The Merfolk

Buy my book when it's published... then you'll understand :)

I like that diving shot too. Thanks.
Well there's a whole new sub-genre I never knew existed.

Great series, on the "reportage" front I really like the first and the lady crafting in front of her laptop. Of the posed shots, the back lit dive and the last one stand out more, but they all work well together to tell the story.

Interesting project, will look forward to reading further...
Yeah.. something quite endearing about a mermaid chugging a extra large Coke... LOL
Were those her boots in the first shot?
I notice that most of the mers are of the buoyant variety.
For me, the most eye catching shot is the back lit underwater one.
Thanks for sharing, David.
Yep... those are her boots :)

Only 2 of them are larger people actually. I'm working with 5 others.. all quiet skinny. Lily-Rose (Coke) is average and Caitlin (diver) is no more than a size 8.

My research has shown that, like many escapist activities, exclusion, and bullying play a major role in why people choose to do embark upon such activities... so perhaps that you felt the need to mention their "buoyancy" hopefully will be one of the things addressed in the book.
Yep... those are her boots :)

Only 2 of them are larger people actually. I'm working with 5 others.. all quiet skinny. Lily-Rose (Coke) is average and Caitlin (diver) is no more than a size 8.

My research has shown that, like many escapist activities, exclusion, and bullying play a major role in why people choose to do embark upon such activities... so perhaps that you felt the need to mention their "buoyancy" hopefully will be one of the things addressed in the book.
It was just my impression, and it seemed a suitable relevant word to use. No offence intended, just my warped sense of humour.
Interesting about the reasons behind their life style choice.
I'm sure they have a few tails to tell...
Non taken... I'm not buoyant anyway.. I found it more interesting more than anything else. It is relevant to the research though in a way. The fact that it's such a bizarre thing/pass-time, yet people still see "fat". I'm not judging... it's just relevant to the work (academic not photographic) I'm doing.

They do indeed. I've got around 12GB of audio to transcribe for the book yet! for questions about boots and other objects.... that lowepro bag is actually mine... but when you gotta grab a shot... you gotta grab a shot ... Shhhh!.... no one will ever know :)
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You think you've seen it all, then this appears. I like the diving shot the best. I wont be needing a copy of the book.
Very good documentary of shots... i'm sure a TV documentary has covered these people before though it may be just a part of a programme about strange interests maybe Louis Theroux.

I like the diving shot the best but the others merit in the fact how they do this life :D
Very good documentary of shots... i'm sure a TV documentary has covered these people before though it may be just a part of a programme about strange interests maybe Louis Theroux.

I think it was part of his Transgender children thing... yeah.
Only 2 of them are larger people actually. I'm working with 5 others.. all quiet skinny. Lily-Rose (Coke) is average and Caitlin (diver) is no more than a size 8.

Just want to highlight you have done the same as @kendo1 (making judgements), you only referred to the size of the females whereas the male should have been included something else for your research I would say.

Just saying ;)
My research has shown that, like many escapist activities, exclusion, and bullying play a major role in why people choose to do embark upon such activities... so perhaps that you felt the need to mention their "buoyancy" hopefully will be one of the things addressed in the book.

This is interesting to me. This is obviously just one activity/group that you are focused on, but there are so many different groups/clubs made up of these kind of people (excluded, bullied etc). I was bullied when I was at school to the point where I saught out like minded people, away from the 'in crowd'. For me, it happened to be a number of people really into alternative music. I made some great friends (that are still great friends to this day), and we all meet up a few times a year for gigs etc. What I find fascinating to think about now is, that it was bullying that pushed me away, then my freinds and I were bullied/riducluled again when we were part of a different group, which is sadly what I see happening to these good people. Good luck to them though, im all for freedom of expression.

Interesting project.
Ok... to get it out of the way.... WTF!... now on to the photography.

I'm presuming you put these up for critique rather than a shameless plug about an upcoming book. Looking at the general quality of the images I would expected a better quality from you David. It may of course be the conversion to post these that has reduced the quality however for a professional photographer I would expect a much higher step up from these. Everyone is raving about the backlit mermaid shot and technically I applaud you in taking this shot (other than being under water I wouldnt know where to start to be honest), however it just seems soft and murky beyond the tail and the light around the splash. The random shot of the orange hoody guy with his back turned to the camera doesn't add anything, the same guy helping the young lady into her mermaid outfit with his foot and back cut off, plus this seems to be have taken at a funny angle. The composition of the two merfolk together is all over the place. Too many others to critique fuly.

I fully respect you fella, always look forward to you posting work up, but this seems like a bit a collection of snapshots. Sorry if harsh.
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Ok... to get it out of the way.... WTF!... now on to the photography.

I'm presuming you put these up for critique rather than a shameless plug about an upcoming book. Looking at the general quality of the images I would expected a better quality from you David. It may of course be the conversion to post these that has reduced the quality however for a professional photographer I would expect a much higher step up from these. Everyone is raving about the backlit mermaid shot and technically I applaud you in taking this shot (other than being under water I wouldnt know where to start to be honest), however it just seems soft and murky beyond the tail and the light around the splash. The random shot of the orange hoody guy with his back turned to the camera doesn't add anything, the same guy helping the young lady into her mermaid outfit with his foot and back cut off, plus this seems to be have taken at a funny angle. The composition of the two merfolk together is all over the place. Too many others to critique fuly.

I fully respect you fella, always look forward to you posting work up, but this seems like a bit a collection of snapshots. Sorry if harsh.

It's good perhaps that we see things differently...
When I looked at that guy with the hoody on and his back to us... I didn't think it added 'nothing', I saw him as perhaps how all of us feel sometimes, like an outsider looking in...although clearly he isn't an outsider, as he's in other photos, helping etc... but maybe he is a part of the group, just not wanting to be one of the 'Merfolk'... so to me it made no difference how the photo was taken, it all said the same to me...
Okay, on to the title of the book!

I'd suggest 'A Fishy Tale'
Just want to highlight you have done the same as @kendo1 (making judgements), you only referred to the size of the females whereas the male should have been included something else for your research I would say.

Just saying ;)
BTW, I wasn't making judgements. It's just my sense of humour with word play.
Okay, on to the title of the book!

I'd suggest 'A Fishy Tale'

BTW, I wasn't making judgements. It's just my sense of humour with word play.

I was just highlighting the irony of David questioning your post then being judgemental himself. :)
Just want to highlight you have done the same as @kendo1 (making judgements), you only referred to the size of the females whereas the male should have been included something else for your research I would say.

Just saying ;)

I was mentioning the ones who were NOT larger people, as Kendo said MOST were larger. If you re-read what I said, I never mentioned EITHER of the larger people at all. The remaining slimmer people are all female...... just saying ;)

Love the documentary take on this. I know a few mermaid performers, though they don't exactly live the lifestyle. I hope I'm not thread hijacking if I share one of Lily La Mer of Merlseque but it seemed appropriate :)

Lily La Mer by Simon.Carter, on Flickr

@juggler Not at all, no, you're not hijacking the thread... if anything, adding to it. Seen that shot before quite a few times. I was going to go to an event with her.. maybe even the same one you shot that at? Was that in a windowed pool? Not really appropriate for what I'm doing but it's a fabulous shot. I'd love to have a go one day perhaps... but time with the subjects is so short I don't really wanna waste it on something that wouldn't be used right now. I've made some good friends doing this though, so I'm sure I'll get a chance once I've got all the photography for this out of the way.
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Okay, on to the title of the book!

I'd suggest 'A Fishy Tale'

BTW, I wasn't making judgements. It's just my sense of humour with word play.

I know you weren't :) I wasn't being critical of you in the slightest.. it's OK.

I think I've just decided on "Merefolk" though... that's how they refer to the mer community, so I'll keep it simple :)

No, that's been done...
I'm fascinated with the whole thing and i get the photos from a reportage aspect . Didn't even realise that there were groups of folk who dedicate time and believe in this beyond the theatrical element. As someone who sea swims regularly, i'm also interested in the practicalities of using the tails. Do the guys and gals actually use them other than for photo opportunities? Oh, and can i ask what gear you use for the underwater shots please. I'm looking to progress from my compact to an slr with housing but not sure whether to keep up the search for a hard case or look at the soft dry bag type. :)
Merefolk or Merfolk? Interesting typo if the latter...

No.. merfolk... not mere.. it's Mermaid... not Meremaid.

I'm fascinated with the whole thing and i get the photos from a reportage aspect . Didn't even realise that there were groups of folk who dedicate time and believe in this beyond the theatrical element.

Some do it just as performance.. but there are some who actually take on a persona when wearing the tail. There's a full spectrum of mermaids.. just like there is in any social group I suppose. There's a strong link between those who use it as a means of escapism and taking on the the whole persona and being excluded in some way at n early age. Strong links to Mermen being gay or trans too... not exclusively.... but overwhelmingly so.

As someone who sea swims regularly, i'm also interested in the practicalities of using the tails.

In water, it's buoyant so you can swim quite freely.. just like using a monofin. Obviously on land, you're completely disabled :)

Oh, and can i ask what gear you use for the underwater shots please.

I wasn't underwater :) It was an aquarium with a glass tunnel.
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No.. merfolk... not mere.. it's Mermaid... not Meremaid.
Yes I know. But you put "Merefolk" as in merely-folk, despite the strange things they might get up to. I thought it made for an interesting play on words which might suit the theme of the book. Geddit?
Yes I know. But you put "Merefolk" as in merely-folk, despite the strange things they might get up to. I thought it made for an interesting play on words which might suit the theme of the book. Geddit?

Did I? Then I apologise... it's merfolk :)