Three Little Owl Owlets


Read my username twice. Don't get it wrong.
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I just found out this week that we have three owlets not two which is fab news. Such little characters to sit and watch, the last two pics are of the adult that's feeding the youngsters.




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Love the owl on the boot, fabulous shot :)
Thankyou for taking the time to comment, the little ones do make you go Awwwww.... but they can look quite evil at time , lol, last night they were tug of war with a worm and it was all getting a bit heated :)
They are only about waist high Den, quite low for a nest I'm told!
Love the Boot and Owl shot!
Thanks Joe and Crazylegs, my son just happened to be chucking some old work boots out so I nabbed them :)
The picture of them all huddled in the tree is great, scary kind of looking! great pics, I came across a baby owl not sure what kind in the road a few weeks ago playing with its kill. took a few pics and disappeared as the mother was up in the tree watching over me!
Thank you snooky and Dexster, there really isn't much room in the entrance now. Last years youngster didn't so much as fledge but actually fell out the hole, all caught overnight on my trail cam. Not long for these now I don't think.
A lovely set Heidi,quality shots with no noise visible. The plumage on these are looking as they should imo, as in not Blue, Green or any other odd colour.Look forward to seeing more of them.
A lovely set Heidi,quality shots with no noise visible. The plumage on these are looking as they should imo, as in not Blue, Green or any other odd colour.Look forward to seeing more of them.


First one is showing the classic environment and works well, not so keen on the boot one personally, i feel like i've seen these sat on every possible object and the "staged/set-up/baited image" has worn a bit thin now.
Super detail and sharpness on the eyes of the last one (y)

First one is showing the classic environment and works well, not so keen on the boot one personally, i feel like i've seen these sat on every possible object and the "staged/set-up/baited image" has worn a bit thin now.
Super detail and sharpness on the eyes of the last one (y)
Neil we all know this is aimed at me ,if anything is wearing a bit thin its your constant trolling and negative comments when it suits you,.Grow up ,their I have taken your bait and I risk a Bollocking from the Mods,but enough is enough
The first image made me chuckle :D

Some of the comments made me sad :(
i feel like i've seen these sat on every possible object and the "staged/set-up/baited image" has worn a bit thin now.
Neil we all know this is aimed at me ,if anything is wearing a bit thin its your constant trolling and negative comments when it suits you,.Grow up ,their I have taken your bait and I risk a Bollocking from the Mods,but enough is enough

And here we have a classic damned if we do, damned if we don't situation.
Was Neil's post aimed at Den?
On the face of it it would seem so,
due the the amount and type of little owl posts he makes.
(yes we know, and also it was the staff that suggested a "month by month" rather than multiple posts across the board)

But who knows it may just have been a throw-away comment aimed at every other little owl post / image,
ever posted.

What I do know is, I have no idea what the issue is between you both.
You do have the advantage over site staff in one respect.
You have an ignore button.

And stop spoiling other peoples threads with the bickering,
That means everyone!

OP sorry for the OT post.
And here we have a classic damned if we do, damned if we don't situation.
A situation created by the moderators

Was Neil's post aimed at Den?
No, he's obviously on my ignore and will be going straight back on, i would like him to do the same.

On the face of it it would seem so,
due the the amount and type of little owl posts he makes.
(yes we know, and also it was the staff that suggested a "month by month" rather than multiple posts across the board)
And that in it's self has lead to him having a "i'm top dog" attitude that the bird section is all about his ego.

But who knows it may just have been a throw-away comment aimed at every other little owl post / image,
ever posted.
You got this bit correct, it's called having a opinion

What I do know is, I have no idea what the issue is between you both.
You do have the advantage over site staff in one respect.
You have an ignore button.
With pleasure :)

And stop spoiling other peoples threads with the bickering,
That means everyone!

OP sorry for the OT post

Apologies to Heidi for people throwing toys out of the pram and i hope the Mods will tidy the thread up ASAP.
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And here we have a classic damned if we do, damned if we don't situation.
A situation created by the moderators
Not at all, more so the bickering between so called adults.
We can only call it as we see it,
on the information given to us, available to us at any given time

None of us are mind readers.

Was Neil's post aimed at Den?
No, he's obviously on my ignore and will be going straight back on, i would like him to do the same.
Cool (y)

On the face of it it would seem so,
due the the amount and type of little owl posts he makes.
(yes we know, and also it was the staff that suggested a "month by month" rather than multiple posts across the board)
And that in it's self has lead to him having a "i'm top dog" attitude that the bird section is all about his ego.
There are far too many ego's in the bird section.

But who knows it may just have been a throw-away comment aimed at every other little owl post / image,
ever posted.
You got this bit correct, it's called having a opinion
And everyone is entitled to one of those.
Its the bickering and snide remarks that spill over into other threads that p*** the staff off.

What I do know is, I have no idea what the issue is between you both.
You do have the advantage over site staff in one respect.
You have an ignore button.
With pleasure :)

Wow, I thought my Little Owls were popular all of a sudden!!!!