The "What is it?" thread - Part III

Despite the colour, not a toy.
Flash holder
Is that cut out an arrow?
Sorry, by 10pm I'm fast asleep these days ! Nothing right yet but getting very close...
Mark , yes, the cut out is an arrow but the others aren't .
Note one of them . Not even sure what one of them is!
Is it plastic or foam/ polystyrene ?
Yes. (It's plastic. Not sure exactly which material it is, it's not got a recycling symbol on it.)
Is it a buoyancy aid?
No. Not sure it would float.

Oops! Should have brought it over too! The part shown is an unused bit of the item - if I showed a used bit it would probably give the game away...View attachment 38227
More clooery...

Not something I use every day. Having lost something I used it on, I found 2 things to use it on so have used it today...
Since it's such a stinker and in the spirit of the game, I'll give you that. It's a golf ball marking stencil. Full thing below. I only use the big cross part, hence the small section I posted - the wider shot gives it away too easily (the pen marks.)

View attachment 38299
Battery compartment for a torch?
Can I ask what orientation this is, or is that not allowed?
It's a tape measure..... Stanley fatmax
The suspense is killing me
Killing you? You're the one who is meant to be posting the next image as you got it right!
Sorry my phone didn't update with the answer...... I've been waitng all day
View attachment 38430

Sorry I've been driving all day to a family emergancy up north!

Hope it's not too easy
I took it with my phone!