The worlds largest aircraft - Airlander 10 at sunrise

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The evolving future of the Airship industry and currently the largest Aircraft on the planet!
Taken early the morning of April 20th 2017, the Airlander 10 sits patiently for more pre flight tests today before taking to the air once more. More information on this new breed of Hybrid AIr Vehicle here.

Week 14 - Evolve by Donnie Canning, on Flickr

Size wise, I cannot be impressed as long as I see it on
photograph but only imagine… "in real person!"

The halo over the land could indicate the presence of
fog but when I see the halo extending over the craft I
really wonder… :cautious:
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I think the issue is that the noise and halo give the appearance of this being somewhat over-processed (liberal use of the clarity slider perhaps?). With ironically a little more time in post-production you could remove those artefacts and make it look more natural.
Clarity slider wasn't even touched, other than crop, increasing exposure to lighten the foreground, adding a little warmth, minimal sharpening and conversion to jpeg there was no other post processing. The "halo" is early morning mist as the sun was coming up, pretty much all that landscape is farmland. A post processing halo would be over the airship too, it isn't.
Perhaps its a combination of lifting the shadows and edge-sharpening (effectively what clarity does) that has caused the issues - they are also present on the airship.

These are the areas that stand out - this is with the clarity reduced to -100 and you'll see the artefacts are still there.

This is with +100 clarity, which increases the artefacts already present and adds more as you would expect.

As I say, in post you could make this look more natural be selectively editing areas to get them looking how you want, then editing the lot as one image to make it look consistent. A final bit of noise reduction would help also. It's a solid image, but with a refinement it could be even better.
couple of things.

I do have no editing ticked in my avatar but that non withstanding -

edge darkness ? you mean on the shadow side of the airlander? and this after you've edited a jpeg by reducing clarity? same goes for the supposed artifacts on both images

heres a screen shot of the original raw for some reference too.

Screen Shot 2017-04-27 at 09.56.30 by Donnie Canning, on Flickr
I havent edited your image, just tried to show you where the artifacts are more clearly. Clearly you're not pleased with receiving critique, so I'll leave you to it.

I don't mind critique at all otherwise Id never post any photos on here. However, by taking the image and reducing the clarity then increasing it is certainly editing. The "artifacts" and halo alluded to I have already explained as being on scene when I took the image but this appears to have been ignored.
Donnie, I'm not going to criticise you for not sweeping up the mist before you took the photo. Neither am I going to accuse you of nefarious and excessive Lightroom-ing. I'm just going to congratulate you on a great shot.
Donnie, I'm not going to criticise you for not sweeping up the mist before you took the photo. Neither am I going to accuse you of nefarious and excessive Lightroom-ing. I'm just going to congratulate you on a great shot.

It's a solid image, but with refinement it could be even better.

As I say, it's not about criticism or accusations; it's about room for improvement, as there is with any image including anything in my portfolio. It's subjective and the OP disagrees, which is absolutely fine and I'm certainly not taking anything negative away from the conversations within here. Let's not try and turn this into some sort of character assassination just because we have different opinions.
I suppose it just feels critical and accusatory to me due to the assumption that the photos been so overphotoshopped that its not what was actually in front of the camera on the day it was taken. That plus the editing of my images, the highlighting of artifacts your edited images etc.
As a photo I like it,
but would prefer a closer look from an angle that makes the plane look like a giant bum.
I suppose it just feels critical and accusatory to me due to the assumption that the photos been so overphotoshopped that its not what was actually in front of the camera on the day it was taken. That plus the editing of my images, the highlighting of artifacts your edited images etc.

It honestly wasn't meant like that at all - Kodiak pointed out some things and it appeared you didn't see his angle, so all I tried to do was clarify and show what he meant more clearly as I thought they were constructive points. I actually intended quite the opposite - they're under photoshopped! Apologies if you took offence, I have a thicker skin than most.