Thurne Mill

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Paired my two favourite things yesterday, photography and motorbikes, by taking a little trip to Thurne Mill. The light didn't turn out quite as I'd hoped with a rather lacklustre sunset. There was a brief time when the light was quite golden which is when I took these. Both processed with Photomatix with different styles. Think I like the second one best...

Thurne Windmill by Minnis Photography, on Flickr

Thurne Windmill Silhouette by Minnis Photography, on Flickr
loving the first one - though the second one isn't too shabby either.... still need to work out exactly how to get to it......
I like both versions of the shot.
I prefer No1 I like the detail and the soft tones :clap:

Les (y)
Thanks for the replies. :)

.... still need to work out exactly how to get to it......

I did a bit of 'recce' on Google Maps and The Photographers Ephemeris first, to see where the sun would set in relation to the two windmills at Thurne. Turned out the one I thought I would shoot wasn't as accessible as I thought and so went with this one. I'm going to go again another time when its nice and sunny with good patchy cloud for a different style.

Here is where these were taken. I used a GPS app on my Android phone to record the track before using LR4 to add it to the photos metadata.

Map by Minnis Photography, on Flickr
Thanks for the replies
cheers - i thought there was only one (low left on your map) which was why I wondered how to access it.

I assum ethe one you took is on the right of the river as I look at the pic.
What a great set, I really like both but the atmosphere in number one keeps me looking at it.
Again, thanks for the comments.

No. 1 is a better representation of the actual light whilst I was there and is growing on me.

I've got some portrait versions that I might have a play with too.

Re the location, yes the windmill I've posted is the one on the right side of the river.