The River Tweed

Andy Grant
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Hi folks and happy new year. Just got back from a week in Innerleithen in the Borders, fantastic area, great snow and scenery. Only had chance to have a brief look through the pics so heres the first one.

C & C welcome and thanks for looking

That's very beautiful, simple and classic elegance. One of those rare shots where I change the forum colour to suit the pic. :clap:
That's fantastic! It really makes me want to go out and take some photos while this cold weather lasts!
That's a cracking shot. Gonna be up there in a few weeks. Bet it doesn't look like that for me. :LOL:

Great stuff. (y)
I like the shot, but could you maybe tone down the blown out bit behind the tree a tad...i'd like to see any shots you had with the sun off to the left, just highlighting the mist across the water....or did you take any from a lower angle....
That's very beautiful, simple and classic elegance. One of those rare shots where I change the forum colour to suit the pic. :clap:

Thanks mate, it was a perfect morning all I did was point the camera.

Lovely photo, really nicely captured!


That's fantastic! It really makes me want to go out and take some photos while this cold weather lasts!

I think the light at the moment is excellent, get out there.

That's a cracking shot. Gonna be up there in a few weeks. Bet it doesn't look like that for me. :LOL:

Thanks. Its not going anywhere at the moment the snow was 3 foot deep when we left.

Great stuff. (y)
Thank you.

Beautifully atmospheric.

Thanks Snaphappy

I like the shot, but could you maybe tone down the blown out bit behind the tree a tad...i'd like to see any shots you had with the sun off to the left, just highlighting the mist across the water....or did you take any from a lower angle....

Thanks Darren. I haven't had chance to look through them all yet but I'll see if there are any as you suggested. As to the blown bits, unfortunately I didn't have any filters with me but I shot in Raw and jpeg and haven't looked at the RAW files yet.

it is beautiful~~

Thanks Rambits, I had a lot of help from nature.


Really really beautiful. You may have had help from nature but great eye for the composition. Looking forward to seeing the rest.
Cracking shot!!!
Isn't your wall getting a bit full?

Great shot Andy.

great shot (y) have not been down that way for years ... on saying that heading to peebles in a couple of weeks for the brothers 50th birthday looking forward to taking a few snaps
Cracker! I`d be very proud of that. (y)

Thanks Chilliz, I am rather happy with it.

Lovely shot, love the mist

Thanks Bradders, the mist makes it I think.

Very atmospheric (y)

Thank you Peter.


Thanks Janice.

Isn't your wall getting a bit full?

Great shot Andy.


Cheers Ian, probably need an extension soon.(y)

Now that is good photography (y)

Thanks ascott, had a lot of help from nature.

great shot (y) have not been down that way for years ... on saying that heading to peebles in a couple of weeks for the brothers 50th birthday looking forward to taking a few snaps

Cheers Mr G. Peebles is an excellent little town.

That's a brave composition putting the sun there, but it sure as hell works here! A beautiful picture, makes me want to go there *now*!

Simply beautiful, Andy. Love it.
That's a brave composition putting the sun there, but it sure as hell works here! A beautiful picture, makes me want to go there *now*!


Thanks Arthur. I had to hide the sun somewhere as I forgot to take filters.:bang: Its a really lovely area, especially with snow, well worth a trip.

Lovely shot. Great atmosphere (y)

Thanks mate, appreciate the comment.

Simply beautiful, Andy. Love it.

Cheers buddy, its one of those very rare ones that I can't see a way of improving it.

Very beautiful and very moody, very well done.

Thanks Donna

Very atmospheric

Cheers Rob.

Superb light and well taken.

Thanks Trappe, 5 minutes later and the light was very poor by comparison as the sun rose to high.

Simple but effective :)

Shows having burnt out areas in a picture often does not matter.
Thanks Robert.