The Official Fuji X10/X20/X30/XF1/XQ1 Thread

Film mode: normal (Provia)
Sharpness (-1)
Saturation: Mid

they look more natural due to the characteristics of the new sensor. Shooting DR400% boosts them a bit, as was the case today. The dockyard ones (yesterday) were mostly DR100%. I almost always use autoWB on the X10 (which I never do on any of my other cameras) because it's so good - and it's still good.

I can't wait to get mine back...My last shots before it went away
were set.... DR400%
Sharpness (-1)
Contrast (-1)
Saturation (-1)

But I had not done enough with it to come to any conclusion except that the colour looked better. Especially the over saturated and clipped bright reds.
I can't wait to get mine back...My last shots before it went away
were set.... DR400%
Sharpness (-1)
Contrast (-1)
Saturation (-1)

But I had not done enough with it to come to any conclusion except that the colour looked better. Especially the over saturated and clipped bright reds.

Yes, that's the thing about the X10, there are so many variables that need playing with before you get things where you want them. I've noticed that the new sensor over-does the reds even more than the last one, but it can be worked around. My pet hate is over-sharpened images so like you I turn that down.
Wow - must get a faster internet connection. Took hours to get my photos up on Flickr. Anyway as promised a few examples from my set in Visegrad, Hungary.


nice shots
Not surprised they took a while do download you download "original" size.
Hi Folks,

First of all, apologies for not contributing much to the thread over the past month or so... Life is generally rather hectic but my Other Half and I made matters worse lately by deciding to move house before the baby arrived! :D

Well, we're in the new place and everything's sorted and ready for the New Arrival...

I wanted to share one last 'bump shot' before I disappear off the map for a few days. Ayesha is now 39 weeks pregnant so this will be the last shot before the baby arrives. You may have noticed that she's looking very 'trim' for someone who's so far into a pregnancy. Her amniotic fluid levels are low and the baby has elevated blood pressure so they're going to induce her tonight! :clap:


The X10 will be coming with me to the hospital tonight and I'm hoping to get some decent photos of Junior as he or she arrives.
Best of luck, hope all goes well
Si, I took the X10 with me when my boy arrived 5 weeks ago. Ideal camera for the occasion. DSLR to big, phone and compact not good enough quality for the memory. Let us know how it goes. All the best.
Ha a real stomach churning moment with my x10 today I dropped it about 3 feet onto solid concrete. I thought it would have been toast, but it works fine two scratches to the metal body and that's all, seems its pretty rugged as well as being a fine camera.
Some wild flowers today:

Hmm, yes, I also assumed Paul has a puppy! (-: The X10 is fantastic for macro - I just wish I had a steadier hand!

love the flowers very natural....
As we walk around we see flowers every where, but after the middle years we do not see "in macro" with out help.

This helps us to see the flowers as they are. Even up to smelling distance.
I find that the pictures from the X10 give just the right impression of sharpness... but perhaps not down to pixel level.
If you sharpen them, they might look sharper at first look, but that gives no more detail, and less realism.
Thanks Terry. I'm pleased to find somebody who shares my view of sharpening. With my DSLRs I always apply a bit of output sharpening when I prepare them for print - but only as much as is needed. I find the X10 doesn't really need any sharpening at all, otherwise as you say the shots lose realism. The new sensor is quite nice in that it seems to avoid the 'edge' I used to sometimes see with the old sensor around objects of high contrast.
OMG just realised I have no camera in the house.

X10 gone back for new sensor, just sold Panny G2 on eBay, wife's new camera (cheapo arrived last Thursday) was very poor so got returned for refund this morning.

Oh just thought I could use my IPhone 3 but quality not that good.

Thanks to all who post pictures which I enjoy looking at. I ought to get some on myself but in my 2 months of ownership been out of action a lot.

And good luck Si I hope all goes well for you (y)
Took these as we drove past...

A wall in Torquay



Would have been nice to have gotten out of the car and tried the Panorama mode!

Thought I'd post a few made with the "classic" version of the sensor and the pre-fiddled-with firmware ;)

Just got back from a trip to Austria. All photos SOC (apart from the second shot (mountain)). I'm still mightily impressed with this little X10 of mine. I'm still not sure whether to send mine in or not, despite the occasional orbs...

DSCF0798 by Robenroute, on Flickr

DSCF0916-1 by Robenroute, on Flickr

DSCF0956 by Robenroute, on Flickr

DSCF0982 by Robenroute, on Flickr

DSCF1026 by Robenroute, on Flickr

DSCF1085 by Robenroute, on Flickr
I’m assuming that’s your daughter. She’s so photogenic – face of innocence. Great photos. I really like the yellow flower shot – composition is tight.
I’m assuming that’s your daughter. She’s so photogenic – face of innocence. Great photos. I really like the yellow flower shot – composition is tight.

Thanks. Indeed, that's my daughter. It's difficult to catch her in a natural way; as soon as she spots the camera, she starts to pose and/or pull faces.

Not sure what it is with the yellow flowr shot. It seems almost 3D to me. That tiny black insect near the centre of the flower looks like it doesn't belong there; the very first time I looked at it on my monitor, I tried to wipe the monitor clean to remove the speck :LOL:

Thanks again for your feedback, Souldeep.
Your photos never fail to impress Lindsay!

The bee shot is a real winner.

Can I ask - the dreamy "softness" I see in the images is set in the camera (-1 on the sharpness setting) or was there any PP applied?

Thank you Souldeep. Unfortunately that naughty bee wouldn't stay still enough!

I prefer sharpness set to -1 in camera - this doesn't make the images particularly soft, it just makes them more natural, which I prefer. On these shots I've applied a slight diffusion over the whole picture and extra softening around the edges. In terms of general post production the new sensor only needs a small extra touch of contrast to bring the shots alive - at least according to how I shoot. These were taken on DR200% which gives a tiny bit of over-exposure, which can be handy at times or else I will leave -1/3 to -2/3 EV set. All in all, I'm finding the exposure more consistent with the new sensor, but of course that may vary per individual according to how you shoot and set up your X10 - there are so many parameters that no real generalizations can be made.
Thank you Souldeep. Unfortunately that naughty bee wouldn't stay still enough!

I prefer sharpness set to -1 in camera - this doesn't make the images particularly soft, it just makes them more natural, which I prefer. On these shots I've applied a slight diffusion over the whole picture and extra softening around the edges. In terms of general post production the new sensor only needs a small extra touch of contrast to bring the shots alive - at least according to how I shoot. These were taken on DR200% which gives a tiny bit of over-exposure, which can be handy at times or else I will leave -1/3 to -2/3 EV set. All in all, I'm finding the exposure more consistent with the new sensor, but of course that may vary per individual according to how you shoot and set up your X10 - there are so many parameters that no real generalizations can be made.

If I may add to that...
The in camera sharpening "settings", all add some sharpening.The "Normal" setting actually sets quite a lot of sharpening, but even -2 is still adding some sharpening. So it is not as if -1 is adding softening, it is simply not adding so much sharpening. That is true of all digital cameras. Some add so much, things look cut out and pasted on.

People who shoot raw do their sharpening in PP, as you can set it appropriately for each output size or method.

I can't wait to find out for myself how the new sensor performs.
Thanks. Indeed, that's my daughter. It's difficult to catch her in a natural way; as soon as she spots the camera, she starts to pose and/or pull faces.

Not sure what it is with the yellow flowr shot. It seems almost 3D to me. That tiny black insect near the centre of the flower looks like it doesn't belong there; the very first time I looked at it on my monitor, I tried to wipe the monitor clean to remove the speck :LOL:

Thanks again for your feedback, Souldeep.

You've certainly caught her well in those shots :)

The flowers have a shallow DOF and juxtaposed against the composition it really give the impression of depth hence the 3d feel of the image. A great shot :)
Thank you Souldeep. Unfortunately that naughty bee wouldn't stay still enough!
Teehee - you could always try a dab of calpol on the petal next time ;)

I prefer sharpness set to -1 in camera - this doesn't make the images particularly soft, it just makes them more natural, which I prefer. On these shots I've applied a slight diffusion over the whole picture and extra softening around the edges. In terms of general post production the new sensor only needs a small extra touch of contrast to bring the shots alive - at least according to how I shoot. These were taken on DR200% which gives a tiny bit of over-exposure, which can be handy at times or else I will leave -1/3 to -2/3 EV set. All in all, I'm finding the exposure more consistent with the new sensor, but of course that may vary per individual according to how you shoot and set up your X10 - there are so many parameters that no real generalizations can be made.

Great advice, thanks.
If I may add to that...
The in camera sharpening "settings", all add some sharpening.The "Normal" setting actually sets quite a lot of sharpening, but even -2 is still adding some sharpening. So it is not as if -1 is adding softening, it is simply not adding so much sharpening. That is true of all digital cameras. Some add so much, things look cut out and pasted on.

People who shoot raw do their sharpening in PP, as you can set it appropriately for each output size or method.

I can't wait to find out for myself how the new sensor performs.

Hey Terry - that's really interesting info you've shared there.

So taking that theory - the sharpening settings have no effect if you are shooting raw as I understand the sharpening would only be applied to jpg output?
Hey Terry - that's really interesting info you've shared there.

So taking that theory - the sharpening settings have no effect if you are shooting raw as I understand the sharpening would only be applied to jpg output?

That is true.... as usual there is a however... some raw processers automatically read the camera settings and apply them. But most only set the things normally found in Exif data. ( such as colour balance)
In terms of sharpness I found the original sensor a bit savage on the 'mid' setting, hence turning the setting down in-camera. I left that setting on the new sensor, but just now I turned it back up to 'mid' and the results were fine - not overcooked in any way.
In terms of sharpness I found the original sensor a bit savage on the 'mid' setting, hence turning the setting down in-camera. I left that setting on the new sensor, but just now I turned it back up to 'mid' and the results were fine - not overcooked in any way.

That is good to know.... looks like the orbs were made worse by the way the camera saw edges.

Mine arrived back this morning BUT is going back

There is a focus problem especially with manual focus which is entirely random and usually shows greater than infinity at any distance on the scale in the shorter focal lengths, and says my waist level is over 2 meters to the ground at longer lengths. Also turning the zoom to switch on, is now a bit graunchy.
so they are sending another box.
The worst bit is that it looks like another couple of weeks????
That's awful - I would be furious. They should send you out another camera immediately - in fact you could insist on that as they have had to do it for one or two other customers who have received their cameras back in a less than acceptable condition.
That is good to know.... looks like the orbs were made worse by the way the camera saw edges.

Mine arrived back this morning BUT is going back

There is a focus problem especially with manual focus which is entirely random and usually shows greater than infinity at any distance on the scale in the shorter focal lengths, and says my waist level is over 2 meters to the ground at longer lengths. Also turning the zoom to switch on, is now a bit graunchy.
so they are sending another box.
The worst bit is that it looks like another couple of weeks????

Sorry to hear that - I'd be :bat:

But love your wordage "graunchy" :D
That's awful - I would be furious. They should send you out another camera immediately - in fact you could insist on that as they have had to do it for one or two other customers who have received their cameras back in a less than acceptable condition.

Its true - look at my case. I now have two X10's! They sent me a new one next day delivery.

Have you had a chance to orb test it to check it's got the new sensor? If you're inclined, it might be a good opportunity for some side by side testing of old vs new.

Do you know that with my old X10, thousands of shots, no orbs so far.

I haven’t gone beyond switching on my new X10 yet. As you are no doubt aware I’m still working through the last batch of photos from holiday and still have a long way to go so no more snapping for me until they are out the way!

I am back on holiday in a few weeks and have planned to test out the new X10 then. I will take some night time harbour shots which is a good way to produce an orb.

I could try sooner as an experiment for you all if you have a range of settings and a simple home test to try?
My dad has an X10 and was wondering from people who got their X10's sensor replaced if its worth sending back to Fuji? Is this a minor/ major change for the camera?
Do you know that with my old X10, thousands of shots, no orbs so far.

I haven’t gone beyond switching on my new X10 yet. As you are no doubt aware I’m still working through the last batch of photos from holiday and still have a long way to go so no more snapping for me until they are out the way!

I am back on holiday in a few weeks and have planned to test out the new X10 then. I will take some night time harbour shots which is a good way to produce an orb.

I could try sooner as an experiment for you all if you have a range of settings and a simple home test to try?

No worries - I was just curious about your initial impressions of the new versus old sensor, or if you'd done a few quick and dirty snaps (no need to publish them) shot exactly as you normally shoot. No problem if you don't get a chance to, I suspect some of the others will be getting their X10s back this week and we'll start to see some opinions coming through.