The moment you snag your coat on the bush..

Very nice wildlife style capture Gav, liking this pic' very much.
Nailed it (y)
It did :) downside, split second later it was the other side of the field :LOL:

Excellent shot, especially as you were spotted. I don't know CWD but the roe deer around here are speedy characters with senses 'turned up to 11'.

Excellent shot, especially as you were spotted. I don't know CWD but the roe deer around here are speedy characters with senses 'turned up to 11'.

Thank you, Dave.
They are very twitchy beasts, their hearing and smell is tough to beat, they are fairly fast too.

If I'm laying face down and they hear me or the mirror slap they may even stand their ground and stamp their feet as they try to work us out.... then run :LOL: