The New Top Gear

Saw it in my EPG. Unless they are just repeats. In which case, apologies.

No offence mate and no harm done , but you do this a lot. You see a snippet of information in the news etc, which you immediately self-assess into a full blown situation (as you see it!) - I was quite looking forward to a new series of Top Gear. Apologies accepted ![emoji106]
I've just found the new Top Gear series on Netflix. So I finally get to see it.
It's actually not bad. But that guys voice grates a bit.
I've just found the new Top Gear series on Netflix. So I finally get to see it.
It's actually not bad. But that guys voice grates a bit.

I think you’ve found the old series, the new series starts this Sunday on BBC2 ;)
I think you’ve found the old series, the new series starts this Sunday on BBC2 ;)
Yes, I mean the post Clarkson new series. With all the new people. New to me anyway. I don't get the BBC.
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Yes, I mean the post Clarkson new series. With all the new people. New to me anyway. I don't get the BBC.

You really must be living far away, the post Clarkson new series has already concluded 2 seasons (2016 and 2017). The new series which starts on Sunday is the 3rd season with the new people...
I believe Ian lives in Germany, no iPlayer there.

Not being in the UK doesn’t mean you can’t watch it anymore, BBC Worldwide broadcasts it in many countries, I can remember it was being shown in the same week as UK broadcast in South Africa on my last visit.

Doesn’t Top Gear boast about being broadcast in 200 countries?

Or with a VPN, it can be available anywhere...:whistle:
iPlayer has been available in Germany for a few years now. It’s available in a lot of overseas territories.

Not according to iPlayer apparently

I live outside the UK. Can I use BBC iPlayer?

No. BBC iPlayer is funded by the UK TV Licence and its use is restricted to UK residents only.

While you can’t watch TV programmes, here’s a list of services you can use if you live outside the UK:

Some features or content may be restricted to the UK for rights/legal reasons.

If you’re in the UK and planning an overseas trip, you can download programmes on your computer or mobile/tablet before you go.

I definitely used it when I lived overseas, legitimately.

The wiki article includes lots of reference sources:

BBC TV productions are paid for by the UK television licence fee and rights agreements with third parties. Thus, all BBC iPlayer TV programmes are accessible from IP addresses allocated to the UK only, as of 2011. However, most radio programmes can be accessed globally, with the exception of a few programmes, mainly sports broadcasts, that are affected by rights issues.
An international version of the iPlayer was launched on 28 July 2011 in eleven western European countries,[35] after receiving the approval of the BBC Trust in November 2010.[174] The international iPlayer takes the form of an iPad application which offers a limited amount of free content, supported by pre-roll ads and sponsorship, but its core business model is subscription (subscription costs approximately £5.00 per month). The global iPlayer app includes some features that are not in the UK version, including the ability to stream shows over 3G as well as Wi-Fi, and a downloading feature to store programmes on one's mobile device for offline viewing. At launch 1,500 hours of content was made available, of which 60% had been produced and commissioned by the BBC, while 30% had been commissioned by the BBC but produced by independents. The other 10% was entirely non-BBC content, including ITV's Primeval, and Channel 4's The Naked Chef and Misfits. Launches in Australia and Canada followed by the end of 2011 as part of what was intended to be a one-year pilot.
Although US availability was also anticipated in 2011, an American launch date was never announced. Reports from the summer of 2012 claimed that American cable providers threatened to drop BBC America if the iPlayer, which duplicates much of the content on the cable channel, were made available in the US market. In a statement on the difficulties facing the US rollout, BBC’s Head of Communications for Global iPlayer Tessa Matchett said: "The United States is a very complex media market. Currently, we have one very successful cable channel in BBC America, and we’re looking into what options we have to roll out additional platforms in that country."[175] In May 2015, it was announced that the global iPlayer service would be discontinued.[176]
In early 2016, BBC Worldwide launched a version of the iPlayer service in Singapore, rebranded as BBC Player. The service is only available to Starhub subscribers who have subscribed to the BBC channels package in Singapore.[177] The service was extended into Malaysia in 2017, however the service can only be accessed by UniFi subscribers who have signed up for the Jumbo pack on Hypp.TV. Access for Streamyx subscribers with the same Hypp.TV package was added a few months later.
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And any post-Clarkson/May/Hamster TG is 'the new series' by definition - after that change it's just more seasons.

I've been watching a few of the 'old series' on Amazon Prime, and TGT is a big step up in production values.
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Yes, I mean the post Clarkson new series. With all the new people. New to me anyway. I don't get the BBC.

If you mean the series with Chris Evans you might want to see you doctor for some medication, you'll need it, he will drive you round the bend.
You know BBC's "new" Top Gear has lost its appeal when I find myself being more attracted to Grand Designs New Zealand on More 4.
It never had any if ya ask me, I haven't seen any topgears since clarcko punched somebody over a cheese sandwich, its had its day for me..:)
Still not as good as the grand tour. I'm rarely bored with that. Top gear is far more plodding.
I'll take a look tomorrow night. I can't stand the grand tour, so I'll see what this is like. From the trailers I have seen it looks like they are trying to make it like to previous incarnation. And if so I certainly won't be watching it.
eopsoide one in a word


gave it up afet 20 minso


Glad I didn't watch it then. We usually watch Endeavour on a Sunday night. I have seen some of the old Top Gear episodes with Clarkson and the guys, and they were genuinely funny.
Maybe the Beeb needs to look at the team.
Something like - Steve Coogan, Jensen Button and Johnny Vegas?
Agree they ate trying to hard to do that equal opportunities thing that the BBC do so badly. I think they should have a real funny comedian and u do like the American dude
It's partly down to whoever writes it. The new writers just aren't as good as the old TG ones that I'm assuming have all gone to Amazon.

I don't think Johnny Vegas is generally suitable for 8pm on a Sunday sadly.

The problem is the pace of it. They are missing one different segment in the first half of the show. They just have the main feature for most of it and it is too long and dull feeling. They need to split it up with a short piece in the first half. Then go back to the main feature, then the Star in the car then back to the main feature again. The old show had a news section on the sofa and that changed the pace. It's only a couple of minutes here and there but it makes a huge difference to how the show feels.
Its just not funny.
its turning into that 5th gear piece of crap with that quentin dude and Vicky whoever,
I enjoyed it too. Agree totally that the comedy' is quite forced but I loved the cars involved, the stunts they carried out, the scenery and it entertained me.

It's never going to be like the original shows but also maybe people are comparing it to the old ones and not looking at it as an alternative programme.

As a stand-alone car/entertainment programme, I thought it was fun
Its just not funny.
its turning into that 5th gear piece of crap with that quentin dude and Vicky whoever,

Vicky Butler-Henderson. Once, a very drunk VBH sat on my lap and wanted to talk about the first thing that popped up :D

Thought the show was ok, an hours based entertainment using cars...
Watch the 1st in this new series just now. Tragic! MLB is more wooden than my fence! It is not funny and a poor imitation of what it was.
I've been catching up on series 24 with Amazon Prime. It feels like the script writers have decided to mix the 'characters' around a bit. Episode 1 and 2 were pretty dull, but episode 3 had some good bits. Overall though it really doesn't hang well & the presenters lack any sense of depth in communication (did Clarkson et al get to take their soundman & dubbing mixer with them?)
I like the new series of Top Gear. It feels like they are all getting comfortable together, and the format is getting sorted a bit. I'm warming up a bit more to Chris Harris who I found a bit annoying previously. Like Clarkson, May and Hammond, they seem to be having a laugh, and it comes across like that too. Most of the main driving head to head things seem to be Matt Le Blanc and Chris Harris, but Rory Reid is adding some good stuff too. For me a huge improvement on the first post Clarkson et al series.

I don't think The Grand Tour has got its format sorted yet, and by the sounds of it may only have another series to play with. Some of the things they have done have felt very forced. The last episode of The Grand Tour joking about starving people in Africa didn't feel very comfortable. :(

Anyone notice they keep mentioning The Stig, but a UK version hasn't appeared yet! :thinking: They need to get some new cars setting times around the track a bit more for me too.
I like the new series of Top Gear. It feels like they are all getting comfortable together, and the format is getting sorted a bit. I'm warming up a bit more to Chris Harris who I found a bit annoying previously. Like Clarkson, May and Hammond, they seem to be having a laugh, and it comes across like that too. Most of the main driving head to head things seem to be Matt Le Blanc and Chris Harris, but Rory Reid is adding some good stuff too. For me a huge improvement on the first post Clarkson et al series.

I don't think The Grand Tour has got its format sorted yet, and by the sounds of it may only have another series to play with. Some of the things they have done have felt very forced. The last episode of The Grand Tour joking about starving people in Africa didn't feel very comfortable. :(

Anyone notice they keep mentioning The Stig, but a UK version hasn't appeared yet! :thinking: They need to get some new cars setting times around the track a bit more for me too.

Totally agree.
I watched Sunday's episode last night, and found parts of it interesting - the Japanese auction was mind boggling, but I still think the presnters are too "wooden" not spontaneous enough.
I watched Sunday's episode last night, and found parts of it interesting - the Japanese auction was mind boggling, but I still think the presnters are too "wooden" not spontaneous enough.

Agreed, only Matt LeBlanc has any camera personality, the other 2 have the camera presence of ironing boards.
I watched Sunday's episode last night, and found parts of it interesting - the Japanese auction was mind boggling, but I still think the presnters are too "wooden" not spontaneous enough.

I think the real problem is that the writers are still writing for Clarkson, May and Hammond, but can't decide which character should be which. Rory mostly covers Hammond, but also operates as the 'slow' man like May, LeBlanc covers off Hammond's side when he's driving, but tends to be a combo of Clarkson and May in front of the crowd without managing to be a natural frontman. Harris does the grumpy Clarkson thing, but can't make it work because he's forever sidelined in the conversation. They also have guest drivers for the faster stuff, where I would have expected Clarkson and Hammond to have done the driving themselves, and that, as much as anything, sends a message.

I can't imagine what a tram-smash it must have been with Evans.
I watched Sunday's episode last night, and found parts of it interesting - the Japanese auction was mind boggling, but I still think the presnters are too "wooden" not spontaneous enough.
Just how cheap were some of those cars - stunning vehicles.
I think the real problem is that the writers are still writing for Clarkson, May and Hammond, but can't decide which character should be which. Rory mostly covers Hammond, but also operates as the 'slow' man like May, LeBlanc covers off Hammond's side when he's driving, but tends to be a combo of Clarkson and May in front of the crowd without managing to be a natural frontman. Harris does the grumpy Clarkson thing, but can't make it work because he's forever sidelined in the conversation. They also have guest drivers for the faster stuff, where I would have expected Clarkson and Hammond to have done the driving themselves, and that, as much as anything, sends a message.

I can't imagine what a tram-smash it must have been with Evans.

Most of the writers went with Clarkson as did the producer. The people that were left were keen to keep the format as it's a huge seller across the world, but it seems sometimes it's trying to follow the format rigorously without any new ideas or flexibility. Even down to the camera filters
I think Matt LeBlanc has been a decent replacement host, theres no doubting Harris can drive and I think the chemistry is slowly working out between the three. It's a good entertainment program for a sunday night
Just how cheap were some of those cars - stunning vehicles.

I loved the yellow RX7, pity they ruined the side of it. About ten years ago, one of my wife's work colleague's husband used to import cars from Japan. I don't know how lucrative it was, but she always seemed to be driving Mazda MX5's or Toyota Supras. I wonder how much the shipping and import duties cost?