Critique The Shard

Edit My Images
Hi all.

Whilst taking the (Glasses stack) photo, which I uploaded recently I clummsily knocked them over whilst trying to be clever and adjust things in the dark.
Saving me the time of keep walking 3ft to the light switch :-(

I was not best pleased but I did notice this glass broke in what I thought was a good shape to photograph.

As always all feedback/critique is welcomed. You people see things I never do.




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I prefer this to your others.
Might look better if you levelled up the glass table, but that's just picking.
Also, perhaps crop a little off the top.
I prefer this to your others.
Might look better if you levelled up the glass table, but that's just picking.
Also, perhaps crop a little off the top.
Hi Pete

Great to know your preferance.

Re the table.

I honestly have no idea why chose to shoot at a skew to the base. I did want to shoot upwards though that much I do know.

After taking the above image I moved around a bit ( which I never do ) and took a few more.
So added them above.

Thanks for the feedback.

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I like the concept, but there is something off about the drip... I think it should be something more like this to be more realistic; with the source of the drip pulling away because there is no supply to backfill it (quick/crappy edit).

Hiya. Thanks for the feedback. Your spot on I see that now, it,s strange as I sort of knew there was something odd looking but couldn't see what. The edit is good. I do have other images with various amounts of drips. There are some with drips further up the shard. I will try and layer one in.
Unfortunately I just tested positive this morning so won't be on the pc for a few days.

Hiya. Thanks for the feedback. Your spot on I see that now, it,s strange as I sort of knew there was something odd looking but couldn't see what. The edit is good. I do have other images with various amounts of drips. There are some with drips further up the shard. I will try and layer one in.
Unfortunately I just tested positive this morning so won't be on the pc for a few days.

Jeeze, I don't know if this deserves a thumbs up or a sad face... (y):(
Haha. Luckily I'm not feeling to bad. Just flu/ cold type symptoms at the moment.
So hopefully I'll be one of the lucky ones.
All being well I will get on pc tomorrow and try the advice you have given me. If successful I will upload the result.

Thanks again.

I like the first image. I think the red is more striking than the yellow in the other two images.
Thats good to know Malcolm.
Thanks for your feedback it is appreciated.

Hi all.

Whilst taking the (Glasses stack) photo, which I uploaded recently I clummsily knocked them over whilst trying to be clever and adjust things in the dark.
Saving me the time of keep walking 3ft to the light switch :-(

I was not best pleased but I did notice this glass broke in what I thought was a good shape to photograph.

As always all feedback/critique is welcomed. You people see things I never do.




I am continually impressed by the quality of your (what I would call) product photography. I do not do this kind of photos and rely on whatever lighting there is, so it is very interesting to see what you can do when you take full control of your environment. I will say (hopefully for the last time) that your lighting is exquisite and technically your images are top notch. Those are just compliments though and these comments contain no meat. So what I notice:

Image #1. The assumed "blood" or "red wine" seem to have the colour and consistency of strawberry jam. Mixing the jam with a bit of lemon juice would give you more realistic color and consistency. I find the edge of the table quite distracting, whether it is horizontal or not. The reflections are fabulous and i love the shuttered glass. It is much better than an intact one. Please break a lot more glasses ;). I find that the glass is too centrally placed and that the crop is a bit wide, leaving too much empty space. Tighter crop (similar to #2) would be in my view preferable.

#2 Pure perfection

#3 Here you have a problem. You are trying to stay with a square format like the other two images, but this one absolutely begs for a portrait framing. Heavy vignetting on 3 sides helps, but it does not eliminate the problem. Again, the glass is too well centered. If it was mine, I would either make all 3 images portrait or I would add additional low weight object to a side and recrop.

As a serie, I think these images work well together to amplify each other, but some fine-tuning of #1 and #3 would strengthen the series, I think
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@Pavel M
Hi Pavel.

Thanks for your kind words of encouragement.
Your feedback is so detailed and if i'm honest you seem to be able to read images far better than I ever could. All your points really do seem to make perfect sense. Hopefully I may retain some of the information and put it into practice when next taking a photo.

Regarding the red liquid, off memory I think it were made up of Golden syrup mixed with red food colouring. Could be mistaken though. Your tip sounds good though.

Thanks again.
I like these, both the idea and execution. They are very clean looking as well, if you know what I mean.
In order of preference last to first I have to say 1, 2 then 3.

1 is last because of the line across the back, however if it had been the only image I would have loved it if there had been nothing else to compare it to.

2 is second. I actually prefer the black background but it's a bit too 'straight on'. Again, with nothing to compare it with I would have loved it.

3 is first. Everything about it says quality; from the reflection, the way the liquid sits and the graduated light from back to front.

I'm no expert but I know what I like.
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I like these, both the idea and execution. They are very clean looking as well, if you know what I mean.
Thanks for the feedback. Like I say it were really an accident but it's good if something came out of it.
Really appreciate the time you've taken to give such a detailed reply.
It's intriguing to read what others see in these. There doesn't seem to one that's a clear favourite to all.

I'm no expert either but like you say you know what you like when you see it.
