Thom Hogan's Game.

woof woof

I like a nice Chianti
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He has a little game on his site...

What it says...

"So I challenge you to this little game: you can't buy anything photographic ever that doesn't exist today. Do you just stay with what you have, or do you shuffle your gear to a different set? Why? If you can answer that question you start to see where you think you need more help from the tool, rather than just more practice with the tool. That's actually a technique pointer, folks, though I got there through the back door, not the front. Knowing when the tool is doing the heavy lifting and when you have to is a first step towards getting better photographs."

So, this is me...
5D - 20mm f1.8, 50mm f1.4, 85mm f1.4, 150mm f2.8, 12-24mm, 20-35mm, 70-300mm.
G1 - 20mm f1.7, 25mm f0.95, 28mm f2.8, 55mm f1.7, 135mm f3.5, 14-42mm.
Compacts - LX5, Ixus, Medion compact.
35mm fixed focus compact.

DSRL - I think I'm happy with the 5D+lenses and indeed one or two lenses might go or I could swap the 5D for a 5DII just to get sensor cleaning or ditch the lot and go for a Nikon D700 + a very similar lens set up because I used to shoot with a 35mm Nikon SLR and only went to Canon DSLR because everyone told me Canon was "best." These days I don't think it matters but going Nikon would be coming home :D Actually, I think I'd just keep the 5D.

MFT - I'd possibly go for a G5 assuming that a G with the latest (Sony?) sensor isn't available. Lens wise I may buy a macro but I wouldn't want to invest much more money in MFT as I'm increasingly disillusioned with the EVF performance in very low light (it blinds me.) Or, I could go for an Oly to get IBIS or switch to a Nex 6 to get a small RF style camera which is really what I've wanted for years. Actually, if there's no improvement in EVF technology I'd keep the G1.

Compacts/film - No change.

This tells me that largely I don't feel that I need much if any new gear. I'd like to move further away from DSLR's but at the moment there isn't a CSC that I think will meet my needs, the light output from the EVF being a big stumbling block for me at the moment and it's stopping me investing further money and love.

So if time froze as in Thom's game I'd keep a CSC (probably my G1) for most occasions and a DSLR (probably my 5D) for ultimate best I can get quality when it matters and low light use. Net change... none???? :nuts::D

Your turn...?...
I think I get this, and I'm glad I did it.

7D - 17-55mm F2.8, 35mm F2, 70-300mm L, 300mm F2.8 L IS
GF3 / E-P2 - 17mm F2.8, 20mm F1.7, 14-42mm, 45mm F1.8

Well I thought about this a lot over the past few months. I like my 7D and I am in no way limited by it for the majority of my photography. However, I am moving to a 5D3 due to some of the major low light challenges I am up against with my live music work. This will also mean a change in lens as I will need a 24-70. In the live music area I have worked with the 7D for about a year and this is the only area where the 7D limitations are obvious. In an ideal world I would keep my 7D too, but when I thought hard about it, I don't need to.
For my needs, a 5D3 seems like it will last me a very long time indeed.

Another area I have thought of and will be doing some work on. Keeping the primes and swapping the rest for an e-pl5. Will this improve my photography, are my current bodies holding me back? No, not mostly. But one body that serves the same purpose as two is a complete bonus.

I could work without any new gear, what I have now is more than adequate and where I am outside the capabilities I have so far been able to muddle through. If I was told 'no more gear ever' I would be able to work with my system fine. So why upgrade? Well I an not going to deny I like having to do less work on an image, and having more shutter speed available (due to improves ISO capabilities) will remove some reliance on flash.
Current kit list

Canon 1D MKIIn, 20D (broken), 17-85mm, 70-200mm f4, 70-200mm f2.8 IS, 24-105mm f4, 300mm f4 IS, 300mm f2.8 IS, 1.4x & 2x TCs. Sony Cybershot DSC-HX5V.

Ok in terms of the current bodies both bodies lack the megapixels (cropping ability) or the ISO capabilities of the current crop of cameras. The fact that I've not fixed the 20D (probably not financially viable, but my first DSLR, so it still tugs at the heart strings that the shutters broke :crying: ) suggested that perhaps I'm not impressed with the current crop of xxD models and reluctant to go for a full frame camera because I mainly shoot action photography so prefer the crop factor, or aim I? Having just read the 5D MKIII v 1D mkIV thread and done a bit of off forum research I'm surprised to hear how good the 5D MKIII is especially mammoth improvement in the autofocus system, because my mind says 1D mkIV should beat the 5D hands down. If money was no object the the 1DX ticks every box and more, but reality bites, do I really need a body upgrade or is a used 500mm f4 more on the cards as I feel I'm lacking a longer prime for wildlife and aviation.

I could sell the 70-200mm f4 and 17-85mm as they get rarely used nowadays and a 24-70mm f2.8 really appeals. Decisions, decisions, decisions.

Don't own one, but I've looked at the systems available and the Sony Nex appeals, but so does the EOS M, with an adapter I could use a EF lens or 2. Brother owns a Panasonic G series but wasn't overly impressed with the images, but 90% of that might have been down to his ability. But I've not seriously considered buying this type of camera.

Actually love the Sony Cybershot HX5, great little fit in the pocket camera and the panoramic facility is great, been very pleased with this. Possible upgrades are HX20 or the Canon S100, but no real need to change this camera.

Would I consider a move to Nikon, probably not, think the current crop of Canon bodies tick the right boxes and with the new 200-400mm on the horizon Canon have started to turn the corner and head back in the right direction, if only I had the money to buy all the new bits. :bang: :wave:

So Canon 1DX, 24-70mm and 500mm on the cards the :bonk: :LOL:
Current kit:

A pair of gripped D7000 bodies, 11-16mm, 35mm f/1.8, 60mm macro, 17-55mm, 70-200mm, 2x TC, SU-800, 2x SB-800 (one broken), SB-700, 2x SB-28

I've been using this body since May 2012 and the pros far outweigh the cons when compared against the D2x bodies I used to run. I'm happy enough with the control layout and the build, plus the weather sealing seems to be punching massively above its weight for a consumer level camera - sealing has always been a big priority for my outdoor photography and I'm happy with Nikon's commitment to providing excellent sealing for the money.

IQ is excellent - I'm shooting several stops high ISO than on my D2x regularly and LR3 handles the files well. Details is excellent, as is dynamic range, although I probably expect too much from really high ISOs, plus I can be a bit lazy sometimes when it comes to exposure, which unfairly makes me think at 6400 it's not all that. It probably is.

I wish the buffer in raw was bigger - I often have to resort to fine JPEG mode for massive bursts, such as casting shots. It's a compromise I can live with but I'm sure I'll want more in time.

I don't hanker after FX, other than seeing what the sensors can do with regards to fine detail and high ISO. But I know moving to FX means loss of reach on my 70-200mm and to be fair, DX is my preferred format in reality because its a more cost-effective format.

I'm keen to see what the new D7100/D7200 (whatever it's called) will offer... if it's a few megapixel more then great, providing buffer speed, fps and high ISO handling are at least the same as the D7000. The key thing for me on the new model is expanded AF points across the frame - a few more would be nice - but the video functionality is the key concern for me. The D7000 is great but it lacks 60fps and audio monitoring - that alone are worth an upgrade.

But that's all in the future and to be honest, won't have massive implications for my stills work, more for my video work.

In terms of lenses I have the set-up I want; the 70-200mm and 17-55mm do pretty much everything, with the 11-16mm (which took over from a 14mm Sigma) fitting in nicely...

I'm pretty sure Nikon won't release a f/2.8 competitor to the Tokina and to be honest, it'd have to be exceptional to make me change.

The 60mm macro is a tool for specific jobs - mainly fly tying shots - and I get on with it fine; it won't be getting changed any time soon.

The 2xTC-III hardly gets used and was bought through work as I needed a bit of extra reach now and then. I'd prefer a 300mm f/4 but that would mean more weight to lug around and at the moment that doesn't appeal to me. I've worked this long without a full-time 300mm (I rent one for events) that investing in one would be a luxury.

The 35mm f/1.8 is probably the one lens I like the least.... it's sharp, compact and light, plus it make a brilliant video lens. But on the D7000 I just can't seem to get the kind of 100% certainty in terms of AF that I get from other lenses. I'm never happy with its performance indoors - it's sluggish and hunts, probably he D7000 is partly to blame - but it just leaves me a bit cold. I have little 'love' for it like I have the other lenses. But it is a useful focal length on DX....

The SU-800 is amazing. Will never get rid of this as long as I have CLS-compatible flashguns.

SB-28s are due for an upgrade. I'll probably sell them and put a little extra in to get a used SB-700.

The SB-700 is excellent.

The working SB-800 is excellent. The broken one needs to be claimed through insurance when I can be bothered.

I desperately want a compact, something like a P7100 or a Powershot G-series, a camera I can use as my walkabout camera for personal stuff.

So in effect, this year I'll be trading in two old flashes to be a new one, getting a broken one replaced, plus buying a compact. That's pretty good going I feel and reassures me that all the chopping and changing I've done in the past is paying off now, as I have a kit I can rely on and that covers all bases.
Mostly an easy one.

I'd replace my H2D with an H3/4/5D, as the OLED on my H2D is pretty much screwed.

DLSR-wise, I'd swap the D700 for a D800 and be done with it.

It only gets a bit more complicated when it comes to CSCs, which for me have almost completely replaced DSLRs. Currently run three systems:

- Nikon V1, much maligned by those who haven't spent enough time with it, but a brilliantly fun system with impressive AF for the kids and surprisingly usable IQ.
- m4/3, GX-1 mainly with the 20/1.7 and little else.
- Fuji X series, personally prefer the X-E1 to the X-Pro1.

I'd probably drop the GX-1 and keep the Nikon and the Fujifilm, though that does leave me without a UWA CSC option (as the X UWA isn't available yet). I might consider upping the V1 to a V2 for more control.

So, what does that tell me? Basically that I'm pretty happy with my setup right now. I don't feel that I'm being held up by anything, mainly just need to work on something creative again!
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Current DSLR setup:
5DMK3 and 40D
17-40mm f/4L, 50mm f/1.4, Lensbaby 2.0, EF70-200mm f/2.8L IS MKII, 300mm f/2.8L IS MK1, EF2x MKIII converter

Micro Four-Thirds:
Panasonic G3
14mm, 14-42mm, 45-150mm, M4/3 to OM adapter

Fuji X10


Reach is my biggest bugbear at the moment (along with a lack of funds). In an ideal world, I'd add the 1DMKIV into the mix but the differences in performance or features don't justify the cost! Currently, the 7D is the 'best' of the current 1.6x crop cameras but after owning three (two faulty and one as a 'last chance'), I think it's lacking badly in the image quality department compared to the 5DMKIII. ISO performance is abominable by comparison and even the 60D is better (based on my own non-scientific tests)! I could save up and add either the 500mm f/4 or the 600mm f/4 but that's years away from happening unless I win the lottery! :shrug:

Micro Four-Thirds:
As Shania Twain said: "that don't impress me much"! ;) I bought the G3 as a way of dipping my toe into the format but there's no cost saving to be had over my current DSLR gear with regard to high-performance lenses although admittedly, the ones I own are at the 'basic' end and don't compete with my Canon gear! I like the reach that m4/3 offers but in order to be properly effective, there needs to be an improvement in the AF performance (having an m4/3 f/2.8 300mm prime would be nice). My G3 is all but owned by my missus now!

I'd like a wider angle on my X10! 28mm just doesn't do it for me and I'd rather have the ability to go below 20mm. Having said that, working to the limitations of the camera is certainly an interesting challenge and the pano feature makes up for the lack of an ultra-wide to some extent.

After 25 years of taking photos, I think I've got a pretty good handle on how to take a decent photograph but there's always something new to learn and ways to improve!
DSLR - Nikon D700, umpteen zooms and prime lenses covering the range of 16mm through to 500mm

Compact - Fuji X10

Can't see any reason to change either of these for the foreseeable future. My D700 has just had its fourth birthday, and if anything is more camera than I need at the moment. I originally got it for its high ISO performance as I was doing a lot of lowlight shooting, but since my daughter was born two and a half years back, I've been doing less and less of that kind of thing.

I was interested to read on Thom Hogans article the following:

Put all your time and energy into "being there" and using better discipline and technique. In other words, travel and workshops and practice.

I've recommended this latter bit of advice countless times on TP to people as a better way to spend their money than replacing their 1 year old DSLR with the slightly newer iteration, but it always falls on deaf ears......
Current Setup:
Nikon D600, Nikkor 24-70 f2.8, Nikkor 70-200 f2.8 VR1, Nikkor 105 macro, Nikkor 50 f1.8
SB900, Yongnuo 560 x2 and a few ebay radio triggers

Compact(ish) Fuji X100

DSLR - I'm very happy with the D600, it's a far better camera that I am a photographer and the build quality is very good - I'm quite careful with my kit so I'm not worried in the least as to longevity. The high ISO and dynamic range capability of the D600 is amazing! The controls are easily accessible and find it just as easy to change settings as my previous D300, it just took a couple of days to get used to that's all. I'm also happy with my lens lineup, the 24-70 stays on the camera 85% of the time, 70-200 about 10% and the remainder is the 105 Macro. I hardly ever use the 50, so it may be traded in for an 85 f1.8 instead at some point.

I wouldn't mind a wider lens, but the only one that really interests me is the 16-35 f4, which is way beyond my "disposable funds" pot at the moment. A 1.7 or 2x converter may come in handy for added length also but again I can't see it happening in the near future.

The X100 is an awersome camera and I hardly ever leave the house without it, it lives in my manbag and although I have a few grands worth of DSLR kit, some of my favourite (and best) shots have come from my refurb X100.

The one thing I really need to invest in in the coming year is TIME, EFFORT and making lots of pics!!

Current Setup:

DSLR - Nikon D300S, Nikon D200. Nikon 16-85mm VR, Nikon 70-300mm VR. Nikon SB800

MFT/CSC - Nothing.

Compact - Canon S95.

What would I change?

DSLR - Camera wise nothing at the moment. There is nothing, and there may not be anything for awhile that can match the versatility of the D300S for me. I still have the D200 because it was imported and I didn't want to take that hit when selling it. It is now my Timelapse camera. :)

I wouldn't mind a Sigma 10-20mm or Nikon 12 -24mm, but for the amount it would get used it couldn't be justified. The same goes for a Macro lens, the Nikon 105mm VR would be the money no object choice, and the Tamron 90mm Di Macro the 'budget' choice, but for the amount of time they would be used, it is money I couldn't justify spending. I'd rather spending it on a photo holiday. ;)That said, I wouldn't mind a Nikon 50mm f1.8 G for low light and shallow depth of field effects which my current lenses don't have, and that is something I may get it at some point.

The flash is a quality flash, albeit with the most hideous user interface, that there is no problem with that. And it is only used occasionally. :)

MFT/CSC - Not interested. :shrug: They are all compromised for in some way, in some cases with little reduction in size. :shrug: Popular, but not for me.

Compact - Whilst I really like the Canon S95, and in reality will not be changing anytime soon, a Sony RX100 which is like the S95 on steroids would be nice. ;) It's a 50% increase on the price I paid for the S95 though and I couldn't consider that as an upgrade. If something was to happen to the S95 though... ;)

I like to think I have bought well, and taken time and got the gear I need and use. And no longer having the GAS (Gear Acquisition Syndrome ;)) makes me think that I've chosen well. I still read all the reviews of everything because I have an interest in the technology, but there is nothing I want/need to significantly improve my photography.

Thankfully for my already negative Bank balance. :( :LOL:
I have just given my mint S95 to my eldest daughter, I have never been unhappy with it, it is just that since I have had my RX-100 (Best compact I have ever had) it has just not been used!

The camera on my Nexus 4.

I think I may need to buy a camera...
Is money at object or not? if it is I'd stick with my D800, if not then I'd guess an IQ 180 digital back and 645 and view cameras/lenses to use it on although the latter would obviously be a considerable learning curve.
I'm pretty happy with what I've got now. Of course there's kit I would love to have but even though money isn't a problem, I do have other things to spend it on!

Can't see any point in shifting to Canon as far as SLRs go - the D700/D70/1 series kit I have covers pretty much any eventuality and does so very well, certainly well enough for my wants/needs!

CSCs are covered by the 1 series mentioned above and a pair of Fuji X s.

Compacts include a few baby X Fujis, a waterproof Canon, a couple of Nikons of assorted vintages.

Film is Nikon as far as SLRs go and there are some compacts kicking around too, a couple of Russian RFs are somewhere in the cupboard.

Keep being half tempted by an MF kit of some sort but can't help feeling that that's very much a want and that the kit would probably end up in the cupboard never being used. Half fancy a Speed Graphic press camera too but I KNOW that's purely a want for the shelf!!!
Rather a boring roadmap for me.. And it involves breaking the rules a bit as both my kit changes exist but aren't yet for sale...

DSLr: nothing.
CSC: keep the EM-1 and 12-40, add in the upcoming 40-150 and 300/4 zuikos. With the 300/4 I could and will sell the 100-300 which is great but not quite the prime quality I crave at the long end.
Compacts: keep the g3 and 14-42 kit, plenty compact enough for me, and i can share lenses across the two bodies.

If i were to indulge a wandering gearlust with money i don't have today, it would be to collect the three voigtlander f/0.95 primes for some serious ambient-light-hooverage!
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