The Official Fuji X10/X20/X30/XF1/XQ1 Thread

Just ordered an X20 ...woohoo !!!

Thanks for the help in getting me thus far everyone, really helped me clarify a lot of questions, and I can't wait to get it in my mits and start using it.
I had to go secondhand in the end :-( and tempted by the one on sale in the forum here but preferred the look of the silver one. Paid the same and getting a years warranty too, so not too bad a deal, though not in David's bargain basement league. Oh congrats on the lil sister David !
Ah yes, didn't think that comment thru did I :)

Should be with me within 4 days, which works out well for me. Got it from wexphotographic. Although used it's allegedly mint, and I reckoned having the warranty was worth it. I did see a couple of new ones on ebay, but one had no mention of warranty, and another was a USA model so the charger would be a random replacement. Whilst this isn't really a deal breaker, I've fallen foul of such deals before, and am wary of import models or things that don't necessarily come in the usual packaging, so skipped those deals. Of course until I get the fuji I won't know if I've blagged a good deal or not, but it's no more expensive than most go for secondhand anyway, and cheaper than some I've seen being sold on various forums.
Will no doubt be pestering everyone here for user tips when it arrives.
Actually, saying that, would you have any recommendations for batteries. Is it best to stick to genuine fuji ones or are other makes just as good. Think I will need at least one other for when we go on hols.
No 1 sons little fuji s6800 bridge has developed a fault so that's going back today. He wants a dslr but I think it unlikely that currys will allow a trade up - I suspect they'll just replace it
His mother isn't so keen unfortunately - he needs a laptop for school too. Bloomin' kids
Yes but the camera is only £100 or so new - it won't really get us much.
David Raynham, X20, OVF, jpegs, never thought I’d see the day, whatever next. :)

Hi David you is shootin some nice stuff, the flash pics are ace.(y)

Congratulations on your good news. :banana: :beer:

You do know what causes it …… don’t you? ;)

Jpeg ftw! :D - As always, view full screen on Flickr as they look crap here.

Matlock Bath Illuminations - X20
by David Raynham, on Flickr

Matlock Bath Illuminations - X20
by David Raynham, on Flickr

Matlock Bath Illuminations - X20
by David Raynham, on Flickr

Matlock Bath Illuminations - X20
by David Raynham, on Flickr

Matlock Bath Illuminations - X20
by David Raynham, on Flickr

Matlock Bath Illuminations - X20
by David Raynham, on Flickr

Matlock Bath Illuminations - X20
by David Raynham, on Flickr

Matlock Bath Illuminations - X20
by David Raynham, on Flickr

I've noticed it does wreck the detail at higher iso's so I've back the NR down to -2. Reckon i can do a better job of it in Lr. What do other people use?
X20. All jpegs.

1. 1/500th sec, f2.8, iso 100.


2. 1/320th sec, f8, iso 100.


3. 1/250th sec, f3.8, iso 100. FLASH.


4. 1/250th sec, f2.8, iso 100. FLASH.


5, 1/250th sec. f3.8. iso 100. FLASH.


6. 1/250th sec. f8. iso 100.

You've certainly got some bold colours in those shots, Rhodese ! Love the boy with the pipe...shame you couldn't get that shot and the pipe player in one :)
Ok, not even got the x20 yet, but I will need a few memory cards.
Being new to this digital malarkey, I've a lot to learn, starting with memory.

Just wanted to get your recommendations on best cards to use with the x20 if I may.

I gather that cf cards are stronger, more reliable etc, but aren't a possibility, and Fuji only recommend fuji and sandisk sd, sdhc and sdxc cards.

From my limited knowledge, it seems I need a class 10, if I'm going to shoot video, and the faster card the better. It seems anything over 45mb/s is pointless as the x20 can't handle it ?

So, to start with, it seems the following would be a reasonable standard to get me going, until I can justify better.

SanDisk Extreme SDHC UHS-1 Card 45MB/sec (Class 10)

I gather theses are v.reliablle and quick and approx £18.

Are these over the top, bettered by others in quality, speed or price ?

Any advice or recommends much appreciated.
Oh, and the quoted number will be read speed, not write speed so it will read the data at the stated speed but the write speed will be a fair few mb/s less. Handy for when you have a card full of shots that you want to transfer onto the computer.
If that LX100 is half as good as its specs, it might well become my only camera.
The lens makes my EM5 and 12-40 look ridiculous. I'm sure the IQ of the LX100 won't be quite as good but if it can get anywhere near...

Have to wait for the reviews, but if Panny have done this right, it deserves to be a massive success
Looks impressive, up till today an x30 was my choice for a high quality compact, that may change
Expecting c£800 ? Ouch
My 12-40/2.8 cost me £600 and my EM5 is worth about £400. If I were starting from scratch I'd consider £800 not unreasonable for the specs. Look at the X100's launch price!
I'm sure price will come down a little after launch too - Panny will know that this will have people drooling so will want to milk the early adopters.