The view from Low Fell

Stuart McGlennon
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Finally got up this wee fell last night when a wild camp on Blencathra fell through due to a lily-livered friend's suspect resilience to a cold - been meaning to do this walk for ages and never got round to it, these were the best two I got:

Low Fell View by Stuart McGlennon, on Flickr

Zig Zag by Stuart McGlennon, on Flickr
Second for me, cracking shot.(y)
The 1st shot is good but I really like the way the light guides you through the landscape in the 2nd, excellent.
A lovely set of images. Both first and second get my vote, with a slight leaning to the first which shows some of the Lakes landscape at it's best........nice.
Stunning absolutely beautiful !
Now this is more like it. None of that dark grey dull pish weather for me when you can have a beautiful scene like this.

To be honest one I would rate as one of, if not your finest landscape and one of the best, if not the best image I ever seen from the Lake District. It pulls my heart strings, it stirrs the soul.

Two is ok but one is perfection defined and sticks it to all these dark grey "moody" depressing landscapes that seem all the rage these days.
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Wow just got in from meal out with the wife, I guess it was worth the walk up there then! Thanks for all the kind responses, i guess I'll tuck this away as a spot to revisit! @John Soliven to answer your question we went up from the Loweswater side and crossed a couple of fells to get to it although I need to research a quicker route as it seemed a bit inefficient. Terrain was surprisingly steep in patches for such a small fell although some of the smaller ones I find have much steeper rakes to them. Mainly across grass which was nice.

@ST4 I know this is your sort of stuff so I'm glad you like it, it was shot actually with the tourist in mind as it's going to be going in a shop in keswick as a canvas and the owner said that the fells needed to be 'easily identifiable' so blue skies and warm light was non negotiable!
I love the light in the second shot, so atmospheric and the colours in the foreground really bring it to life. Well done mate, it must be really satisfying to get that shot after the hike.
Can you get a better advert for the Lakes than that first one? Absolutely beautiful... :clap:
So when I saw the top one on flickr I thought that was the shot you were over the moon with in your talk thread.

And if it was rightly so, it is a wonderful photo and in my opinion the best you have produced but I appreciate you were happy with the other one because the atmospherics add drama. With this shot you have such an epic vista that you don't need the drama, it is a happy warm Lakeland scene that benefits from this light.

Let me get my bearings though, is that Crummock Water in front of you and the lump on the left is Grasmoor? If so I bet it would look great at sunset during the summer solstice side lit from the right...

Second one is stunning too, has that soft focus look about it, reduced clarity?

Thanks Craig.
2 simply beautiful images. Sounds very much like you effort = reward on the occasion :)

Can you get a better advert for the Lakes than that first one? Absolutely beautiful... :clap:

Great pair second is stunning

Cant pick a favourite here both of them are superb (y)

So when I saw the top one on flickr I thought that was the shot you were over the moon with in your talk thread.

And if it was rightly so, it is a wonderful photo and in my opinion the best you have produced but I appreciate you were happy with the other one because the atmospherics add drama. With this shot you have such an epic vista that you don't need the drama, it is a happy warm Lakeland scene that benefits from this light.

Let me get my bearings though, is that Crummock Water in front of you and the lump on the left is Grasmoor? If so I bet it would look great at sunset during the summer solstice side lit from the right...

Second one is stunning too, has that soft focus look about it, reduced clarity?

Thanks Craig.

Love em both (y)
Again thanks all, much appreciated.

@Craig_85 I like this pano a lot, I guess I enjoyed the other from Wasdale more as it was much more of a challenge, and ultimately I probably get more satisfaction out of having to to work for the image rather than this one where you kind of just turn up and shoot (even if a wee walk is required) if you see what I mean?

Your bearings are right, Grasmoor on the left and Melbreak middle right. This is one I've got in my head for winter at sunrise with snow on the tops, but similarly as it is here, late afternoon great also. Second image is a touch of Orton on the brighter bits, seemed to suit given the hazy conditions at that point.
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Was expecting to see Gateshead lol,Fantastic pics:)
These are both excellent photographs but the first shot is something else.

You should be very proud!

Cheers T
I love the shots like the first one, the high you have the way you could be in a helicopter to get a shot like this and the stunning light. That is wonderful.
They are fab!

The first is great for sure but I think I prefer the second as it's a bit less obvious and I love the patches of light. But still, both are great.