand why you might want one - from what I've seen of smart-phone users at work, I feel liberated and better off for not having one - they almost always come to me to borrow my SX120 when they need to take a photo for work too ;) :)
Not bad for a Phone I would say. Taken in my office last night as just a quick test shot after I synced all my data back. Nice dof, and even a hint of bokeh, very promising start.

IMG_0113 by JP de Jong, on Flickr
That is impressive for a phone!

LOL Coming from you I'll pass that on to Apple as a huge compliment :LOL:

Not bad he :D You should see the 1080p video coming out of that thing, and you can do the same tricks with video. As I suspected, a lot of this is in the glass and they put a corker of a lens on it.
nice pic. sigh i really really want one (primarily due to the camera, as i have a 3g at the moment which is abysmal), but how can it really be justified? :)
Nokia E71, 600min, unlimited texts, 500MB, free 0845 08... Calling, free Sat Nav and a 12month contract all for £12.50pm. OH, most importantly for me, excellent phone signal.

IPHONE... No Thanks!
I must admit all these cheap skates on here do make me laugh. Lots of things in life can be had cheaper, fair enough if that is your criteria doesn't mean it has to be for everyone else.
I must admit all these cheap skates on here do make me laugh. Lots of things in life can be had cheaper, fair enough if that is your criteria doesn't mean it has to be for everyone else.

Was just saying I'm happy with my phone, nothing to do with being a cheap skate or anti Apple.
Nokia E71, 600min, unlimited texts, 500MB, free 0845 08... Calling, free Sat Nav and a 12month contract all for £12.50pm. OH, most importantly for me, excellent phone signal.

IPHONE... No Thanks!

So, how does the above contribute to the thread? I am interested to see how the image quality of photos taken on the iPhone 4s shape up and have zero interest in a) your frugality or b) your need to troll.

Let's see some images people!
nice pic. sigh i really really want one (primarily due to the camera, as i have a 3g at the moment which is abysmal), but how can it really be justified? :)

Truth is, it can't be justified imo, the real question is, does it have to be justified :D
For those who are interested, I just snapped this outside my house on the 4S.


And here is a link to the full res:

For a camera with a phone, I don't think it's too bad.
So, how does the above contribute to the thread? I am interested to see how the image quality of photos taken on the iPhone 4s shape up and have zero interest in a) your frugality or b) your need to troll.

Let's see some images people!

Sorry didn't mean to upset anyone, was just mentioning my tariff as others have.

Have no problem if Admin remove my posts or I am happy to delete myself.

Sorry for being a Troll.
Nice quality pics.

Had a look at the figures and would cost me about £300 to upgrade from a 4 right now or should work out almost free to upgrade to a 5 whenever that comes out... Think I'll try and hang on though can't guarantee it.

Oh and have to laugh at people comparing cheaper phones tariffs. I could buy a disposable camera instead of a DSLR and save loads but sometimes you get what you pay for.